Orono Weeklr Times, WednesdarNoverber Il 1992 - liii i ile Thoughts of Remembrance Day by 2nd Orono Bro wnies Remnembrance Day is sad A lot of people fought Everybody prays Neyer to give up Many fought for our country Canada our home Everybody cares Everyone is free May God lbe with you Do your best Be sure te wear a poppy on And pray each day that Remembrance day Years go by without more wars. Bih Bramah 's Ontario 'm scribbling this at a corner table in Sunny's restaurant right beside The Bon Aire Hotel where I always stay when in Timmins. Traffie is whizzing by on Algonquin Blvd, one of the City of Gold's main streets. Sunnys is a big busy restaurant,' and people are coming and going, all the time. Many of them are- mining men. There's talk of siopes and stopes, of drilling, of the latest in minink, eauiiJnent It's hard 1to une aay in 1909, two young men arrived in tie arca. They were a couple of barbers from Hailleybury who decided to take. a fling at prospecting. Benny 1-ollinger and Alex Gillies had $145 betweeni them and thoughit they'd hang around the Porcupîne area until their money ran out. They were advised te stake somne daims net far from where J'ni now sitting. They tossed a coin te see who would take the first dlaim. Benny won the toss and that dlaim becamne the nucleus of the world famous Hollinger Mine that, over a 60-year period, produced more than 20 million ounces of gold, making it te this day, Canada's largest single gold producer. Hollinger, closed 20-odd years ago, had recently what remains of it turned mbt a tourist attraction. It's a mini-mine set up ingeniously s0 visitors can sec the real thing on a small scale. Tour guides take you into a change roomn where you put on boots, coveralîs, hard-hats, lamps and safety bles. 'Men it's down a ramp mbt a tunnel, cut through rock years ago, into -the underworld of hard rock miners. The guides are retired miners. The day 1 was there, Elvin Videto and his partner, Marcel Gosselin, who have 65 years of underground experience between them, led us through the tunnel. They pointed eut veins of quartz where gold is hidden, even visible at times. We walked a few hundred yards te where the two miners have their equipment. We watched Elmo using a hamimer drill while Marcel wielded what's called a "jack leg" type as they drilled holes int the rocks. Then a mechanical shovel called a macking machine lifted the eut rocks inte cars. Later they'd lie taken eut fer drying. Ive been down in the real thing) like the eld Mclntyre mine, and the process is first the samne, but on a larger scale. Back up on the surface we were taken over te sec one of the Hollinger Houses, as they were known. There were 333 identical dwellings housing 354 families. The one at the tour mine was the last of them and was saved from demolition. After the tour we wandered around the site looking at old mining equipment. Some of the carts had flower pots in themn which added a whimsical touch te the whole thing. As 1 looked around 1 was thinkîng that for a couffle harhero flAennv ]Unli fl00.r Novemiber 1967 The Orono Girl Guides and Brownies hield a'successful sale and tea last Saturday afternoon in the basement of the Orono United Chpurch. When expenses are paid the two groups expeet to clear $175.00., The fifth aniual Clarke High School Commencent iLExercises are to bce held on Friday, November 17 in the auditorium of the seheol. Mr. Gerald Robinson raced ini the opening mecet of ïMohawk on Monday evening in thc third race. With Vital Victory Mr. Robinson took flhe third race of Ulie night paying a handsomec $9.00 at the wickets. One of the oldest mi-erchanLs In the twin counities of Durham and Northumberland, the Armi-strong's of Orono, \,vill open Peîerborouglî's firsL IGA. Tlieý market will be called Lift LQck of' 2/3 of 1 percent per month following December 31 on ail tax arrears and continues until ail tax arrears are paid. SMiss Cathy Mîlîson, daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Milison, Orono, and a mnember of thc Orono Junior Gardeners won first prîze on hier exhibit of Indian corn at the Royal Witer Fair, Toronto. On' Wednesday, November 22, Mr. Freeman Eddy retired from the Orono Nursery staff after twenty-five years service with the Department of Lands and Forests. Horticultural Society Membership dinner to be held in Orono Unitcd Church Lower, Auditorium on Thursday, November 23, 6:30 p.m. Pot Luck Supper, M usic, Special Entertainirnent and draw prixes. 1968 membersliip tee S 1.00 admission to supper. Tickets available at door. November 1957 The Orono and Community Ccnotaph wlich lias now been coinplced in thec Centre of Uhc Village at Uic intersection of Main and Station Streets is to be unvciled Iand, dedicated',tlîis corning Sunday., November 10, at 3:00 pin. On Saturday evening Messrs. E. Gralîam and Jim Gamsby attenided the annual dinner of the From Around The Region BOARD AND COMMUTTEE APPOINTMENTS The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle wilI be considering appointments te varlous Boards and Committees. The following is a list of the Boards and Committees and pertinent information relative to forthcoming vacancies. COMMITTEE/ BOARD Property Standards Committee Livesteck Valuers Fence Viewers Pound Keepers Game Commission Clarke Museumn Board DESCRIPTION To review matters relative Io the prescribed standards for maintenance and occupancy of preperty within the Town of Newcastle. To evaluate ivestock damage caused by dogs and wolves. To arbitrate and settie fence disputes. To previde a f acility te house ivestock un til claimed by the ewner. To buy and release pheasants and seli hunting licences for designated, areas. To operate a museum in the former Township of Clarke on behaif ef the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. FREQUENCY 0F MEETINGS, TERM 5 positions 1 yearterm 2 posýitions 1 yearterm 4 positions 1 year term 4 positions 1 year term 6 positions 1 year term> 1 position Term of Council As required As required As required As required As required As required REMUNERATION $28.26 per meeting $1413 per inspection $29.51 per evaluation $26.96 per viewing None None None If you wish te be considered for appointment te one of the abeve Boards or Committees, application forms for appointment are available at the Municipal Administrative Centre, Clerks Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. if you are interested in serving on more than one Board or Committee, please list these in your order of prierity. Completed application forms must be received by the undersigned by 4:30 p.m., Friday, December 4, 1992. Dates of Publication: Wednesday, November 11, 18, 25, 1992 Wednesday, December 2, 1992 ,Marie P. Knîght, A.M.C.T., CMM Deputy Clerk Telephone: 623-3379 P.3663-ý1 Lakeshore Minor Basebail Association held in the Village of Newcastle. The dinner was attended by members from most of the centres who had teams entered in the beague, this year. Mr. Graham received crests for the Orono Pee Wee players in recognition of topping the league series for 1957. The Heather Social Club cordially invites you to attend their annual bazaar on Saturday, December 7th in the Oddfellow's Hall, Orono, starting ai 2:30 pm. The Orono Sunday School will hold their Christmas party ,in the Sunday Scheol Auditorium of the Orono United Church on Monday, Decembe-r 23rd. The second regular meeting of- the Young People's Union was held in Orono United Church on November 24th. Members of the Oshawa Ski Club are anxiously awaiting a fal of sufficient s now to begin their activities ai Brimacombes Hill east of Kirby where they have made vast improvements this year. This year the club wiIl present lis new and modern Club House which was built tlîis summer and a seon ow, f'or beginners, has been installed on the western section of' the hill.