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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jun 1993, p. 2

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'w> I 2 - Orono Weekly Trimes, Wednesday, June 16, 1993 Kiefldal News From A round ~ H OME: Biîts and Pieces It bas been a week with a lot of odds and ends cropping up that xnay have some interest to sorte readers. Down Ottawa Way 0Of course the action and results up in Ottawa with the selection of a new Conservative leader and ultim ately a Prime Minister has been a bot subject. A local twist came on Monday evening when meeting up with Gamnet Rickard who had just returned as a delegate to the event. Re inforrned us that prior to leavmng for Ottawa he taken a poli in the local area of soute 55 residents. Out of, the 55 a number of 7 voiced no opinion as to their choice of new leader and ultimately Prime Minister. He cailed for a guess how the other 48 called the decision. Not wanting to keep you in suspense 35 pulled for Charlest and the rest for Camnpbell. Garnet went a little farther stating that other candidates had likewise taken a poil in the province with similar resuits. Garnet was accornpanîed-by Bill Balienger, a liberal from Uxbridge on Monday night and both agreed that it was a real challenge to defeat the establishments and that it was the establishment that wanted Kim Campbell. Dame's Rockets in bloom It would be somewhat difficuit to out-bloom the colourful dispiay in the Sid Rutherford Woods Walk Park last year when the Dame's Rockets were in full bloom. This years bloom is taking place at the presenit tirne and is stili impressive but not reaching the degree of glory of that of last year. Walk to the end of the north n-ail just before the creek for the best showing. On a strict beat The Town of Newcastle Concert Band, soon to be the Clarington Concert band - a rnuch better sound one would have to suggest. The band is to strike a beat or two at a free concert to be heid outdoors at the Courtice Secondary Schooi this Thursday evening commencing at & p.rn. The following Thursday, June 24th the band wili be playing in Bowmanviiie at the Museumn. Again this is a free concert with the down beat comting sharp at seven p.m. The next appearance of the concert band wiil be in Orono at the local park at the Canada Day celebration. Much of the activities.of hast year will be repeated with a large cake, races and so on. More details next week. It for the birds I just had get a few words in on birding and as you may know Bll Bunting is in a rush to get to 300 life-time sightings. As a resuit there are a couple of flycatchers species that are making home in south Whitby t Cranberry Marsh. The full morning on Sunday was spent in the area in search of perhaps one of the species. Well one did appear but at first we both were fighting iooking into the suni. Then when the bird moved so that the sun was behind us the viewing, one wouid expect, would be a lot more accurate. It so happens that Bill and 1 had focused in on the saine bird and came up with different features. Thus no agreement as to the species. We wil n-y again - no doubt. Lette r to the Editor I would like, to take this opportunity to extend my congratulations, to the organizers of the Environmental Fair held recentiy at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex. Events like this provide local resi dents' with a better understanding of howimportant envîronmental policies are to our ,community. As the New Democratieý Party candidate for the next election, 1 would like to briefly expiain how sound environrnental policies and protections work hand-in-hand with our proposed full- -employrnent- strategy and help bring about a more sustainable society and a more prosperous econorny. Under the NDP jobs plan, a National Invesîrnent Fund would be created and would invest in innovative, cornrercially-viable Canadian companiies which develop and mnarket green technologies. Our plan aIso involves by Phyllis Lowery At last . .. Summer weather, wonder how long it will last. Even managed -to gel into an outdoor swimming pool on the weekend, water temperature, in the 70s . Unfortunateiy when the nice wcather is here people tend to miss church on Sundays so we had a srnalier than usual turnout. The service opened with the hymn "Sing Thern Over Again", the Invitation to Worship and the, Prayer of Approach. The hymn "Hallelujah, Halielujah" was foiiowed by the Prayer of Seif- Exarnination and the Words of Assurance. The children's hymn was "I Arn So Glad." 1The scrîpture readings were frorn Matthew 10: 34-39; Luke 12: 49-56. The Sermon was titied, "Not Burnper - Sticker Religion". Jesus was a mas of uncomprornising and often uncornfortable honesty, -He said, "Do you think I carne 10 bring peace to the worid? Not peace, I teli you, but division." People carne to Hirn because they heard of his heaiing the sick, of how he stood up to tihe scribes and Pharisees and He taught of a Heaveniy Father of Love., In the passage read this rnorning, no one cas say they were not warned, J esus did not use faise advertising. He said he did flot corne to bring peace on earth but to establish his father's kingdom. That was the single purpose of Jesus' life on earth, to teach others to share their love of God with others. Jesus had a short life on earth, 33 years and only 3 years of ministering. He aiways taught that we shouid go out and help others., He taught that it would-not always be easy, he warned his foliowers that they would be persecuted too. expanding and irnproving the federal Efficiency and Alternative Energy Prograrn. Energy efficiency and conservation reduce eflergy costs, increase cornpetitiveness, reduce harmful emîssions and generate jobs. As well, our proposed National Infrastructure Program places a high priority on envirofimental investrnents. Currentiy in Canada, green industries, represent important economnic potentiai. It is estirnated that environmentally-related enterprise is already worth $7 billion to $10 billion a year, and ernpioys 150,000 people. As Canadians we have a chance to buiid on these successes and to becomne world leaders in developing new technoiogies that prornote better environrnental management and dlean-up. We need a federal government that acts decisively to integrate environmental concerns into the way we do business. The current approach to the econorny isfl ot sustainable. Environmentaliy frieiodiy econornsc polîcies prornote efficiency and innovation asd generate jobs. Sincerely Lucy -Rybka-Becker Federal NDP Candidate for Durham In rnany parts -of the worid today, christians are killed, here in Canada Chrîstians are ridicuied, afraîd to, deciare, that they are, Christians. It might jeopardize their job. People are afraid to be thought different. They would hide' their faith, they want what has been calied, bumper-sticker religion. We have ail seen these stickers, "Honk if you love Jesus", Warning; Jesus is returning soon; driver will disappear, Srnile, Jesus loves you. There is nothing wrong with the slogans, thernseives however too often they represent a trite simplication of the true Christian faith. t would be nice if ail we hiad to do was place one of these on our car and dash off a hasty prayer before bed. But Chritian faith is not that simple, it takes involvement in the world and in the life of the comrnunity. When Jesus said that He carne t0 bring division to the world, He neyer intended that divisiveness wouid split His true farnîly. He always intended that believers should enjoy feliowship with each other. Christians shouid support and s trengthen each other. Christian faith was neyer meant to be a soiitary faith. Christian faith makes a person different, we have the right to choose. You have the right te choose whether it is more important that you or one of your chiidren take part in sports or other activities on a Sunday, or attend church. If you use Christian practices in business dealings or set themn aside as flot necessary at work. Christian Faith is flot an add on or periphial option of life. t is an integral part of iife. It demnands inteliectuai and spiritual honesty. A Christian is a different person, there is a very large chasm between those who accept Jesus and those who do flot. Christian faith is flot a "Bumper sticker religion". The hyrnn, "Lord Speak to Me" was sung and the Prayer' of Thankfulness giveri. The service ciosed with the hyrnn, "0 Jesus 1 Have Promised." Next Sunday the Mernbers of the Orange Order wiil be joining ORONO, ONTARIO in worship at Kendal United Church. Everyone is i nvited to Corne out and-after the service lunch will be served at the Lodge Hall. Everyone welcome. Ever notice? "Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it hirnself. St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARJIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SIJNDAY SERVICE and SIJNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE ~ Minister Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russeil Marlene ~, Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Offce 983-5502 SUNDAY, JUNE 20TH Regular Services Kirby United - 9:30 a.m. Orono United -.41:00 a.m. UPCOMING SERVICES FOR SUMME'R Sunday, June 27th Orono United - 10:00 a.m. Guest Speaker Rev. Dr. Ken Howiý,ett Sunday, JuIy 4th & 18th Kirby United - 10:00 a.m. Sunday, JuIy llth & 25th Orono United - 10:00 a. Sundays, August 1, 8, 15,22,29 Newcastle United 10:00 a.m. Regular Services begin at Orono & Kirby on Septemnber 5th,' A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. 983-5009 -FATHER'S DAY lune 2Oth Gifts and Cards

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