12- ron Weklyrims, Wdneday, Mreh31>, 1993 Receive Commemorative Medal AIl that Jazz by Michael D. Woolner Two General Motors employees and one retiree were recently honoured by Governor General Ray Hnatyshyn as they were awarded Commemorative medals marking the 125th anniversary of Canadas Confederation. Jim Richards, Orono,(rigbt) over 30 years an employee, now manager of the McLaugblin Bay Wildlife Reserve adjacent te GM's headquarters in Oshawa. Ron Boissoin, Oshawa, (left) - more by Helen MacDonald Well, folks, dîd you seize the opportunity to see last week's * feature attraction in these parts? Bunny Glamazon, ail 6 foot 3 inches of her, and more... peaches' . . . came to town, in what was billed as the 'biggest week in 100 years in Castle Hoteil. 1 was sick in bed most of last, week with the flu, so missed out on Bunny's BIG act, but I hope that for ber first visit in Eastern Ontario, the 'Sweet Peach of Georgia', received the red carpet treatment. After aIl, we've al beard about soutbern hospiality ... even ber promo material encouragyed audience participation', so we'd bate for Bunny to have arrved at Hooterville without any fanfare, trumpets blaring, or flags haling * triumpbantly on great masts! It's been sucb a cold, snowy, long winter, tbat Bunny's visit will surely have been a welcome distraction for those groucby bears at home wbo are tired of heaving snow, and tired of the mediocre performance of the Maple Leafs, and whose Jays stili appear to be in hibernation. We have been patiently awaiting tbe retumn of the birds of spring singing cheery songs in the backyard, and the buds on the trees showing signs of blossoming forth; but, alas, woe bas been the montb of March. Along, thougb, came the stimulating, and x-static entertainment of Bunny, and Io and bebold, spring seems to have 'been brougbt to these parts on a bot breeze from Georgia! AI!-of-a- sudden, tbe air is filled with the chairs the Healtb and Safety committee of the, Motor Vehicle Manufacture's Association and is a director of the Canada Safety Council. Jim Kapteyn, Hampton , a retiree, is president of the GM of Canada Salaried Retirees' Association and has been a vigourous campaigner fer the Oshawa General Hospital. He also is most active in other activities within bis community. melodieus whistling of men, the, temperature bas begun te nise, and the butis . . . well, 1 guess some bave swollen! And, the red carpet treatreent? Tbe Mayor sent ber regrets. She was at a previously arranged engagement --- the Honterville Annual Spring Grape Jiggle Dance. But, on behaîf of the Mayor of Hootervîlle, the Apple Growers Association (since we don't grow peaches around these parts, large or small), welcomed Bunny witb a small token of their affection.,. oops, 1 mean appreciation, or gratitude, or something of this nature that the Welcome Wagon drivelled eut in the welcoming remarks-- a fruit basket containing canteloups, watermelon, and a few of our own Ontario-grown Niagara (miniature) peaches. Television Commercials To some, tbey're perfect obstacles to use to "catch a few 222's" before the conclusion of Beverly Hilîs 90210 returns, and to others, they're the best tirne to return to the kitchen te "scope eut tbe fridge". What are tbese common known time killers best referred to as? Yes, television commercials. It used to be, back .in the early days of television, common to see a guy standing against a stage curtain advertising dish soap or window cleaner. But nowadays, commercials have proved te the viewing public, that they are there not only to advertise, but to entertain aIse. Not to long ago, commercials used to pester and rather annoy those wbo were waiting te see the climax of "Matlock, but came up short after watching the program alter te a Tampax' ad where you're sure to see the young girl talk to ber mother about "why she doesn't feel fresh, even after a shower! " -But new, we have paid more attention te these brief messages, telling us that it is mucb safer te smoke ligbts than it is to beg away on a pack of Players SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, for the following requirements isted below, submitted to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Purchasing Office, 40 Temperance Street, Bowrnanville, Ontario, LiC 3A6, are invited and wiII be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing tirnie and date. Tender documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address. TENDER NW93-11 Supply OnIy of Granular "A" Gravel (approximately 12,000 tonnes> CLOSING TIME & DATE 2:00 p.m. (Local lime) Wednesday, April 14, 1993 The Iowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett Purchasing & Supply Agent Telephone: (416) 623-3379 ext. 268 Date of Publication: Wecfnesday, March 31, 1993 PUO. 2902 because one brand may not kilI you as fast as the other. Others bave turned te these commercials as a source of humer. For example, the one with the compulsive laugbter listening te the walkman in the elevator full of people may not appear te be as funny unless one pays close attention te bis "lack of bladder control", and the darkening of bis pants near the upper leg region. Then it becomes funny. But imost of the time, commercials take tbings te far. Just when you've gotten in te watcbing the T.V. version of "The Amy Fisher Stoiy", your interest is scattered ever the sight of a McDonald's commercial. Lever 2000 (twice), Q-Tips, President's Choice and the Chrysler Concorde, Car and Drivers "Car of the Year". By the end of this long and "enduring" process, you've either passed eut from boredom, or you've forgot what you were watching. I'm sure one day we may learn the absolute purpose of, commercials. Until then, we can still enjoy trying te understand bow anyene doesnt notice their hand resting, inside a dish full of Palmelive Soap, until Madge -certifies "You're soaking in it! " . i Di ~ c -~ /VÈ" ~V~P/DO~/~ AUTO WORKERSICREDIT UNION Where FULL SERVIE Is What Credit Unions Are Ail About Credit Unions were the first financial institution to provide Personal Consumer Loans a Life Insured Loans *Open Mortgages * Daily Interest Savings * ATMs *Weekly Mortgage Payments and the first in Orono to provide Home Banking. AUTO WORKERS CREDIT UNION OSHAWA OFFICE BOWMANVILLE OFFICE ORONO OFFICE 322 King St. W. 133 King St. E. 5331 Main St. 728-5187 823-4821 983-5561 Tales Told Twice Continued from page 8) a Tea to raise funds for the Orono Girl Guides developed into a mosn successful tea, bazaar and home bake sale. Net profit of $1 10.00 was recognized. The Orono Firefighters Association held their annual Masquerade Dance and draw ini the Orono Town Hall last Friday evening. Miss Donna Langstaff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Langstaff of Kendal was the lucky winner of the $100 bond. The Orono Junior Band with almost fifty members will present a concert of music on Sunday afternoon, December 1 lth in the Clarke High School Auditorium. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Sherwin on the birth of a daughter. (Continued page 13) V 0