, ý,ýP7, 1 ýIl ' -IM, -77 'l' Unit Sergeant Gord McKechnje Whitby and two for Oshawa have leans against the Durham been assigned to the Alternate Regional Police cru iser. One Response Unit. cruiser each for Newcastle, and Alternate Response Unit to hiandie non-emergency calis by Carol-Ann Oster the phone in approximately ten wo As of Marcb 15, an fifteen minutes. Prior to the experimental service was put in introduction of the ARU, it could force at the Durham Regional take 45 minutes te an bour and a Police. Ibis service is called the haif before a manned unit beconie Alternate Response Unit (ARU) available. which will enable the Police to The introduction of the ARU provide a higher and more allows regular duty officers more efficient level of service to the time to respond to emergency public. calls, and allows the Police to The service is currently concentrate on the emerging operating only in the area of the Community Based Policing Region known as 1 District, of Programs which are currently which the Town of Newcastle is a being put into place. There wil part of, along with Oshawa and bce an increase in the amount of Whitby. It will be evaluated time that regular officers are able thoroughly over the next few to spend focusing on the montbs and by 1994, be expanded community and its needs. throughout the Region. Because the ARU bas freed up Cails coming into the Durham officer's time the Durham Regional Police tbrough 911 or Regional Police have been able te the regular police lines will be introduce a team of foot-patrol channeled, and non-emergency officers to Oshawa. When this cails will bce directed te the ARU. began as a pilot project, two The ARU will be comprised of a officers were on footpatrol in team of officers specifically South Oshawa. Since that time, trained te deal with ARU calîs. four officers have been allotted te Tbrough this service, many permanent foot patrol duty, in calîs for service wil be resolved Downtown Oshawa, and there is over the phone. The onus is the possibility of more officers placed on the convenience of the for duty in Nortb Oshawa. complainant. Public reporting of This area of the force wil also incidents will be introduced, be evaluated and within a short allowing the public te fil in their time it is possible that there wil own reports at tbe Police Station. be officers chosen for foot patrol Also, in cases of fraud or similar in tbe Town of Newcastle. Nancy incidents, forms can be faxed out, Dillon is one of the officers that filled in at the convenience of the was specially selected for complainant, and retumned to the permanent patrol in Downtown Station. Oshawa. It used to bce that "the Calîs coming into the station average citizen had no contact are categorized as either with the police outside of tickets emergency or non-emergency or other problems, now there is a calîs. Incidents reported after the communication on the street," fact, sucb as fraud or theft, are says Dillon. considered non-emergency. In "The idea bebind the ARU these cases the importance is tbhe initially comes from the Poice quality of investigation, rather Services endeavouring to get than the speed in which the cali is community involvemerit," says answered by a manned unit. Staff Sergeant Jim Adams. It These calls will be directcd te the allows the police "to act as a ARU, which will then ensure that partnership with the community proper attention is given to the we serve," adds superintendent comrplaint. Ed Wilson, in charge of i Non-emergency matters in Distict Most cases can lie resolved over The n U i'Qr-in Christian Corner by Rev. Marg West Do you love your Brother? Who are our brothers? In the natural our brothers are those bom i our family. In the Spirit, when you are born again, converted, saved, ail those who have made that saine commitment are your brothers. They could live in Africa, Russia, India, wherever, if they have received Jesus Christ into their hearts, they are our brothers. Just as we are concerned for our natural brother or sister, we also should lie concemned for our spiritual brothers and sisters. We had a special speaker a, Church on Sunday evening. Rev. James Weller. He was a pastor frmany years and for the past eight years bas been with "Door of Hope Ministry." Tbey are involved in taking bibles to Eastern Europe. Rev. Weller showed a short film on different European countries church services. Some congregations don't have any bibles. The pastor doesn't even have one. Sometimes only the pastor bas one, It's beartbreaking to hear that the people are begging for bibles. You can't hardly give thein away here and in these countries when asked what they would like the Western countries to help witb (and they have hardly any food, clothing, etc.) said they didn't want anything from us except bibles. These people didn't ask for food or clotbing, just bibles. 'Oh that we would have that desire 'in the Western World. We are more 'concerned about "things" than we are the word of God and helping our brothers. In 1 John Ch. 3 vs. 17: "But who so hath this world's good, and seetb bis brother have need, and shuttetb up his bowels (heart) of compassion froin hum, how dwelleth the love of God in bim?" We are so blessed in this country, at Ieast for now we are, we have plenty of food i grocery stores, warm bouses in winter, air conditioning in summer, a great variety of clothing te partake of. Many of us even have more than remember God Loves You. Comments or Questions write, R.R. 2, Orono. Watch Total Christian Television, Ch. 49, Buffalo. P.S. Some friends out there wanted me to keep them posted on what I was doing. This is the easiest way for me. As of May 1, 1 will be going back into business in Port Hope and takcing over Sears down there. I thank God for, this opportunity to get back into the work field. DURHAM COLLEGE Com-INuous LEARNING SPRING/SUMMER CALENDAR Registration begins & Calendar available April 5, 1993 For more information cali 721-2000 ext. 507 a3u DURHAM . O>L.i l e)ý 90 5 67:-ol 1lo 98 Orono Figure Skating Club presents "A Skating Rainbow" ANNUAL CAR:NI VAL Saturday, April 3rd Shows 1:30 pan. and 7:00 p.m. TICKÇEM AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR IMM 4 V~ ~,f4--'--- ~4 '4 t '¶4'Y T414<