rOrono W ely Times, Wednesday, November 4, 1992 - 5 Students at Clarke Higb painting. Masking tape and School last week were invited to acrylic paints were most in attend the Art Room for what was evidence as many canvases were termed a Studio Visit. stili in the process for completion. On display and works in Mandy Stainton and Lindsay progress were described by Mrs. Childs had become spectators Hoad, art teacher, as Hardedge having completed their work Painting where the students had which was on display as sbown built their own stretches, 2 ft. x 2 by the two members of the Year ft., along with determining the Three art class. design and undertaking the Imagine the year 2000 Clarke Higb Scbool is run by computers, and every aspect of the students lives involve the new tecbnology. Eacb student bas their own personal computer. Altbougb this is only wisbful tbinking on the part of most students, Clarke's Music Department is starting to make their dream comne true. Witb support from the Board and Mr. Hubbs tbe Music Departinent bas acquired a computer/syrîthesizer witb elaborate and special functions. This new addition to th e music room will belp music students comnpose, transpose and arrange tbeir very own musical scores effectively making their music Iearning experience even -more complete. Clarke's jazz choirs and bands will aiso benefit from the Courtice Rec complex (Continued from page 1) arena witb funding of $800,000 from the province for a $2.9 million building. Earlier this year Cobourg was turned down on an application for $1 million for a new $4.5 million library. Counc. Dreslinski stated tbat the Town would make a comparison witb a Town owned comiplex before making a final decision. Hilstone dead (Continued from page 1) taxes for 1993. The issue bas been sent te the regien's special standing committee made up of the eight mayers withîn tbe regien. They will make a decision as te whetber tbe proposal will comne back te counicil again. The last time the Hilstone affair was before tlie committee tbey made ne decision but te refer the issue back te counicil and'let counicil decide. Report from Queen's Park from Gord Milis MPP Durham East As I was leaving the Private Bills & Regulations Cemmittee in the Legisiature last Wednesday around noon, I was greeîed outside by tbousands of police officers al chanting, "We want Bob." These policemen and tbeir supporters descended on Queen's Park te tell the Premier that a new regulation requiring them te file a report every time tbey draw their guns in public will jeopardize police and civilian safety. As I watched this large special interest group trying te scare the living daylights out of everyone. the thought crossed my mind as to bow mnany times a day Metro policemen draw thir guns, and is writing a report such an imposition to warrant such a demnonstration. Another thing that bothered me was could you and I have bagged ai]l the parking mecters on University Avenue to allow an unebstructed march te the Legislature? Perhaps the m-ost chilling event there was the lone protester carrying a sign that read "Stick to your guns, Bob" hiad the sign wrestled a-way from im iiiand during the struggle broken, al the wbile demonstrators around bim screamed, "Go back to Trinidad, wbere you belong." Many policemen witnessed this assault, none went te bis aid! Do you think we have a racist problem in Toronto? As 1 walked over te Bay Street, I noticed sone policemen in the Crowd fromn the United States, up wo lend some Support no cloubt. 1 hiaveni't forgotten yet how their "brotbiers-ini-law" deait witb Rodney King in L.A. I always thought the police are supposed to deal witb angry mobs, not becomec the mob themiselves, but maybe l'in plain wrong. The recent Liberal motion in the Legisiature, calling on the NDP government to table a comprehiensive waste management strategy, wasn't. even taken seriously by the Liberals themnselves. How could it have been, when their Leader Lyn McLeod failed to show up, for the vote on the motion she introduced for debate. Both the Liberals and the Conservatives vowed to repeal Bill 143 if lected te form the governmeflt. If Bill 143 were to be repealed it would allow Metro te once again to look for a landfill site in Durham East. They are the only maunicipality that had the rigbt te expropriate land in other municipalîties for landfills. This right was Laken away from themn by Bill 143. Would you like to give Metro back that option? On a becalth note, Ontarians support generic- cigarette packaging or "plain packs" by a margin of almost 2 to 1. If plain packages were inuroduced, plain white or brown with only the product namne, warnings of risk and toxic contents information, it would be tie single inost effective measure the governmrrent could introduce te prevent children from starting te smnoke. Personally, the tabling of Tobacco Legislation is something that I will encourage the Minister of Healtb to proceed witb as soon as possible. As legislators we have a duty to keep our children and grandcbildren away from tobacco addiction. Until necxt week - Nehru once said that crises and deadlocks wben they occur have at least this advantage, that tbey force us to think. ne-w computer as tbey cant use il in, thleir performances. Mr. Kapp bias proposed a epartment excbiange witb bis old High Scblool in Montreal.. For approximately one week, members of the Music Depairtmienit will be involved in an exebiange witb somne Englisb speaking students in Montreal wbo will return the visit te us before dhe end of Marcbi. To lp funld thle trip to Montreal, Mike Mandel will be performing at the Bowmanville Higbi School Auditorium on November 20. Tickets wo see the amazing stand- up mentalist are only $10.00 and available througb Clarke High School. For tickets or more details on Mike Mandel, please cali Clarke High School at 987- 4771. TICKETS ARE GOING FAST! Kendal Hall News On Friday, October 23rd there were 9 tables in play at the euchre party. Higb score was taken by Ed Milis witb 91; second higb Marg Todd with 90-, third high Aleck Moffat with 86 and fourth bighi Reg Elliott witb 85. The drawx was wvon by Ewart, Robinson, Marie Couroux won the draw for free admission to tie next card party which wvill be held on Friday, Novemnber 6th. Once again the Junior Lodge are getting ready to participate in the Santa Claus Parade. The band are going te Napanee te participate in their Santa Claus Parade. Wednesday, Novemnber 4th is, the regular meeting of Kendal L.O.L. 405. Thursday the Sth will be the Junior Lodges meeting night and Thursday, November l2th will bc thec Ladies' meeting nigbit. This will start off with a Pot-Luck Supper at 6:30 p.m. by Phyllis Lowery Streamlines trai.ning research pr.ocess The Oshawa Canada Employ- ment Centre bas streamlined its, training research process. In addition to providing exper- ienced employmnent councillors, the Centre bias introduced Skills- Link, bailed as Ontario's one-stop) training information shop. It gets clients the training informnation they need, and gets it fast. Skills-Link is a comïprebenisive, update information source containing over 98,000 training resources organized by subject, titie, supplier and type of training. Skills-Links is mnost hielpful when people have some idea of the type of training they want. People find there is types of training they neyer considered possible. This helps tbem to realize there are a lot of choices available. Skills-Links eliminates a lot of time that bias been spent in the past thumbing tbrougb catalogues and pamphlets. It's the Centre one-stop training information shop and it is ready to serve those that need the CRYSTAL PAGES I st and 2nd âmre around books CARDS, CRYSTALS, STONES, JEWELLERY, COFFEE FILTERS. CRYSTAL SUN CATCHERS, DEODORANT STONES NEW.... Environimentally safe SIMPLY CLEAN laundry and ail purpose cleaners. PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN LITRE CONTAINERS STORE HOURS: Thursday. Friday and Saturday 10:00 amn. - 6:00 p.=n. 5367 Main Street. Orono pat irwin Iycett (Bus.) 983-6150 (Res.) 983-9605 NOTICE SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAY WINDROW SNOW CLEARING PROGRAM The Town of Newcastle is off ering senior citizens 65 years of age and over and the physically disabled a snow clearing service on Town sidewalks and for driveway wîndrows adjacent to single family dwellings in the urban areas of Bowmanville, Courtice, Orono and Newcastle Village. This includes semni-detached, link housing and row housing. To be eligible for this service, applicants must be 65 years of age or older or be physically disabled, occupy a single family dw elling which fronts on to a Town street in the speeif ied urban areas, and have no able bodied persons under the age of 65 years residing on the property. Application Forms can be obtained by calling 623-3379 or they can be picked up al the Public Works Department, Municipal Administrative Centre al 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Ail applications must be completed and returned to the Town of Newcastle Public Works Department on or before November 20, 1992. _______ Dates of Publication: Wednesday, October 28, 1992 Wednesday, November 4, 1992 Walter A. Evans, P. Eng. Directo r of Public Works P.O. 3932 Clarke J+ighi SciookALNewvs