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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jun 1993, p. 9

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'fi liii I!i~lI~ "lh~'.............. Oroo Wekl Tmes, Wednesday, June 16, 1993 - Newsworthy NewtonviIIe~ by Carol-Ann Oster The Lions Club of Newcastle Newtonville Public School helped make the prograin possible Monday night was the scene of the, through financial contribution. Thie VIF graduation. The VIF students represe-ntatîve of the club says that celebrated by putting on a series of he finds it disturbing that kids skits that show the negative effects think life is a beer commercial. of drugs and alcohol, shoplifting "Parents need to be a positive and vandalism. role model for their kids." The VIP program is a joint The Newtonville Hall Card effort hetween the school and the Party was held last Friday, June Durham Regional Police. 11. The winners are: Arthur Constable Peter Bramma lias been Bedwin, 83; Shirley Brooks, 82; working with the students this past Marie Brooks, 79; Edgar Milîson year through the program. The 77; Myrtle Alldread, 76; Ray program stresses 'pro-social, notf Hughes, 75., Draw winners were anti-social behaviour', says June Wilson, Marlene Stacey,, Constable Bramma. Frances Cathcart, and Norma The program lielps kids to deal Moffat. with peer pressure. The final The next game will be held message of the students was "don't June 25 at the Newtonville Hall. give ini to peer pressure." Kendall Hall Ne;ws' On'Saturday, June l2th, a capacity crowd sat down to enjoy the annual Salad Supper, put on by Kendal-L.OL. 405. Foillowing the supper the head table guests were introduced by the Wor. Master of Kendal L.O.L., Cliad Switzer. Guests were Sis. Alla and Bro. Ariel Langstaff, R.W. Bro. Jim MacKenzie, Gr. Marsliahal of the Gr. Orange Lodge of Ont. E. Sis. Edna Rogers, Past Mistress of Warkworth L.O.B.A. B ro. Norm McGillvary the newest member of Kýendal L.O.L. and Sis. Doreen McGillvary of Peterborougli L.O.B.A. Bro. Les Morgan and Bro. David Thrower, P.M. and Past County Master. The draws were made and the door prize of a money tree was won by Gordon BreiLL. The money draws were won by H-ank Mascike of Musselmans Lake and Robert Popovski, Whitby. Bro. Richard Lowery gave a brief history of the Lodge. The date is April 20th, 1927, we are at the last meeting of Enniskillen Lodge 405. The brethren have justtaken a vo te as to whetlier or not lliey sliould unite witli Kendal Lodge 915. The vote is 26 to 4 in favour of amalgamation. A committee meeting was lield the following Saturday to finalize the conditions of amalgamation. On May l8th, 1927, Kendal Orange Lodge 405 was born. Bro. Johin Patton became the first Worshipful Master. Since that time there have been 34 Masters. Kendal lias neyer been a large Lodge, but lias maintained around 40 members. Over the years other-Lodges in the area have closed, but Keudal lias kept going on. We have been blessed witli many liard working Brothers, through the years as you chieck through dusty minute books, you keep seciug a repe-tition of several family names sucli as Elliotts, Hoys, Pattons, Wilson, Cathcart, Robinson, Lowery. To sum il al up, I hope we progress as much in the future as they did in the past. These Members were all honoured with an Honorary Member Certificate. Bro. Reg. Elliott - Reg was initiated on April 8th, 1931. He was Masterin 1938-39. Hie leld the office of Committeeman frons 1942-65; Marshall 66-75; then went back to Committeemnan., Today is stiil 2nd Committeeman of Kendal. L.O.L. 405. Lavemne'Patterson - Laverne was initiated on April 8th, 1931. He lias neyer held an office, but lias remained a loyal member. Lloyd Webb - Lloyd joined the Orange Lodge in Poutypool in the early 30s. Hie is a Past Master. He came to Kendal L.O.L. in 1975. Until last year Lloyd played lu the Kendal Baud. - Roy Patton - Roy was initiated on -April 6tli, 1938. Hie was Master'in 1952-53 and again in 1986. At preseut lime lie is 5tli Committeeman. lie is alsoa Past Master of Bowmanville Lodge and lie held the office of County Master from 1963 t0 1965. Clarence Allun - Clarence was unable to attend. Clarence was initiated lune 28 th, 1939. He was Master of Kendal in 1944-45; lie was Treasurer 1948-59. Clarence then became a dual member of Hartley Lodge, near Woodville, lie was County Master of Victoria Countyin 1989-90. Clarence is also a long time member of the Kendal Band. John Lowery - John was initiated on lune 28th, 1939. He was Master in 1950-51. He held the office of Recording Secretary from 1954-81, twenty-seveu years. He is also a Past Royal Scarlet Commander. At present lie is lst Committeeman, John played lu the Keudal Baud up until recent years. 11 Tom Wilson - Tom joined the Orange Order lu Newtonville over 60 years'ago. He came to Kendal lu January 1966. He was Master of Kendal L.O.L. lu 197 1- 74. Harold (Mac) Ransberry - Mac was initiated ou lune 1l9th, 1940. Mac was Master lu 1958-59. Mac, is also a long time member of the Baud and stili turus out for parades. Mac was the recipient of a Canada 125 Award last year, lionouring hlm for al l is community invoîvement. Arthur lhompso n - Arthur is P laces to Go Great Clarke Museum Second Hand Book Sale lÈs only days away to the great Clarke Museums & Archives Second Hand Book Sale. Our next sale of used books will be on Saturday, June 19 from 10 a.mr. tW 4 p.m. This is a one day sale only! Rain date will be June 20 saine hours. Our prices can't be beat, liardbacks 25e or five for a loonie, paperbacks are just 100 eacli, magazines are only 10 each! There is still time to donate books for the sale. If you have any books to donate, they may be dropped off at, the Museum in Kirby, Tuesday-Friday between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. weekends il a.m. - 4p.m. We are particularly looking for chldreu's books, westerns, and mysteries but, everyth ing is welcome! Fuuds frons this sale will go towards the purcliase, of stacking chairs for the new fal seminar/worksliop programme beginuing October 23. Watcli for upcoming deuails. For details cal 416-983-9243. Newcastle Library offers summer reading activities The Newcastle Public Library lias terrific summer reading activities 'for children! Join our Trade Up to the Book Leagues Summer Reading Club and check out this summer's programs ini our What'sOn brochure available-at ai thiree branches. Registration for programs will begin on lune 29. Tlie Newcastle Public Library summers hours will bc in effect from June 281hi through September 7, inclusive. Bowmanville Brandi - Tues. - Thurs. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.,,Fni. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Sat. 9 a.m. _' 5 p.m. Clarke Brandi - Tues. - Thurs. 12 noon - 8 p.m.; Fn. 12 noon - 5 p.m.; Sat. Closed. Newcastle Village Brandi - Tues. - Thurs. 1 p.m. - 9 p.m.; Fr1. 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.;, Sat. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Ail tlree branches are closed on Sundays and Mondays. YWCA summer itness and training camps' Don't let fitness be forgotten this summer! Join the YWCA Wednesday nights for a General Workout or a Line Dance Class beginning June 23. Youths (12 yrs. and up) this summer. The,-YWCA lias two excellent programs ready for you: Counsellor in Training, ages 12-16 years, and -Babysitter Training Camp ages 12 years and up. Have fun, meet new friends. and gain at presenit in a Nursing Home. Arthur is also an Honorary Member. The evening ended with ail the new Honorary Members beîng asked by W.M. Chad Switzer to gather at the front of the Hall so pictures could be taken. Now ail the parades start. Tbis year the Orange Parade will be held in Port Perry on Saturday, July 17th. See you there. Phyllis Lowery great experience. For further 'Information or 10 register, caîl 623-9922. Space is limited so cali today! Babysittin'g Course June 28, 1993 marks Hire a Student Day across Canfada and lie 25th Annîversary of tie Canada Employment Centre for Students. As part of our celebrations, tie CEC-S in Bowmanville, witi the helpof St. John Ambulance, is offeriug a Babysitting Certification Course 10 ,the students of the Town of Newcastle. This course is sclieduled for Monday, June 28tli from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and is open to al students aged il years old or older. The registration fee is $20.00 per student, reduced from the regular fee, of $25.00 and covers ail course materials. The CEC-S in Bowmanville will also be' offering General Information Sessions on Job Searcli Techniques during the week of June 28îli. Topics 10 lie covered include where to look for summer employment, liow to create an effective resumne, the importance of good covering letter and'wliat to expect during an interview. There will lie ample opportunities for students 10 ask questions and 10 have their resume and interview techniques reviewed. For more information, please caîl the CEC-S at 623-9221 or visit at 36 King 'St. E. in Bowmanville. Information centre now opens weekends The Darlington Generating Station Information Centre is encouraging local visitors, this summer. "We have friendly staff and-lots of educational displays," says Penny Waghorne, Information centre Supervisor. "We would like to invite community residents 10 make use of Our services and to learu more about Ontario Hydro and nuclear power.., Mrs. Waghorne points out that the Information Centre is now open on weekends and liolidays, Bramah's Ontario Out in the country amid the rolling hilîs of Mono Mis east of Orangeville, live the "Sugarbush Bunnies". They're ilot the usual type of bunnies. They're fluffy angora rabbîts ail puffed up with angora wool, one of the softest animal fibres. They're kept in a couple of outbuildings behind the Bolce family home. The buildings are near a sugarbusli on the property. Hence the name for the rabbits. Believe me, Barbara Bolce is kept busy taking care of the bunnies. Her chidren are now grown, lierliusband Paul is self- employed and works at home. So, taking care of lier charges lias become almost a fuil-time job. When I was there, she liad over 50 English Angoras, considered the darlings of the angora world, and tliree Frenchi angoras. On top of that, there were 15 little ones, three weeks old and six others 10 days old. I held one in tlie palm of my hand. Its eyes were slightly open. It was just beginning 10 see die liglit of day. The adult English angoras have (Continued page 10) just s0 that local people can learn about the large nuclear generating station which is ini their backyard. Last year about 25,000 people visited the facility and surveys show that almost invariably, they were pleased with the experience. Visitors' who drop by between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. (7 days a week until Labour Day) are offered a presentation, a bus tour, i nteresting exhibits and use of a picnic area. Adults wishing to go inside the station can do so by making arrangements in advance. There is no charge for either service. Cal 623-7122 or 1-800-461-0034. Please note: The Information Centre wil be closed Canada Day, July 1. Au AWARO KA wish to announce that they are now, c arrying the complete Une of "Heritage Woodstoves and Inserts". *Cedar Po>ts Squared Timbers *Building Supplies and Hardware Baru Steel Sikkens Stain *Hemlock for Fences and Stalis "A Centre for Ail Your Building Needs" 1(705) 277-3381 or (416) 434-6665 (evenings) On Hwy. 35,2 mles north of Hwy. 115

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