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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Apr 1993, p. 13

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Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Aprîl 28, 1993 -" SAýALLY STAPLES $1890 associate broker MAIN STREET, ORONO 98J3-6181 or 623-6000 Orono Office Pager1 4 bedroom centUry momne. Prime north Bowmanvîîle loDcation. 4 bedrooms, cent'-al air.Genos kitcheni, 82' x 168' lot. 3 bedrooms 2 baths, .27 acre lot. RE0=/MAX CORNERSTONE REALTY LTD., REALTOR CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - 1TS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DMES UT ALL. COMING EVENTS MANOTICK ARTISTS'STUDIO TOUR (south of Ottawa), May 8 & 9, lOam t0 4pm. Free admission. Draw prîzes. Maps at local businesses. Info: (613) 489-2878, (613) 489-3514. ELMIRA HOME AND CRAFT SHOW: Frlday May 7, 5:30- 9:3Opm. Saturday May 8, 9am-5pm. Over 80 vendors. Adulis $2.50. Elmira Arena/Community Centre, next f0 Raceway. QUINTE COLLECTIBLES SHOW & SALE Sunday May 91h, lOam-4pm. Bon Bleecker Auditorium, comer Bridge & Sidney, Belleville. Admission $2.00. Wide variety of smaiI coliectibies. CHRISTIAN TOURS NIAGARA FALLS AND HAMILTON GOSPEL SING, May 11h, 81h; Benny Hilnn, Chilcago rusade, June 9th-l3th. For information, cail Evarigelist Bob Wlnter, Napanee (613) 354- 9443. FLEA MARKETS CALABOGIE FLEA MARKET. Open Sunday 10-5. Nostaîgla advertislng. ins etc. Antique fumiture, tamps, boties, lools, giassware, crocks, books, crafs & colectîbies. Vendors welcomre. Cali (613) 752-2468. ADOPTION OEVOTED, LOVING COUPLE seeka Io adopt baby Up Io 12 months. Home study competed. Cali coleci (416) 785-1950. Or write: LP.Po.O. Box 5416, Toronto, Ont. M6A 3B7. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS. A cheap Building offers no ftexIbility, may even cost more money. The answer for Oualify, Integrity & Service - FUTURE STEEL. Thousands of people canVt be wrong. Cali 1-800-668-8653. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel SIraItwaILType - not quonset - 32x54 $7.744; 40x72 $11.690; 50x90 $16.622; 60x 126 $25.375 - other sizes avaliabie - Final Sprlng clearance - Paragoni - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. STEEL BUILDINGS: ONTARIO FAOTORY OUTLET DIRECT. Huge savlngs, speciai sizes onIy: 20x30, 25x36, 30x42, 35x46, 37x48, 40x64. 44x56, 46x86. From $298800 f0 $9,678.00. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. BEST BUY ON STEEL BUILDINGS. DONT MISS IT. We guarantee iowest prices. Many sizes avaliable from 12-60' wide., Factory-direct (514) 678-4444 Ungava USO Ltd. (Since 1959). MORTGAGES Homeownem! We have mortgage money to pay off bis, home renovations. Low interesil Low paymnents! No quallfyIng basslest CaliI.F.G. Reaity Services today! ToI-free 1-800-463- 9939. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CANADIAN COMPANY RAPIDLY EXPANDING bas the IundraisIng and lpremnium t001 0f the '90s. Oistrlbulors needed immedlately. Minimum Invesment $995. Federal Music and. Video Club 1-800-263-1900. TALKING BALLOONS! Over 200 phrases available - Great for florists, faims, retllers, fundraisers. The Suna Oorp. Is seeking energetlc disiributor. Cali 1-800-267-7862. GIANT GUMBALL VENDING MACHINE. Holtest vendIng sensation. Stands almost 7 bîgh. Holds 16,000 1-1/4' gumnbails. Tremendous sales track record established. Cali 1-800-661- 1832 for ree'brociure. EXTRA INCOMEI Grow baitworms In your basement or garage. Odorles- operation. Low Investnient. Market guaranteed! Free Information. Early Bird Ecology, R,R.#1, Smitbviiîe, Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416) 643-4252. BECOME VOUR OWN BOSS!! Flexible boums. Potentlally eam $30-$60/hour. Juin the Tops 'N Trends team. Canadian Company wth iaîest ln women's fashions. Cali Carmen (705) 235-5409. FOR SALE WORLD~S FINEST PURPLE MARTIN bouses. Ait aiumlnum, 8 modeis, telescopIng and fiag-type poles. Free deiivery. Distributors wanted. Cali Nalurai Insect Control (416) 382-2904, fax: (416) 382-4418. BIG3 PROFITS! ATTENTION JOBBERS, retailers, vendors, f undralsers: Quaiity mnugs, notepads, greeting cards, T-shirts, wrapping paper, slationery, buttons avaflabie 25% off wholesaie value. Cai Mis. Lee (416) 977-6424. ELECTRO FREEZE SOFT ICE CREAM, yogurt, shake and sitush machines. New and used. 1-800-465-9721 days. VACATIO NITRAVEL TIME-SHARE RESALES and rentais. Your Canadian connection! Want Io seii or buy pre-enjoyed resort lime-share or campground membership? Woridwide Network! 1-800-565- 3915 or Caigary (403) 255-5650. PERSONALS WOULD YOU LIKE f0 correspond wiih unattached Christian people across Canada for companionship or marriage? Ashgrove, P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.0., VOE IMO. Piease state age. REAL ESTATE GOT A.CAMPGROUND miembership or Imeshare? We'i take, lt!America's largest resale clearinghouse. Catl Resort Sales International. 1-800-423-5967 <24 hours). OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpaid taxes. Crown Land avaiiabiiy. For information, on both, write: Properties, Dept. ON, Box 5380, Stn. F. Ottawa 1<20 aJi. FINANCE PERSONAL LOANS/DEBT CONSOLIDATION. Borrow Up to $109.000 with no credit or coltaterat. 12% nes. Must be employed ful-tîme. No up-front tee. Catlitoday. Fidetity Acceptance 1-800-872-5899. CAREER TRAINING LANAUCTIONEERiNG a1 the Southwestern School of Auctioneering. Next Class: Jul!y 17-23. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario Schooi of Auctloneering, R. 4 5, Woodsiock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. FLAGS SPRING FREE IN '93 with a fiagpoie. Excellent quaiity. Varlous sizes. Aiuminumn Galvalume fibregiass. Canadian-manfe and prioed to seil rom House of Fiags 1-80-668-3202. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISHED CANADiAN COMPANY. needs people to, market sheer non-run hosiery, high-fashion jewellery. lights. Fuit., part- time. Excellent profit. Training, advancemnenl. Sentous Inquiries. Collect <705) 524-3674. MANAGEMENT CAREER OPPORTUNITY. The Fashion Network is expanding. If you have experience in party plan sales management, ambillous with.a take-charge attitude, cai Fred Hall 1-800-461-1552. $$DEALERS WANT ED$$. Potentialiy earn $2004$500 weekty promottng new environmental cleanlng product to residentiat/commercial accounts in your area. (613) 736-6623 or wfite: 2660-115 Soutvale res., Ottawa 1<18 4W5. MISCELLANEOUS SASKATOON BERRY SEEDLINGS f rom Alberta. Hardy across Canada. Try thls deiiclous fruit on your farm or gardep. Satisfaction guaranteed. Caîli loi-f ree for Information and catalogue 1-800-463-2113. SALES HELP WANTED GOLDEN OPPORTJNITY. international marketing corporation seeks 2 reiabie individuals tu buld soiid founidation in dispiay merchandising. Expect minimum $900.00+ commission weeky! Ouaiified applicants. <416) 398-0919, (416) 398-0924. Your ad could appear in commun ity newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada, or any J ~inîvidual pro vince. Space is Limited, so Cali This Newspaper Todayl MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Established in 1881 623-5480 4 Division St. Bowmanville PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAID FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLE Mark M. Stapleton RstoratiotL &Rfeproduct.ion 6720 Leskard Rd. N., Orono 983-6098 We specialize in Historical Restoration and Reproduction of Century Homes. Also ail types of General Carpentry. cati me to buy or sel .. Orono and areo s real estate rep. KRYSTYNA JONES Tel: 983-9782 Tel: 576-3111l

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