-mmmàmÈ 8 -Oroo WeklyTimes, Wednesday, Aprîl 14, 1993 'J Karen Biiggs, above, with the United Co-operative of Ontario, was one of three speakers at the recent special\ horse information night at the local Co-op. She spoke on the new line of Co-op Coliege benefits from CHEX refit CFDC, Durham College radio station, will receive more than $100,000 Worth of communications equipment from CHEX radio, Peterborough, over the next six to eight months. CHEX is upgrading its transmission and operating equipment and will be shipping their used equipment to Durham College. CFDC (Coming From Durham College) does hope that sometime in the future they would become a licensed station. Durham elementary teachers accept Elementary teachers of the Durham Board of Education have accepted a 0.3 percent salary increase along with a capping of class sizes. The new contract bas a maximum of 26 students for kinderppgarten to Grade 2 to 36 students maximum for Grades 7 and8S. The teachers had been asking for 1.6 percent increase while the board was calling for a freeze. The 0.3 percent increase is not retroactive and is good only for the mnonths of May and June. Oshawa Airport to have new equipment Federal Minister of State for Transport, Shirley Martin, announced in Oshawa last week upgrades to the navigational- equipment at a cost of $1.2 Feed, Watermill. Other a speakers' were Dr. Liz Salmon, Orono, speaking on respiratory ailments and Jane Thompson outling' features of the Quick Cmnch. million. $989,000 of the funds will provide equipmnent to allow planes to land 'straight-in" elîminating circling as in the past; a further $254,000 will relocate the airport non-directional beam and a further $451,000 will be used to fix the control tower and instail the new equipment. Those concemned also look to the federal governiment to announce the construction of a longer runway. Grants to Regionai heaith groups Ruth Grier , Minister of health, has allocated funds to a number of Durham Regional groups for 35 .1 IRd. 401 VISA health use purpoàes. TMe Durham àranch Of Mental hcalthl gets $6,042; Durham Board of Education $ 10,000; Durhami Hostel Services Ine. $10,000; Simcoe Hall Settlement House, $4700; Substance Abuse Councîl for Youth in Durham, $ 10,000. Separate Board sets budget A committee of the Peterborough Victoria Northum- berland and Newcastle Board of Education has set a budget of $81.7 million an increase of 2.74 percent over that of last year. The Board operates schools in Newcastle Village, Bowmanville and Courtice in the Town of Newcastle. The Board has maintainied current staffing levels but intends to control hiring in the future. The board is expected to approve the budget this week. Parenting for fathers One of lifes greatest transitions remains virtually ignored by Society. The discussion group contains eight sessions commencing Apnil 19th at the Durham fluse Child & Family Centre, 1521 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa from 7 to 9 p.m. Cost is set at $48.00. Further information contact Betty Smith 579-2021. GANARASKA- LEATHERCRAFT, AUTRRIZED DEALER FOR: Tand Crfi The Leather Faetor Phone ahaad or by chance 3847 Wilcox Rd., Orono LOB 1 MO (416) 983-9540 SAVE UP TO 25% ON HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE New Home, Non-Smokers, Claims, Fire Alarms FOR DETAILS OR A FREE QUOTE, CALL ~ 623-0331 or 623-1838 PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 3 Silver Street, Bowmanvllle Oshawa - 436-6239 Complète WJeding Co-ordiat ion Prom Dresses up to 70%1 off Located in The Van stone Miii 623 -0351, at King & Scugog, Bowmanvilie AUTO WORKERS CREDIT UNION Where Serving Our Community is What Credit Unions Are Ail About Better banking for everyone living in Orono ... Bowmanville. Coutce ... Newcastle. Blackstock..Hampton ... the whole Town of Newcastle. AUTO WORKERS CREDIT UNION OSHAWA OFFICE BOWMANVILLE OFFICE ORONO OFFICE 322 King St. W. 133 King St. E. 5331 Main St. 728-5187 623-4821 983-5561 Laidlaw Waste Systems N EWCASTLE INFORMATION CENTRE 97 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 113-3 416-987-2177 As of April 19, our information centre is opened to the public to answer any questions or, address any concerns that the residents of Durham may have about Laidlaw's proposed Iandfill site (KK2) currently before the Interim Waste Authority. HOURS 0F OPERATION: Monday, Wednesday, Friclay, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Tuesday and 'Thursdays 4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Laidlaw wel comes the opportunity to meet the people of Durham. Our staff in Newcastle is there to assist in any way possible. - Weed Spraying - Fertilizing - Inseci Spraying - PIug Coraeration Yearly pro grams avallable for the month of April-only 20%1 off. See the Difference 1Quality Makes 983-5598 (Orono, Newcastle) THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS Our Speciality FamiIy Style Roast Beet Dinner Weddings- Anniversaries - Business Functions Hockey - Basebal - Bowling Banquets HOT - COU) - BUFFETS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB IMO 983-9679 7ý7ý :ý ý'j j