r Orono Weekiy Times, Wednesdayilune 1$, ig.,.I Yi. SALLY STAPLES associate broker 623-6000 24 hour pager REIMAX CORNERSTONE REALTY LTDU, REALTOR 1901,/ IBowmanville west1 end - perfect foi commuters, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, extra large master, beautifully iecorated with finished rec room, economical gas heat, central air. Etra large lot, professionai landscaping, quiet north Bowmanville residential area, four very spacious bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, includes central air, central vac, gas heat. i'rivate hfr cre lot surrounded by farmland, just east of Newcastle - terrifiç lake view, main floor family roomn, large eat-in kitchen, 3+1 bedrooms, tub roomn with jacuzzi. 75' x 200' lot backing onto trees and fields, spacious, bright, quality built brick bungalow, huge kitchen with lots of extra storage space, finished roc room, new high efficient oil fumnace. CHARMING BOWMANVILLE CENTURY STYLE HOME - UNIQUE! Ca l frte<ftla SI,______________ A Il that jazz by Michael D. Woolner .I remember tbinking, as I walked into the doors of Clarke High School that day, that started my i2th year of High school, that this like past years was going to be just another year that I wante d to end as quick as possible. Yet as the terma rolled into gear, I discovered something very different. I would neyer have guessed that meý, a silly black-haired onilooker with a voice described by one as "speaking through, my nose" would soon evolve into an image that I had nover had before. At first, before it began, I had come to accept that maybe IWas neyer meant to stick out in a crowd, that I was destined to always be on the outside, looking in. But changes came over me. No longer was it "tbat guy or what's bis face." It came to be Mike. And even. now, looking back, I neyer thought that I would ever be looked upon as something other that just-some lone kid, walkingdown the hall, alome, sticking close to the wall as possible and not saying a word to anyone. Mosport News (Continued) Mo sport weekend wilh, clearly be on the mamy talented Canadian driver s on' the track, notably the strong Player's Ltd. Atlantic> duo of young Jacques Villeneuve and Claude BourbonnaIs. Villeneuve, the son of the late and great Gilles Viiieneuve, who also-raced in (and won!) Formula Atlan tic- events at Mosport Park, bas,,teamed with Formula Atlantice veteran Claude Bourbonnais in what is termed the strongest two man tcam in the recentbistory of this 'long running soties. Other members of the strong Canadian contingent in this year's expandcd Players Ltd. Atlantic programn inchude David And the changes continued. The assemblies that wcre interrupted byhoards chanting my ane and election ballots with a check mark beside my naine wben I wasn't even running for any position on the student council. And most of all, I will probably neyer forget those certain guys who decided- it was appropriate to namne their Strawberry Jam music festival band after me. If ever there was'a tinte that I had feit most honoured and recognized, it was then. SAnd ail this was made possible because I decided that it was time to change. And I now, realize that life is much more than spending an entire summer wasting the sunshine away in the bouse with notbing to do, or letting Friday night slip awaywhile watching T.V. dowmstairs, imstead of gctting out and going somewherc with friends. Truc friends. AIl I can say to those in my position is, don't ever look back. Live for tomorrow, and for the future to come. And by ail means, have a good summer. Tbank you.. Empringhamn, Quebec star Patrick Carpenter, Vancouver veteran Frank Allers, and maybe also Kenny Wilden, Robin Buck and Stephen Adams. The spotlight in the Trans-Arn haîf of the dual feature weekend wiîll shine squarely on Toronto's Rom Fellows. in his Tom Gloy prepared Mustang. Fellows finished fourth in ast year's Tîde Trans-Arn Tour standings, behind Camaro drivers Jack Baldwin and Scott, Sharp, and the Dodge Daytona of Tommy Archer, and won two races. Back with the Gloy team for a second season, hes looking for a banner year for the Mackenzie Financialteam in "93. Mosport International Speedway back in action by Nelson Hudes Aftcr being rained out one week earlier, Mosport win the race in convincing style. Proudly, hie took bis victory lap after the checkered flag feli. Finisbing second was Bob Kisb of Oshawa and in third was Doug Todgbam of Osbawa. Race resuits from June l2th: Street Stock class: Heat # 1, Jim Rossiter; Heat # 2 Andy Warbutton; Heat # 3 Duke Paul; Heat # 4 John Rutledge; Feature Event winners: Dwight Brown, Duke Paul, Graham Brown. Late Model's - Heat #'I Randy Slack; Hteat # 2 Ken Paston; Heat # 3 Randy'Slack; Heat # 4 Gary Mead; Feature Event winners: Randy Slack, Alex Hamilton, Ken Paston. Thundercars - Heat # 1 Royce Jones; Heat # 2 Derek Henderson; Heat # 3 Scott Harrison-, Heat # 4 Doug Todghamn; Feature Event winners: Royce Jones, Bob Kisb, Doug Todgbam. Special Event: Late Mode! Division feature race beld over from May 29th - Feature Event wînners: Alex Hamilton, Ken Paston, Randy Slack. Seff-HeIp Group for Men The Curby Club a self-help group for mon recently separated or divorced, dealing with emnotional, legal, custody, or financial matters, meets weekly 7-9 p.m. Tuesdays at Christ Memorial Church, 81 Hillcroft St. (mary and Hillcroft), Oshawa. For information cali Jeff at 434- 7056. 0 A312 hour course forpolo onthego. The Lifesaver course is designed to teach essential lifesaving first aid skills to people of ail ages. Three and a haîf hours of your time could save a life. Call St. John Ambulance for details. ýý668-9006 "geSt.Jobn Ambulanc R E DÜUCE *International Speedway roared back into action on Saturday, June 12, and what a night of racing it was. The fans were happy, the weather was perfect and the action was spectacular. Due to an accident in the Late Model Division two weeks ago, *that feature was unable to finish that night and so the fans were treated to an extra surprise on June l2th with the running of a second Late Model race. In a race that saw lots of bard dashes, passes, and plain flat out racîng, Rkandy Slack o f York was eventually victorîous in the first Late Model, feature race of the evening. Slack wasrunning very fast as hie crossed the lime, grabbed the checkered fiag and went for his victory-lap. His car was running perfectly as he' even won a heat race carlier on in the evening. Finishing second and flot to far behind Slack was Alex Hamilton of Priceville and in third was ken Paston of Caledon. Paston was also a double winner of the evening as hie too won a heat race earlier on. In the second Late Model feature race, Hamilton- really strutted his stuff as he-went out and showed everybody what hie was made of by winnîng the event. Following, Hamilton and finishing second was Paston and in third was Slack. These three drivers had a great night of racing in this division. In Street Stock Division, Dwight Brown of Willowdale and Duke Paul of Ajax mixed it up a bit as they ram close together during the feature race. Brown was the eventual winner while Paul had to settie for second and Graham'Browm of Willowdale finished third. Paul had a great night of racing as bie too was a double winner during the evening by winning a heat race earlier on. In the Thundercar Division, Mosport International Speedway ran its weekly "Mosport Millions" p romotion with $20,000 up for grabs this week if the cars (with their lottery numbers) cross the finish line in the order of a fans promotion card. While 28 cars started this race, at the time of this writing (June 1 1),< it was.still undetermined if there was a winncr.- The race was filled with lots of hard dashes, spins, and plenty of wheel to wheel ac tion as Royce Jones of Fraservîlle took no prisoners. He hcld everyone off to VILLAGE HOME. .............. , ....... ..... - Ca/i me to buy or seil Orono and area 's real estate rep.. Res: 983-9782 V if Tel: 576-3111 no