O Orono W..kly Time., Wedn.sdîy ~ Ron Fulis guest speaker at Christian P rayer Breakýfast Newcastle Community Liaison Group Update' Part of the head table at the Christian Prayer breakfast last Saturday. Mayor Diane Hanire, RZon Els, guest speaker, Ross Stevenson. M.P. Durham and Mrs. M. Siocombe. Ellis speaks witb a fan above either about hockey but on this occasion more likely Christian values. Some two hundred and fîfty, attended the annuai Town of Newcastle Christian Prayer Breakfast last Saturday momning at the Bowmanviile Lion Centre., Ron Eliis, a former Toronto Maple- Leaf bocky player and star of the 1972 Canada/Russia sumnmit hockey series, was the guest speaker. Witb Mike Slocombe as chairman for the breakfast programn greetings were brought to the gathering froma the Town by Mayor Diane Hamre and from the Region by Coune. Larry Hannah. Ross Stevenson, M.P. Durham and Gord Mills, M.P.P. Durham East both gave readings from the Ron Eliis Bible. Stewart DeVries iead in prayer and during the prograrn presented a number of vocal selections. Ron Ellis capably held the attention of bis audience with weii spotted pieces of humour, some personal history, happenings at the Maple Leaf Gardens and above al the place that Cbristian values must play in ones life for peace, purpose and bappiness. Ellis outlined a number of instances in bis life that be saw as being directed by the Lord. In one of the analagies be said be had been asked to return to hockey to- take part in the 1972 summit hockey series with the Russians. In preparatiofi for the event he practiced for months by himself at the Bradford arena and joined the teani of pros for the event witb the Russians. >1He said this brougbt hirn back Topic "Womens' Safety" at Professîonal Women's Club The Bowmanville Business and Professional Women's Club listened to guest speaker Pat Judges, frorn tbe Durbani Regiona police Force, speak about wornens safty issues at their May meeting. Constable Judges spoke witb insight about safety involving parking lots, elevators, personal alarms, hotels and break-mns.> Receiving sQme knowiedge about bow the "attacker" may operate could prove to keep someone out of barm's way in the future. Some enlightening tips acquired at the meeting were: -always park close to a door and an overbead ligbt wben entering a parking lot. -wben approacbing your car to leave, bave you car keys ready and look under the car to sec if anyone is hiding under it. - while getting into your car you sbould Iock your door and put your purse on the floor wbere itfs flot higbly visible., - when entering an underground parking garage be sure to let the door corne dnwn rigbt behind you so no-one else enters and bave someone comne and meet you wbenever possible., 1Club members and guests were also informed of the necess,'itY Of telling so-,-- where and when you are going while jogging or walking. Itfs also a good idea to change your route periodically in case you are being stalked. As well as lhese- valuabie suggestions, Constable Judges mentioned using a'buddy systern and staying in weii-lit areas while walking. Staying ini a botel can bc Made safer by stipuiating you want a room near the front of tbe building, flot off in an isolated area. It's also a good idea to put tape over your room key s0o peOPr can not rend your room number. 1Constable Judges gave us ail a lot to think about and adhere to in our daily activities with bis, informative address. At the conclusion of the lecture the business section of the meeting commenced witb the Annual Report from club chairpersons being distributed and discussed. Tbe next meeting of tbeclub wiil be held on Thursday, June 17th witb a pot luck dinner being beld at President Roxy Barnes home. This will be tbe last meeting before the club reconvenes in September. We hope everyone bas a safe and happy summer. Carol Aider into hockey where be became involved in the',Chapel program. He said mnost sports including football, basketball and basebali ail have a Chapel prograin where team players gather once a week for prayer and praie to the Lord. 1Ellis pointed out that, hockey didn;'t at the time have such a program- and he had been asked to set-up such a programn for the Mapie Leafs. He said it was a dramatie experience in his life to approach his feiiow tearnates to take part in a prograin which was set-up and still exists. H11e said unfortunately the prograin bas not spread throughout the league other than for a couple of teams. He said the Lord was real and he felt bis returfi to hockey had been directed through the Lord that the -Chapel prograrn couid bc brought into hockey.' Ellis told his audience that maj or changes have been made at the Gardens with the past few months being rnost exciting for the Mapie Leafs and fans. 11e'said a lot of the change bas been brought about by a change in attitude. Ron Eiiis was a native of Lindsaywhere he grew up piaying hockey and hopeful of one day piaying in the NUL. by John Veldhuis The Newcastle Community' Liaison Group Update, wishes to explain why the driliing programn has taken so long to get underway. When we first set the parameters of the driliing program on site to find out more about the materiai that is there and to check on the information that we have obtained from bore holes, we were optimistic that we could get started on it right away. However, upon checking with the regulatory bodies it became apparent that bureaucratie constraints were going to slow down our optimfistic stand. The site being a low level nuclear waste disposai site is Iicensed under the auspices of the Atomic Energy Control Board. In order to do any work there, to remove even the contents of the bore holes, to do any driiling or do anything on the site a new licence had to be drafted and put into place. This takes time, is something that we overlooked, we were amiss and bad optimism drive us rather than ail the fine points of the bureaucratie process. 'Me site is owned by Cameco, and thereforetheir permission also needed to be given. Ail of these considerations took time. A shed had to be built to house the core samples. That to bas to go througb a series of approvals and again, this takes turne. We just need to make sure that ail of the i's are dotted and ail of the t's are crossed., The programn of driliing bas begun and wili continue. We are confident that -the agencies will work as fast as they can to accommodate requests for further information. We are ail workmng in this co-operativeiy, we are al working towards the same goal. The problem is simply that it needs to be looked at and deait with due consideration to the requirements of the iaw as weil as the technical requirements. Therefore it took longer than anticipated, however, we are optimistie that once the information is availabie we will be pieased to present it to you at your request. Meanwhile, the program of, tests outside the site for background levels wil proceed a. quickly as possible as weil and wý,_ wiii kecep you informed of the progress of that prograrn Once we receive it. 1The program of epiderniologicai studies bas had a set back since the person who was going to do the study bas accepted a job in Europe therefore we are looking for new personnel to complete the work that had been requested. We wiii keep you informed as soon as we have a new naine or names of person or person able to do the job correctly, effectively and efficiently. This heaitb s tudy bas been requested now for a long turne by the people o f Port Granby and we wish to make sure that it is completed according to their wishes. -The process works because you ask and we carry requests to Ottawa for implementation. Please continue to keep_ involved, informed and interested in our progress. Regional plan dloser to approval -Foilowing a meeting between the Region of Durham and the province it is being-stated that approvai of the new Regional Officiai Plan is somewhat dloser. In 1991 the Region submitted a new proposed Officiai Plan to the province for approvai. After a year and a haif the province replied objecting to the large tracks of land designated for residentiai and industriai deveiopment. Some progress has been made as to agreement towards approval of a plan for the Region. The Newcastle Community Liaison Group invites you to a PUBLIC MEETI."&NG The Topic: The Port Granby Low Level Nuclear Waste Site YOUR PARTICIPATION IS VITALLY IMPORTANT. YOU CAN BECOME PART 0F THE SOLUTION TO LOW LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE IN THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE