B - Orono Weekiy TI#..........., pr , 99 Cleaners close after 100 years New Sefvice Cleaners on Peter's Street in Port Hope was a veritable institution in the Town having operâted in the same location for 100> years. Ibo businese closed recently but the owner of the building has suggested ho may start up the business after ïïome renovations to the property. Newcastle Village, which is sponsored by the Newcastle April is Cancer month Apnil is Cancer Society rnonthf. On Thursday m1oming Emnie Eves and Audrey Bate of thie Cancer Society were at the Newcastlef Village Cornmunity Hall, with the good intentions of raisîng the flag to signify the start of the Cancer Society Month.' Good intentions aside, the flag neyer made it up the flag polo that mo rning. Remembor, the freezing rain that coated The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education held their annual Science Fair, last' weekend. The theme for this year's Science Fair was "Technology and Ecology. There were 100 projects submnitted in'the Primary Grades which we re Kindergarten to grade 3; and 250 projects for grades 4 to OAC level. everything ini that pretty, glistening cover-ing. Well, it also managed to, freeýze the Canadian Flag to the polo. Thiis somewhat hindered the efforts of the îwo, as the flag would not corne down and the Cancer Society flag, thereforo, could not go Up. Not to worry though, The Cancer Society volunteors are out in full force with thoir boxes of daffodils. Remembor to buy The local schools seemn to have won their share of the medals. The Pines Senior Public School grade 8 student Stephen Mark won a Silver Modal; grade 7 and 8 students Scott and Danny MacDonald in a joint effort, earned themselves a Silver Modal (grade 7 & 8 students); Matthew Palmer a grade 4 student from Newcastle Public School, some noxt time you'ro near the bank. The monies go to a good cause and it could be some time before the woather gets warm enough to coax,,you're own daffodils to bloom. Ernie adds that the Cancer Society is always looking for volunteors, especially during this busy month. If you're interested give the Cancer Society a caîl. recoived an Award of Excellence; St. Francis of Assisi students did an exceptional job with sevon students winning medals. Grade 7 students Arnanda Bouley and Wendy Clark in a joint effort, Bronze medals; Sherri Blacklaw, grade 7, Silvor modal; Tim Hegarty, grade 7, Silver modal; Stephanie Holliday and Christina Ryckman, grade 8, in a joint effort, Bronze medals and Rachana Gupta, grade 8, won a Gold modal. Thursday night, just around dusk, 1 was sitting with my window wide open and my feet hanging and a kazillion candies lighting up the room behind me, Due to a power outage, brought about by the amount of ice that had collected on the power linos, there really didn't sceem to be anything really better to do. In mmid, it was a good idea. The experience could almost be described as a "Zen Experience~. The sky was just turning from overcast to dusk. The woods werv filled with the sound of ice sliding off the branches and crashing to the earth below. The wind blew the trces, and with their ice coating and limited movemnent, they creaked in a not-qtiite-of-this- world kind of rhythm. The entire world seemed so silent, still, and peaceful. Everything surrounding me seemed so surr-eal. In reality, though, 1 woke up the nexi momning with the mother of ail sore throats. But that's what cones from sitting on a windowsill with your fret hanging out, on a cold wet, April lst. My perch, high above the icy world, provided heaping amounts of food for thought. And second helpings, on top of that. The candies burning in the roomn behind me did flot provide much light and they certainly didn't provide any warmth (especially with the window open). There was enough lighit to provide an ample glow for reading. (In my mind 1 would have heard my mother's voice, telling me 1 was going to ruin my eyes in that light.) So, 1 just thought, and pondered, and naturally, I day- dreamed. And I thought.... It really hasnt been that long since handy inventions like electricity were discovered or invented or perfected. Modern technology is... well... modern! Since Ben Franklin stood in the thunderstorm with his kite weve come pretty far. But, it took a while. Even up-to the beginning, of the Century there were homes that did not have electricity. Yet, this is something we take for granted. And I thought... Years ago, e lectricity was (Continued page 9) SAVE UP TO 25% ON HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE New Home, Non-Smokers, Claims, Fire Alarms FOR DETAILS OR A FREE QUOTE, CALL ýE W 2 3 0 3 1 or 6 2 -1 3 PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 3 Silver Street, Bowmanvile Oshawa - 436-6239 THE TOWN 0F e f 0 TA1 Good Friday- Holiday Collection Schedule Browning-Ferris Industries <Bi.F.I.) will collect garbage in accordance with the following schedule: GARBAGE normally set out for collection Friday, April 9th WILL BE PICKED Up ON Monday, April 12, 1993 BLUE BOX Collection normally picked up onl Friday, Apnil 9th WILL ALSO BE PICKED Up ON Monday, April 12, 1993 Ail Garbage and Blue Box must be placed by the curbside by 7.00 a.m. Waste 1Systems BROWIIING-FERRIS INDUSTRIES Walter A. Evans, P.Erig. Director of Public Woels Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmianvllle, Ontario Dates of Publication: Wednesday, March 31 and April 7, 1993 Seven studentsfrom St. F rancis min medals at Science Fair,