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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Nov 1992, p. 8

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O - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 11, 1992 Stress management theme Bowmanville More by Helen MacDonald Today is Remnembrance Day. t is the day we rreember those Who died in the name of "froedom'" and "democracy". We remember [ho soldiers who lost their lîves in war efforts, and tho millions of innocent men,' womden and children caugh[ between ideologies, power struggles 'and tho circumstance of geograpby. My experionce with "war" was first through tbe eyes of my Parents and tbrough the eyes of the people who made up the ethnie community in which 1 grew up. War was a real experience for IMOSt Of my neigbbours, many of wbom carried the scars of painful and horrifie realities. Veterans witb medals pinned [o their chests, joined by our brownie, scout, guide and cub troops, marched the streets [o Church on Remembranco Day, while sisters, brothers, daughiters, sons, wives, mothors, fathecrs and grandmnothers shed sulent tears. As a child, I understood littie. I could feel [ho sadness in honouring the dead, but was confused. War stories glorified [ho deaths of beroes but sceomod o forget the deaths of tho innocent. Still, 1 knew all thoso people brought together remnembered tho family memnbers and friends who did not survive [ho borrors of war. Thon, wi[h [ho age(of [levision, wo saw war first hand on [ho evening news - [ho Vietnam War. I was horrified. Was [bis a cbunk of [ho life experience myv father tastod as a "guiest' of [ho Red Army in Sîberia? Ho was a child in 1940 - but a few yoars older [han 1 was in [ho late 1960s, as 1 sat beforo th.c [elevision trying Council Briefs Evylin Stroud and Judy Hurv-lid who promioted a most successful Waste Reduction Week programn during [ho summoer rep)orted [tho activitios of the event to counicil on Munday ovonîng. Stroud puînted [o ovents încludinig sehool visits, speaking engagements, a Bowmanville MaIl display, children-'s workshop and many other activities [o get peuple involvedl in [ho week-long prugramn. Hiurvid spoke of a successful shopping tour wi[hi considerable press coverage and a selection of 18 nominations for awards for achiovemrents in gairbago redue- ion and reuycling. She also pointed out [ba3t it was Refuse, Re-use and Reýccc. ILt ws un[dOU(th[at sinice 1989 suoln3'000 bousclbolds bad beent added ini the Town i but at [ho saine [une iCgar-bage blad beeni reduceud by 500 tonnes. Furtlher [o comprehend war. Tryingto comprcend tho part of mny father I did not understand, mos[ly bocauso hoe nover talked about it. The ovoning news now brîngs one violent confliet after another - civil war in Ethiopia and Yugoslavia, [ho war of power and wealtb in the Gulf, [ho ongoing roligious confliet between Israel and Syria, tho violence against women, children and other minorities, and tho greed-driven battle with nature. Now, white supremaeist neo- nazis are making headlines - dosocrating gravoyards, and terrorizing mon, women and ehildren in [ho streots of Germany, beating some 'foreigners' to dea[h. And, othor individuals would bave us believe that [ho bolocaust is a mnytb. Ail of [hese events are good reason to romoember today tho horror of war, and [ho people who have fougbt both witb 'sword and pen' against [he wickedness of violence, prejudice, and powor which continue [o roar thoir ugly hoads aeross [ho planet. Recently, I asked my father, who won't even kill a fly, why ho didn't tallç about [he war. "I don't want [o porpotuate lhate", lho 4old me. I [hink people should forget [hio anger and lîve good, peaceful lives". "But, I argued with himi, "hlow can We stop dho cycle'?" His reply: "I said we should forget [ho angor and hate - [his is not good. Bu[, we sbould nover forget [biat war is also no[ good. " Romember. Remiemrber thoso wbo have died in wax. Reber [hat war is no[ good. recyclinig had doubled in [hoe town over [hoc samne periodi. IL was stated [hat oducation was [hoe key in reducing garbage and in recyclinig Bo[h Evylin Stroud and Judy HUr'vid S[aýtcdj it was Lime for new bOOd anld [thâ[btey were r tinn rom],[beir position wi[h [bie promiotion but would assist [buse Who wudbe chosen [to carry On the programi of Waste Following,, problemns wi[h [ho Lino Foce( Act as outlinied by Richard Murphy, Newcastle Village, council are to seek a legal opinion as [o somoe aspects of' [ho Act and [ho collection of eosts [bat may be as a result of tho Act. Murphy explained [o counicil [bat lho had followed [ho procedures as set out in [ho Lino Fonce Ac[ and although tho fone viewers ruled in bis favour ho was unable [o rosolve [ho paymient [bat was [o be made by bis neighbour. As [bore was no clear final Professional stress nguetWds the subj)ýect discussedj at the October MeectinIg of- [ho Bowmnanville B us i ness and Professional Womns Club. Kathlynn Hock, a chiropractor at the Bownianvjlle resolve ot such a position council has asked for an opinion from their legal counsel. Lt has become somewbat of an issue with counicil [bat of a provincial move to allow apartments in houses and also allow Garden Suites. Such apartments and garden suites are not [o be allowed in areas where sewage systems are not, available. This had been a concern for some members of Co uncil1. During the discussion it appoars th at no development charges will be levied but the municipalities- wilI obtain additional assessment and thus additional taxes. Coune. Hooper pointed to a paragrapb in a ministry letter in which it was stated the issue isn't whetber or not apartments in houses should exist. Tbey do. This issue is how [o'make them, healtby and safe for people who live there. Hooper said that is [he main issue. Counc. Dreslinski suggested the issue be deait with in the new Town Officiai Plan. Councs.. Hannah and O'Toole both stated that [io Town had had concemns but the province dîdn't listen. The matter hias beon referr4ed [o the planning department. The Minislry of Transportation has outlined for the Town conditions underwhich they do consider purchase of lands along the preferred route of 407 highway. The Ministry has purehased somo lands under their existing policy wbere an owner demonstrates a hardsbip under a number of terns. The Royal Canadian Legion, Bowmianville Branch has informod council that in no way is the Legion, involved in any part of the planned new residontial building that has be-en proposed noar Vanistone Mîill. Residents of Hampton have kodged a grievance against [ho: Marksman Club of Oshawa wbo operate a club at Taunton and HoIt Roads. It was s[ated that the peace and, quiet of the neighibourhood had been disrupted due to [ho firihg of' firearms in the outdoors. Theý issue was referred to [ho Planning and Devel'opment departinent. Permission was granted o Bvyline Stroud to bold a cere- mony in the Town Square on Sunday, D:cember 6th to com- meillrate [ho womeni who died in tho Montreal mnassacre and al other female victims of violence. The Durham Christian Higbi ;chool is [o celebrate its 25th .nniversary from Novem-ber 26di te 29th. Women's Club Famiily Chiropractic Centre was r [ho gýuest speaker, explaining to the momibers and gues[s that 1 s[ress is t[ho non-specifie response i o ail demnands on your body. She focused on the phases of stress, -ail the signs and symptoms of stress and the positive and nogativo stresses we encounter ini our lives. Coping strategies are a necossary ingredient [o balance ail of tbese stresses and help make life rewarding and interesting. She also capably incorporated some humour and fun into tie informative lecture. Kathlynn pointed out that taking care of the symptoms of stress and not the cause of [he symptoms is typical in a lot of instances. We have [o learn [o look for the root of tbe problem instead of just camouflaging it. She'informed the group of some staggering statis[ics regardinig doctor and chiropractor visits that are stress related. She empbasized that our personal bappiness b as to take priority. Proper diet in conjuniction with exercise and plenty of rest are also essential to be able [o handie the stresses in your life. At the conclusion of Kathlynn's inspiring address [o Hope Group give thoughit to retaining waste Tho Commnunity Liaison Group in Hope Township working on ils radioactive waste problemn says it may start considering [ho possîbîlity of loaving [hoe low levol nuclear- waste whiere it lies now. The group made up of ton Hope Township residents acts as a local liaison group with [ho Federal Si[ing Task Force cbarged with finding- a permanient site for [he particular was[e in [ho Welcome area. The other options for tho local Hope Township group is [ho moving of tho waste [o a possible one of [wo centres in nor[bern Ontario wbo are considering accopting tho low level wasto. Both Goraldton and Deep River are considering beinig host centre for which [boy would receivo financial compensation from tho fedoral governmon[. Botb [ho Port Hope and [ho Hope Township Comnmunity Liaison Groups have been considering [bat it may be [bat [bey will have [o rotain [ho waste where, it rosts now. The council of Geraldton has been r eported to be spli[ ovor [ho idea of accep[ing nucloar waste and [bore is a strong opposition YEA1N[SIMvONE SCHJOOL OF ANC is offering for 10 weeks beginning January 9, 1993 RECREATIONAL CLASSES Tap, Ballet and Jazz (3 YEARS AND UP) $50.00 for 1 - 10 week session per year NO REGISTRATION FEE, NON-REFUNDABLE Regular Dance Classes stili available Monday to Saturday LADIES EXERCISE CLASSES TWICE WEEKLY Tuesday 10:00 - 10:45 a.m. or Thursday 10:00 - 10:45 a.m. Mo.nday 1:00 - 1:45 p.m. or Thursday 2:00 - 2:45 p.m. NO OBLIGATION FOR RECIALS ODR COSTUMES Bus. 623-6316 Res, 983-8218 meeting the club she stated [bat we h [o manage our time and priorhu-,'- and take care of ourselves to' maintain a healtby nervous system. During the business section of tbe meeting members discussed club activities and involvemnent i" local interests. Altbough not a service organization, B.B.P.W. Club is involved in community work, such as support for YWCA and bursaries for female students. Next montb, Francine Nich'olas who is a survivor of wife abuse, is the guest speaker. She is eurrently lobbying [o change laws regarding spousal abuse. She is a mother of six and a local business womnan. Anyone interos ted in a buffet dinner at the Port Darlington Marina Hotel followed by a lecture given by Francine Nicholas on November 19th please call Maureen Mumford at 987-3200 by Friday, November 13th for reservations. Dinner tickets are $18.00. Tickets for tbe lecture only are $6.00. Social hour begins at 6:00 p.m. followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. Tbe lecture wîll commence at 8 p.m. Carol Alder

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