t - O W~~~......... ed.sdyMa...7t* Tirne Has Corne! Like every elected body based on a three year term those elected late 1991 should now have their course set ta make their mark on those affairs over which they have contrai. t affects Regional, Local Governrnents along with the School Boards and the Conservation Authorities. The success of their mark will be judged over the next six months and alsa every bit as important will be their communications with the public. The Ganaraska has set off on its mark after undertaking an almost full year of studies and reports. Now the real work begins. Taking the local Authority they have restructured into two tearns wîtb definite defined objectives and objectives that art capable of being judged. t is a five year plan as set over the past year. They are breaking some new ground with the teamn plan and in the fact they will return a Communications Officer as a contract position. Making such a position a contract position allows greater contrai and awareness of its effectfulness. It is also interesting that the Town of Newcastle has mentioned an Economic Officer within an economic department. Whether or.not it is a contract position is another question. t is important that the Ganaraska and the Town get their message out ta the public and ta those that couid benefit. As a rule this corner has objected ta Communication Officers., To often it is ta have, the public hiear what the elected want them ta hear. But the true message has ta get out when in the case of the Ganaraska and the Town they wish ta set a new image that is a decided improvement over that of the past. What we dan't need is the chairman of the Authority telling the annual meeting that mnembers of the Authority worked bard an the revision when only 66% took the ime and made the effort ta reply toaa samewhat lîmited questionnaire. TMe response fram other groups were even mare of a disaster. But lets forget the past and get an with the future at the Ganaraska. To make their plans wvork they do need a Communications Officer, one who puts the facts on the table, who has a plan and can measure positive success. The Town hbas a full schedule ahead with the Official Plan, The Courtice Complex and the Econamie Develapment department. Perhaps ane cauld include the Senior's Camplex that being initially iii perceived wilI naw likely collect dust. The mast difficuit of the three schemes for the Town will be a new image for development. There are a number of players and they cannot be seen operating in opposite directions either between the public and pnivaïe interests or within either of these interest graups. One basic need is a positive attitudefram ail parties. The Ganaraska has alsa spoken of using volunteer help and sbould certainly be investigated. Much can be done graciousiy and effectively thraugh the use of valunteer heip. Organize ta make gaod af time danated. There is a challenge out there. It is that everyane plays a part on a level plane. We will watch with interest from the oûtside. When there's a will There's'a way From where we have been sitting recentiy it surely seems if there is a will a way will be faund. Zero, iess than zero seems ta be the narm as far as tax increases are concemned this year. If it is mare there appears ta be a lagical need. t appears that more can be done with less, somethîlng that has been on the minds of most people of late. Asign -fthe times GM dealersbips who have been loosing business are taking a page out of the Pizza operations - lubrication, ail & filter change within,29 minutes or the next one FREE. 1Durham eiementary teachers approved a one personal day leave per year but do not want ta share the cost. Letter to the Editor: Dear Editar:- I was quite interested inreading Mr. Stevenson's discussion of bow mucb Manitoba, Quebec and Atlantic Canada have benefitted from Ontarios tax contributions. Unfortun ately, tbere was no mention of how Ontario - the province which he represents -- bas shared in the federal governrnent's largesse., Perbaps, he could speak ta, the -unemployed auto workers and remind themn of the advantages of Free Trade. Perhaps, be could show them haw wellMr. Mulroney bais lived up ta, *his commitment to help those dislocated by Free Trade. 1 was pleased to see his correction -- 1 had stated that Ontario pays 46% of total federal costs and he States that it is really 47%. In other words, one third of what we pay in taxes is spent elsewhere. Over the past ten years thecost to Ontario taxpayers of fedéral cutbacks in transfer payments has been -more than $20 billion dollars and it is growing exponentially. 'Mis year it wil be approximately $4.-5 billion. No other province has seen its income eut so severely. Remember that these were one-sided cuts ta the very programns that the federal government set up. At the same trne, whçn o.ur province is facing, one of its greatest challenges due ta the recession and free trade, there is no fair proportion of federal spending upon the infrastruçture essential ta Ontario's industry. We have seen some very real and permanent job losses here in Ontario. I arn not Sure that we can tolerate continued neglect by the-federal govemment. There is no question that I personally support equalization payments ta poorer provinces - I also support fairness f'or al Canadians. The costs of hecalth care and education are the same across the country and yet the federal government is paying less and less of the proportion of those cosns in the one- province that has been mast seriously, effected by the recession. Mr. Stevenson should be a concerned and capable represenitative of bath Durham and of Ontario. I arn sure that he would stand up for a fair return upon the tax invesunent that we ahl make ta the federal govemnment. We, here in Ontario, , need a federal gavernment as much as does Quebec and Manitoba. Yaurs- sincerely, Drurnmond White, MPP Durham Centre Letter to the Editor: (Letter written to the Minister of Fisheries, House of Commons, Ottawa, dated March 10, 1193.) Dear Sir: I live near one of the province's proposed dump sites -- KK2, in Newtonville. This site is not an apprapriate place fora mega dump. Our -cammunity is a rural agricultuiral camimunity which depends mostly upon wellwater for its drinking water. Graham Creek, a salmon spawning ground, runs tbrough the proposed site. We are already concerned about the pollution of the creek from the existing site, currently owned by Laidlaw. What will happen when the proposed 20 year dump begins ta leak into the creek? Where will we get aur water? Laidlaw has previausly pr oposed ta have Graham Creek rerouted. This was not accepted as a viable solution ta pollution. Laidlaw has also. tried ta get expansion of the Grahamn Creek Sewage Treatrnent Plant for mranagement'-of their leachate. The Region of Durham denied tihe-ir applicatin. The-re are no site in Newtonville, and the plant, in Newcastle Village. There is no means for modern treatment of leachate at the KK2 site. I would like your response ta my concernis. Sincerely Elgin Heard Letter to the Editor: To The Editor: Canada witnessed Prime Minister Mulrone'y at bis best the ather day - during his resignatian speech. His worst of course being bis party leadership during die past ten years of Conservative Rule. The Post Mulroney era bas left Canada witb the legacy of a country divided in many ways by the failure of Meech and the Charlottetown Accord; the controversial Free Trade Agreement, a huge national debt, massive unemployment and the hated GST. The worst aspect of aur present situation is that Canadians are struggling ta see any hope for the future and naw realize that Canada has fundamentaliy changed for the worse under Tory Rule. Canadian s should nat feel relieved for long and be misled into thinking that the departure of "Brian" will end Canada's waes. Mr. Mulroney exemplified the ver, essence of the Tory ideolagy of ruling. Great effort has been made by the Conservatives ta dawn play the direction Canada bas been taken by them. Canada bas become a nation ruled mare on the basis of profits for miulti- national campanies and become more vulnerable ta warld market forces with the emphasis an wide apen barders for trade. I believe that this nation is at a- crassroads in its' future. Canadians must make a clear chaice in -the faîl electian between the Liberal1 or êonservative Party. Ask yaurself, can Canadians take five mare' years af the kind af treatment dished out by the Canservatives or is it time ta support a'party whicb. values "freedom and dignity fo r the individual?' ,The Liberal Party,, in tbe past, adapted aur Canadian Flag, Medicare nationwide, policies which protected Canadian companies fram foreign take- aver, negotiated fair 'rade, supported Marketing Boards, and progressive social palicy. The Liberal party bas a past histary of acbievements whicb bave been good for Canada and Canadians! As a candidate for the Liberal nomination in Durhamn Riding, I strongly believe that good, effective change and hope for Canada's future will only return with the election of a Liberai govemment in Ottawa. Yours truly Glenn Malcolm St. Saviour 's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SIJNDAY SERVICE and SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. OROMO PASTORAL CHARGE Re.Dr. Ken Howlett marlene o ~ Risebrough, 9&3-5702 Church Office 983-5502 SUNDAY, MARCII 21ST Regular Services Kirby United 9:30 a.ma. Orono United 11:00 a.m. EXPLORERS Wednesday, March l7th 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Kirby Church A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009 OMM ORONO, ONTARIO 1 - 983-5009 1