Vol. 57, No. 16 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28,1993 Fa i/y helpfrom al quarters Kinsmen plan Bike-A-Thon and Roadeo foir eight, The Great Pine Ridge Kiiýnmen Club is welI on its way in its annual promnotion of the Kinsm-en Bike-A-Thon and Roadco The event is being hield on Sunday, May 30th at the parking lot at the Clarke fiigh Sehool. Under far less than ideal conditions the Kinsmen last year raised over $5,000. The mnoney is used for community work and for somie school purposes. Students from ighî fipublic schools wiIl bc taking part in the Bike-A-Thion and Rodeo this year. This is an increase of three further sehools participiting in the event. Students taking part in the event seek pledges for trips schools May 30 around the track. The program includes bicycle inspectionis, as well as rules of the road eývents and skills tests with the bikes. Further Ontario Hydro wilI have, a safety display on the grounids and it is hoped that the Newcastle Fire Department wilJ have their Fire Safety House available. Thiere wiIl be Yard Sale Tables available and Oiose in attendance can take a whirl at the dunk tank. A refreshmennt booth will also be on the grounds. There are prizes for ail participants and top prizes could well be a new bicycle. Mable Ubsdell officially Mable was asistsed by many daughter Kelly Jackson, and great C n ie a d tn o r n opened Mabel' Village CAýfe in family members, daughter Ealine grafldson, Kyle McGinn. 0~~U J U AA the former Mom's Kitchen Weatherup, granddaughter, Wlýome to downtown Orono area Lo keep p musical tad" location in the Village downtown Michelle MeMullen, grand- Mabel, A group in Orono headed the Orono Sun dated 1856 and that on Monday. daughter Becky Jackson, by Dave Climenhage are a town band tradition dates back considering the construction to the Carly emigrants froni TIown of Newcastle recognize work of o adtn ugsigWls nln n structure be in the and 1840s. volunt-ýeers at .R,'ecoenition Night Ootno Park(. The Ninety residents of thec TownVi of Newcastle were recogized for thcir volunteer work in the community by the Municipality last Thursday evening at the Recreation Ce'ntre inBwmn Ville. Some twý,o hundred were tin attendance as thie Town recogniized tie ninety volunteers with the presentations of cer- tificateslfor years of service fromn five to over twenty years. The volunteers were nomninated for the volunteer service recognition by various organizations that operated within thec Town of Newcastle. These organizations had been asked last year to subi-it nameis of those volunteers within their organization. rHappenings. Blood Donor Clinic Theicevening was chaircd by Councillor Ann Dreslinski, chairmnan of the Recognition Comm ittec. Shte was assisted in thec presentatLion of' certificates by Counes. Mary Novak, John O'Toolc, Mayor Diane Hlamre and Grord Milis, M.P.P. Durhiam Ea st. Th1l)e Town of Newcastle Concert Band was present to play selctions prior to, and followinip the programi as well as during a brief intermission. Refreshmrents were served. Scouts Canada was one of the largest nomninating organizations for volunteers in this the first Service Recognition program. 15 to 20 Years Those receiving recognition certficates for 15 to 20 years in , e9 a There will be a Blood Donor Clinic on1 Wednesday, May 5th ai. the Lions Centre, Bowmanville, fromn 12 noon to 8:00 p.m. Please bring some form of identification. Historical Society Video The Newcastle Village and District Historical Socicty will bc showing a video at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, MIay 3rd in the Lion's Room in the Newcastle Community Hall., This video will be a collage of interviews with local citizens that the Society has been collecting over the past ten years. Specifically, Reg. LeGresley, Sid Rutherford, Hlarold Gibson and Rev. George Fenning. A collection will bc taken and refreshments will be served. SAGA Wildlife Walks This is an annual educational fundraiser event for SAGA, and this year the ,walks are being held on May 2nd, 9th, and 23rd, starting at il1:00 a.m. The walks are limited to 20 persons and provide an intimate view of the forest. Reservations -are a must and admission is $10.00 per person. The walks take place in the Ganaraska Forest, east of Hwy. 35/115 at Kirby, north off Regional Rd. # 9. For more informnation and to, register call Kristin McCrea 416-983-9339 or Niva Rowan 416-983-5393. volunteer work were: Margaret Bradley, Orono, !st Orono Scouts; Tony Clemnents, Scouts Canada: Hughi Coutts, Scouts Canada; Beth Creighton, Newcastle Figure Skating; Pat Godsmnark, Scouts Canada;, Beverley Grose, Courtice and] Area Community Assoc.; Sherreil and Roger Leetooze, Bowmaniville, Scouts Canada; Jack Muniday, Big Brothers, Lionel Parker, Big Brothers; June Siebarth, Red Cross Socicty; Fred and Marion Sneed, Scouts Cainada; Dave Stainton, Scouts Canada; Mary Till=cock, Bowm-anville Cancer Society; John Veldhuis, Port Granby Newcastle Envirounintal Commiiittee and Elaine Werhecid, Scouts Canada. 20 Plus Vears Lornia AknOrono Hlorticultural Society; Alfred Brown, Bowmnanville, St. Johin Ambulance; Mavis Carltoni, Bowmanville Business and Professional Womeni's Club; George Carson, Orono, Orono Fair Board; Betty Chariand, Scouts Canada; Ernest Colliss, Scouts Canada; Fred Couch, 35 years, Newcastle Community Hall Board; Madelaine Heard, Orono, Orono Brownies; Gordon Lowery, Orono; Kendal Hilîs Ladies Orange Benev Assoc.; Joan Murphy, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Womnen's League; and Brenton Riekard Newcastle Community Hall Board. Bob Kent of Bowmanville was recognized for perfect attendance with the Bowm).anville Lions Club for a period of 35 years. Climenhfage in Suggest- ing the pro- po)saI makes note that the first reports ofband concerts in Orono date back to reports in Climenhage r epo0r t states the J ~ history of bands in Orono -is well docu- inented in (Continued page 2) At a most successful Fun Fair It was not only the matter 0that the Fun Fair at Orono Public raised a total of $4000 last Thursday evening but it was what could well be called a community event in which all age groups found something of interest and at the sane tîme enjoy the social aspect of the event. The Fun Fair was sponsored by the PTA as a fund raising event for outdoor playground equipmnent. Above Grampa Ralph Bangay draws his face creation on a balloon for his granddaughter Heather Bangay. -1, C7