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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jun 1993, p. 3

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Il V. 'I. Book Review from Crystal Pages AIMEZ-VOUS BRAHMS? by Francoise Sagan - S agan, who was an enormous hit in the 60's was one of the best young writers of her generation. Noted for extra- ordinary psycbological insight, she wrote of ber young hero witb tbe following words: He- was disappobinted and, misinterpreting bis disappointment, be tbougbt be did not love ber anymore. ..and... He preferred baving been unbappy for a wortbwbile reason to being bappy for a poor one. Fairly novel'understandings at the dîme. Paule, tbe beautiful divorcer, and Parisian interior decorator, the sometime mistress of Roger who bas no interest in fidelîty, finds herseif at a crucial point in ber life. Insecurity and vulnerability draw ber to Simon, a much younger and very handsome man, who is also afraid of flot being loved._ Sagan explores tbe relationships among these three complex people with warmth and a romantic quality which serves up a real love story, in every sense of the terni. E.P. Dutt on & Co. Inc. - Recycled 800 attend Dance Fest Eight hundred Grade 4 to 8 students attendeda recent two day Dance Fest beld in the Cobourg Victoria park. The event was sponsored, by the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education. With dance now recognized as one of the four arts in the public scbool curriculum - along with music, draina and visual arts - the aum of the event was ic. create enthusiasm for dance in a non- competitive mariner. Due to the large enrollinent of students the event bad te be extended te two days rather than the one day as originally planned. Queen' s Park Report from Gord Mills, MPP Durham 'East Last weekend, and during tbe week, many meetings focusing on the "Social Contract" were the order of tbe day - and night. As you may imagine, debate was at times heated, passionate and for many, soul wrenching. By thec time you read this colunin the legislation needed to make everything work, will bave been introduced. I believe tbat mo st w ill see wbat we bave done to be fair. Others will sec our actions as being far removed froni what is expected from a New Democratie Government. And that feeling is quite evident from tbe posturing by the varlous1 unions. Sometimes, and now is definitely one of tbem, everyone sbould come to realize that the future of ail Ontarians, rates above long beld ideology. The bad news is that the worst is yet to comte. Followîng the Federal election, whoever wins, wil comne the painful attempts to deal witb tbe massive federal deficit. This exercise will bring culs to prograrus and benefits the like we bave flot seen before. It really doesn't matter wbat party forms the next federal government because their fal from grace is inevitable.' John Major in Britain, bailed a few montbs ago as some kind of Saviour, is now the most unpopular Prime Minister in 50 years. What's bappened to the euphoria that surrounded President Clinten on bis election? Bihl Clinton bas already lost bis credibility. Need we mention the popularity of Brian Mulroney? Wbat about Bob Rae? Al political leaders, the world over, bave found bemng in power to be no picnic, in'fact being in bell would be, a better description. Last week, I was invited to join the Premier and Cabinet, at a breakfast meeting witb the President and Executive of Tbe United Senior Citizens of Ontario (USCO) to discuss their brief whicb was submitted to the government. The brief covered twelve concerns, ranging from prescription drugs, housing, law & order, sales'tax, transportation, casinos and provincial park fees. One suggestion from tbe USCO brief was te strongly urge tbe government te eliminate the sales tax te seniors. Personally, I don't see that move as being particularly fair given the fact that there are many young people struggling te make ends meet too. Fees for Provincial parks was another issue raised. At tbe moment fees for seniors in the parks are half of the fee cbarged ail others. Again, I don't believe a returu to frez access for seniors is being fair to people under 65 years of age, who perbaps, also bave limited incomnes. 1 didn't see the involvemnent of tbe USCO in tbe casino issue as somnebow being a senior's concern. I believe that senior's involvemnent in bingo (gambling?) represents a -large portion of tbe population. Sbould bingo then be discontinued? 0f course tbe issue of drugs for seniors was topof the agenda on the USCO brief. The Minister of Health, wbo was present at the meeting, said that statistics indicate that'20 per cent of al seniors aie being over prescribed with drugs, and a large number of, seniors in bospital are- there due to related drug problemrs. To combat tbese problerns, tie Ontario Drug Programs Project bas been formed to develop a new computer network for tbe delivery of drugs. This nctwork will link aIl pharmacies in Ontario to each other and to the Ministry of Health by October 1993. An individuals drug profile,, maintained by tbe ministry, will contain ail drugs provided under the 0DB, even if they are ordered by different physicians, and filled at different pharmacies.' A patient's doctor will be able to obtain a complete prescription his tory froni the pbarmacists, with vital warnings of drug-to- drug interactions, potential drug allergies and drug utilization histories before medications are dispensed. Patient confidentiality will be mnaintained. I see this project as being long overdue, and an important step in the protection of seniors bealtb. SIn bis budget speech, tbe Minister of Finance said, "We will be reforming the Ontario Drug Benefit Program by asking everyone who benefits froni it - drug manufacturers, pharmacists and consumers - te contribute in keeping prograrn costs affordable." As a senior, and as someone wbo benefits from tbe ODP, I'm fully expecting to be asked to contribute in some sort of prograni, in order that bealth care can be maintained. On the otber band, I will-neyer ever support any type of user fee>for health services, not even, a $5 dollar user fee to see a doctor. Universal medicare is for me, a commitment 1 will neyer back away from that you can be sure of. The Legîslature is supposed te adjourn on June 24tb but it looks as if we could sit well mbt July or even August. It seenis that each year political posturing reaches new beights as tbe date for adjournment for the summer gets dloser. Ah well - thatïs politics 1 guess! Until next week - take care. Receives award for spe cial needs work Madelaine Currelly, a public school trustee representing Port Hope and Hope Township bas received an award of recognition froni the Coundil, for Exceptional Cbildren. Tbe organization was founded in 1922, bas 571 chapters across Canada witb a membership of 54,000. Currelly becarne a member of a special advisory committee in 1982 respresenting the Famuly Respite Agency wbich helps parents witb special needs children. Around the same tme she worked for the Association for Bright childien. She was also the owner and director of a private nursery scbool and opened a non-proffit day care centre. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Jung 16, 1993 - 3 Newcastle Community Liaison Group Update by John Veldhuis Tbe Newcastle Community Liaison Oroup is hard at work working on yet another phase of the process of removing the low level radio-active waste from the Port Granby Waste Management site. "Mis process although named by various different means, deals with the actual digging up and removal options available to us and this subcommittee and the meetings that it will hold, like al otber meetings are fully open to the public.' 1We invite your .participation in tbe process. Watcb tbe newspaper for dates of meetings and topics which will be announced. Your input is vital. Questions relating te tbe actual digging up need te be addressed. How do we dig this material up? One pit at a lime or do we open up tbe whole area, do we remove one slice at a time like bread from a loaf, just exactly bow do we clean it up? Do we do it under a dome or do we do it in the wide open atmospbere? How do we keep the workers and the machinery dlean? How do we ensure tbat~ notbing escapes froni the site into the surrounding aiea? These are just a few of the questions, a few of the concerns that have been expressed so far. There are many more, we realize tbat and we like to hear yours. Only by knowing what your concerns are can we deal witb them. Only by knowing what your concerns are can we order tbe required studies, examine the material or information available and come up with some clear recommendations wbich reflect your wishes. You can always find out wbere the -meetings are by calling our office number 987-7786 or simply by reading thead whicb appears in this paper each week as we indicate and identify topics, places, times or the Newcastle CLG meetings. You aie welcome. You aie part of the process of finding an answer to this long standing problern. Separate -sehool board search for funding 'Last last year tbe Victoria,' Peterborough, Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education sougbt te bave ail catholics direct their educational taxes to the separate school board. t bad been found tbat close te 4000 Roman Catbolics bad flot been directing their education tax to the separate scbool board in the aiea. As a resuit ail four thousand were informed that their taxes were beîng directed to the public board and that the separate board would like to have tbe fuinds directed to the separate board. Over 400 bave informed the board that tbey would bave their school taxes directed to the separate board.* Generally enumerators at election time ask people whether they support the public school systeni or the separate school systeni and this is recorded. However with tbe mobility of families from one community te another a change will flot be made unless the taxing agency, (municipality) is notifled. Basically what'-happens is that everyône is considered a public scbool supporter unless otberwise indicated. Non-catholics cannot direct their educational tax to the separate school system. At the elementary school level non-Catholics arecflot supposed te attend Separate schools altbough exceptions are sometimes made. Ken Kary, supervisor of planning and assessment, states that the separate scbool system misses out on a considerable arnount of commercial education taxes that sbotuld bc directed to the sep arate board.'He said they hope te reach these people so that the separate board receives its fair share. SAVE Up TO 25% 1E ON HOMEOWNERS UNSURANCE New Home, Non-Smokers,'Claims, Fire Alarms FOR DETAILS OR A FREE QUOTE, CALL ÀAA 623-0331> or 623-1838 PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 3 Silver Street, Bowmanvllle Oshawa - 436-62391 & Celebration Centre 3rd Anniversary Sale Continues Selected gowns up to 750/ off Headpieces and bats ... 33% off Many more specials King & Scugog St, Bowmanville 623 -0351 * *4

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