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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jun 1993, p. 2

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2-Oýrono Woekly TroWdnos(day, June 9, 19931 Crono 'f4eekfty'lmes Puktons VMafl Aegistn0on nNo. 0368 publithWr 47 IssueS nuafly at the Office of Pubiatkon 5310 Mailn $trtOrnO, Ontero LOB 1 MO T"tphone 416-983-5301 Roy r,. Forrester, Ownar.Ed itar Su bscripton $1 7.00 perannum A 40î.7 Compromise? At the last meeting of council the Committee of Concerned Citizens headed by Lynn Helpard proposed, what has been called a comprise, for the 407 wbich the Ministry of Transportation has slated to cross mid-way tbrough the Town on what they cail a technical preferred route. The 407 is to linkup with 115/35 at the intersection at Enterprise. In the past the Committee of Citizens (CCC) have been opposed to the selected preferred route that bas been chosen by the Ministry and which has been supported at the Region of Durham witb the inclusion of the road in their new, yet to be approved, officiai plan. The compromise as proposed by the CCC would have 407 enter the Town ofNewcastle along the preferred route to a point somewhere just soutb of Solina (Courtice Road) where it would turn south te link with 401. It was noted that this plan would provide dhe town witb the required transportation link for industry. The compromise pîan runs'along with what has been proposed by the Ministry with the exception that it stops at Solina rather than proceeding on to link witb 115/35. The link witb 401 bas always been a consideration and reality as far as the Ministry is concerned. A Notice of Motion bas been submitted te council by councillors Hannah and Hooper that the former action of council, opposing the 40Y7, be rescinded and that the compromise plan as suggested by the CCC be accepted as the position of the Town of Newcastle. t is hardly a plan that will be accepted by the Ministry of Transportation for 407 is intended to serve more than just the lakeshore communities. After all the province just opened 115 ai a cost of $10 million over a fifteen years period which opens a traffic' link into the north east and Peterborough in partîcular. One would imagine that 407 is part of the overaîl plan. If it is the intent of the province to proceed in the future with 407 through te 115/35 highway it should now take a stand and place uts cards face-up on the table. Properties along die preferred route cannot be beld in a "hold position" as has been the case over the past couple of years. Perhaps we should not anticipate what support the Notice of Motion gets firom counicillors but it does appear that some opinions have cbanged as te whether alternatives can be found te what appears to bc another surge of traffic corridors across the province. t has been noted recently that between 1960 and 1990 the number of Canadian homes owning automobiles bas more than doubled from 2.9 million te 7.4 million. t is being said that a second transportation revolution will take place over the next decade that will confirm the car as the prime means of transportation for at least the next fifty years and that traffic will again double in the next tbirty years. This revolution, it bas been stated, just does flot happened but is orchestrated by powerful industries who are the beneficiaries of the car being continued as the means of the prime mode of transportation. t was so in the past and surely te happen again. Professor Whitelegg of the Lancaster University, England, states that govemments are deliberately creating the demand for mobility to satisfy industry. It is being stated that new research from many countries is showing a relationship between bealth disorders, communîty breakdown, social inequalities and crime te that of the growtb of traffic.'1 People, says Ray Godwin of the New York Group Transportation Alternatives, are being left out of the transportation equation in favoutr of govemnment and industrys policies te increase car numbers. t would bc to much te think that Newcastle may be a leading force for change. Energreen project has office Port Hopes Energreen prcoject is now welî in place with four staff and office. Cîtizens may drop in to ask questions or sign up for a homne visit program that is the centre- piece of the Energreen programn. The goal of the project is te lp people cut their energy costs and water costs by 15, to 20 percent over the next tbree years. t is 'also expected to reduce domestic garbage by 50 percent by the year 2000. Corne Fly a Kite Miss those lazy days of flying a kite and relaxing? Then mark Sunday, June 27th on your calendar for a trip to the Long Sault Conservation Area. The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Autbority will be hosting a kite flying day from 11:00 a.m te 3:00 p.m. The public are invited to bring thecir kites for- a fun day in the win. Free admission. Please note there will be no kites available for sale.- Refresbments will be, available. In the case of poor weatber contact the Autbority Bulletin Board (416) 579-0411 for up-to- date information. Pack a picnic lunch and grab your kite for a fun afternoon of flying. To get to Long Sault Conservation take Waverly Rd./Hwy. 57 exit in Bowmanvifl fromn 401, follow H4wy,. to the 9tb concession (Reh; Ketndal'News There will ot bc a Kendal Column this week, however wc wish to clarify that in last wecks article regarding the Fortieth Wedding Anniversary celebration of George and Enid Brcwer it. should bave read: On Saturday, May 22nd a Fortieth Wedding Anniversary was celebrated at the home of George and Enid Brewer. Hosted by their daughters Diana Oelrich and Marcie Grîffîn and Lisa and ber husband Troy Best. A fourtb daughter Glenda was not present. Among the guests were the groom's brothers Fred and bis wife Collette from Ottawa, twin brothers Peter and Paul and their wives Pat and Marg, George's sisters Dolly and her husband Vic Letter to the Editor Open Letter to the Hon. Bob Rae, Premier, dated June 4, 1993. Dear Sir: Re: Conservation Authority Funding We/You the People/Government are responsible for the Stewardship of our precious resources. I think it's fair te say that one of our most precious, if flot THE most precious is WATER, that transparent, odourless, tasteless "There was« a way"q (Continued from page 1) cou Id be unidertaken for the upcoming holiday week-end. Lt would take at least six montbs to apply for a rezoning of the lands so that such an operation could be legalIly undertaken. 1t was at this point that Porter came up with the decision that lie would operate a consumers distribution centre out of the trailer ratber than a retail sales operation. The consumer distribution plan did flot conflict with the conditions of the zoning on the lands. To meet the conditions of consumer distribution customers were banded a printed sheet with the list of articles for sale, or in this case distribution. The customer ticked off the items desired and handed the list to the sales cîerk wbo then entered the trailer wbere die order was filled and then delivered to the c ustomer outside the traider. t was consumer distribution not retail sales. Council was so taken with the ingenuity of Porter. that on bis request ion Monday they granted bim an extra two days C ouncil was so taken witb Porter's ingenuity that upon bis request on Monday they granted him an additional two days of sale over the July 1ist week-end Rd. 20). Turn right on the 9th concession and follow to Woodley Rd. Turn nortb on Woodley Rd. and follow to the inarking lot. For more information )Iease contact the Authority office at (416) 579-04111. [rom Caledonia, Grace and ber husband Don, Charlene and ber husband Art and Stan husband of the late Shirley Brewer, all from London. On the bride's side attending were Edmund Williamson, Enid's brother and bis wife Jen from St. Thomas, Phylhis and John Lowery, Kirby, and nephew of the couple Robert Griffith and his wife Pat, from St. Thomas along witb friends and others. A delicious meal was provided by the young people and everyone enjoyed the food and the music provided by the best mani, Ed Williamson. (We apologize to Phyllis Lowery for the error!) liquid without whicb we can live but a very short time. Stewardship: In our area, Clarke Township, Town of Newcastle (soon te be Clarington), we have the G.R.C.A. whicb was set up by the province as tbe first of its kind. Apparently, our leaders felt at the time that they could trust the conservation authorities to be responsible care-takers of our water, its restoration, protection, recharge abilities and management thereof. Today we understand this to mean 'Watersbed Planning', a concept wbich is a must if we are to plan and evolve lives wbicb will bc supportable on this eartb. At no time bas our province been more in need of stewards, or caretakers, to belp in this terribly important work, work whicb is weîl in band under the guidance of local autborities. You migbt be well advîsed to increase the responsibilities of the authorities, instead of decreasing funding, in a move towards greater efficiency and less duplication. TbatVs bow te REALLY cut conts. The conservation authorities study, teacb and CARE'about their areas. 1 urge you to continue their much-needed support-. Yours very truly, Pat Irwin Lycett Bowmanville West (Continued from page 1) Town was doing was to follow wbat other municipalities bad done over the past years. "This is not people oriented", he said. He said council was being stampeded iný_- something they bad not intended and missing an opportunity to be some different. Lt was stated that if the west area developers did not meet the conditions of funding for the downtown area the agreement would be null and void. St. 1Saviour's Anglican Church MLILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745, SIJNDAY SERVICE and SIJNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Dr. >'Mervyn Russeil ~ j Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 SUNDAY, JUNE 13TH Regular Services Kirby United - 9:30 a.m. Orono United - 11:00 a.m. COVENANTING SERVICE Wednesday, June l6th for Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russel 7:30 p.m. Orono United Church A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. FATHER'S DAY lune 2Oth Gifts and Carlton Ca rds 983-50091 ORONO, ONTARIO LSItutt's Pha'r';..;...ýac-,-y il

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