............... ay Ap il14 "DAD" Born imto a family of 3 boys and 4 girls, Dad got off to a good stant by sawmng off the legs of 2 wooden kitchen chairs while Grandma and Grandpa were away shopping - well - what else would a little boy do with a new tool set given to hira for a gift? Ai 12, Dad was talcen on the long journey to Toronto each week to study trumpet, under the competent hands of Mr. Eddie Schmile. He had to practice in the basement. From there Dad progrëssed to the only boy in the Oshawa Motor City Girls band. conducted by his Dad. His passion of youth was pigeons and chickens, in fact al kinds of birds which he stili enjoys today. When 20 years old he and Mom secretly eloped and lived apart ii their own respective homes for over a year as married womnen were not allowed to hold positions outside the home. When i came along and 9 months later my sister Doreen, we were provided for by the orchestra jobs he obtaied playing at matinees, "penny a dance" and any other jobs picked up during the depression. Don Hamm a fellow musician, suggested we move from Oshawa to Orono when 1 was seven and after somne years they purchased the house 1 now live in. After mentioning the need for \,some end tables, Mom came Melville Jones With the death notice iast week of Charles Melville Jones of Newtonville, 93 years of age, memory certainiy goes back to one of the finest gentlemen we have known in this community. Melville and his wife, Mary, were a most active couple in their community of Newtonville and i the area. They aiways had a friendly greeting for everyone and of course being in the telephone business they were involved somnewhat in everyone's lives. It ail started with the Newtonville Tielephone exchange and we did have considerable contact wit4i Melviîle in providing printing for the Scompany. Neyer did we see Melville ruffled in any way and you were always greeted wîth a smile. 1: was duning this time that Melville came to the office with a new billing formn he had obtained at a telephone convention. The form was a duplicate forra and required no cairhon. He mentioned what a ùine saver this would be and if such could be printed in Orono. It took a couple of days to find Yes there was a new carbonless paper available and shortly thereafter the Newtonville Telephone Company was using the new carbonless paper. At this point Melville notified a numhor of hîs friends in the telephone homne fromn shopping to fmnd Dad had fashioned 2 iovely end tables for her - When they went to bed that night there was no head board! Wishing for my own desk 1 showed one to Dad which was in the Eatons Catalogue and un- beknown tW me I was suddenly not allowed to venture into the basemen. On my 13th birthday 1 was presented with a lovely replica of the Eatons desk which0 has served as a baby centre for My children and lent to Lynn and Marcia a: various times and now proudly sits in my kitchen holding my microwave oven. Dad enlisted in the Army and after basic training was made a member of the 48th Highlanders business that the Orono Times could print the new carbonless bill forms. As a result we did have customers, 10 to 12 from the Bruce Peninsula area to Dummer Telephone in the east. Most of ail Melville will ho remembered for his humanist nature who with his wife Mary made for an endearing couple On Tap Looking into the future we understand that the Orono Town Hall Board have on their agenda the Juiy lst celebrations which they promoted last year with great success. The Caiethumpian parade was a new feature for the Village and was weil supported. If you followed the parade last year you ended up at the Orono Park for a goodly number of events for the kids and even the aduits with games and music and some sportlng events. There is no htter place than the park for such a celebration and it is great to understand that the event is on tap for 1993. No doubt the Newcastle group will also take part with the pancake breakfast. The Optinuist club are also in the throws of sponsoring the fireworks display again at the grounds of the Clarke High School. In speaking wîth Kristin McCrea of the Save the Gan- araska Again committee they are promoting waiks in the Gan- araska on the first two Sundays of Brass Band. 1 remnember many a night when Dad hitch hiked home from Camp Borden and other bases in the cold blustery winter timne to bc with us for a few days or less. Standing in front of the wood- stove in his "Great coat and spats" - he looked 50 strong to me. I was so proud of him. After the war Dad retumned to G. m. and for, a hobby '7 decided to build a boat in our large Sunfinished 'back- room'- Why not, where you usually build a boat? When it was finished he had to take out part of the wall to get the "Domar" out. So ---- we acquired a loveiy picture window to view the Orono Park fromn. Named to UCO Board of Directors Keith Aluin, a former resident of Clarke Township and a member of the Durham Farmers' County Co-operative for a couple of decades has been elected to the Board of Directors of the United Co-operative of Ontario. The election place Allun as a director of Electoral Zone 4 which includes Co-op operations in Orono, Peterborough Sunderland and Stouffville. Allin earned a Master of Business Administration degree May. Bu t Kristin has more in mind, a somewhat major event for mid to late August. It is a tour of gardens and local points of interest in the community. $fie intentis to invite city people io spend a day in the community visiting places of interest, local farms and gardens where purchases may be made and other points of interest.1 0f course there is a charge for the event but it would ho planned around the many points of interest in this community. The project aiso includes the sale of a possible cook book. Kristin mentions ,3000 people hoing involved in such an outing. It was mentioned somne 1500 did take advantage of the chairlift rides a: the Ski hili last year that is likeiy another event for this fali when the leaves are out in full colour. SAGA stili has costs relating to their venture with the Ontario Municipal Board hearing last year and necessity for fund raising is the mother of invention of some unique ideas. 1Many years werc spcnt enjoying the Domar and later a factory built boat at their cottage in Coboconk with dcir family and grandchilldren Lyna, Marcia, Peter and Dianne. 1-Mom and Dad moved, to Bowmanville, retired and Dad decided to take up model -1 raifroading which his great grandchildren Tyler, Curtis and Brittanyenijoytaking turas hoing the "engineer and tooting the whistle'. He has an extensive layout with mounitains and tunnels al done by himself which takes up most of the basemnent - a delight to see. Since this is mostly a tribute to my Dad 1 won't mention the equaily enjoyable time I've had with my Mom who has been my best friend and advisor and always there for me. 1I don': think I've ever heard "Flight of the Bumble Bee" or "Caniival.of Venice" played by anyone as well as my Dad but of course I'm Prejudiced!! He piayed a mean trumpet! Through sickness and healkh and the death of my sister we ail have enduired - our mnemories are, wonderful. 1Mom and Dad 1 love'you bunches and thank God for the privilege of hoing your Daughter. Happy 80th Dad!, Your Daughter Marj at the LJniversîty of Toronto. Although he lives in Toronto, he operates a 200 acre farm south of Garden Hill. Kendal Hall News On Saturday, April lOth. the regular card party was held. High score went to Charlie Campbell with 99 pointa; second high to 'Allan Downes with 81 points; third high John Lowery with 75 and fourth high went to Marg Todd with a score of 68.ý The draw was won by Brenda Lowery and the draw for free admission to dhe next card party on Friday, April 23rd was won by Bernice Soper., The Junior Lotuge have been hol ding practices every week, they wifilbc putting on a degree at Grand Lodge in Cobourg on Friday evening, April l6th.* Members from ail the Lodges wiil be attending Grand Lodge Sessions al Cobourg, from Thursday evening until Saturday, April 15, 16, I7th. Plans are underway for the annual supper put on by the Men's Lodge. Thi«s event takes place each year, in June. This year it will be held one week later, the second Saturday of the month June l2th. More details in future columns. by P. Lowery Oshawa.Chamber holds trade show The Oshawa and District Chamber of Commerce is holding a Business After Hour trade show al the Bowmanville Recreationai Centre on Wednesday. Business people wil ho able to network in an informai, friendly atmosphere. The show runs from 5 to 8 and admission is free. DENTISTRY FOR THE FAMILY <General Dentlstry Includlng Orthodonties and Implante) 1DR. B. KOSTIUK, B.sc., D.D. DENTAL OFFICE ONE *1 obbledlck Street Orono, Ontario cali 983-5825 DENTAL OFFICE TWO 5 King Street E. Newcastle, Ontarlo call 987-5256 New Pains Wclcoee * Sanirday Appointmem Avale AUTO WORKERS CREDIT UNION Where CON VENIENCE Is What Cre dit Unions Are Ail About Drop in and ask us about Home Bnig ... Direct Deposit . .. AutoCash Mastercrd ... Overdraft Protection Everything in the way of personal banking convenience. AUTO WORKERS CREDIT UNION OSHAWA OFFICE BOWMANVILLE OFFICE ORONO OFFICE 322 King St. W. 133 King St. E. 5331 Main St. 728-5187 623-4821 983-5561 .. ... .. ........ . ..... .. . .... .... ;if-