cJI:Ï~:Oono èekJ Tin.., esday, June 16, 1993 l Pines Track and Field teams Council ends 407 at Solina to conneet.401 The, Pines Senior Public Oshawa Civic Centre on June 17. Spencer, Laura Spencer, Jennifer recently held their school Track & Pictured below are the grade seven Woodcock, (back 1-r) Tom Field meet. The award winners award winners. (Front) Dan Windsor, Matt Perry, jeremy from the school meet will next McDonald, Stephen Barber, Weeks, Pamn Towier, Grant participate in the area meet at the (middle i-r) Jason Knox, Stephanie, Stephens. Town council on Monday rescinded a former position of total opposition to the 407 highway proposai that would link- up with Highways 115/35 in the east of Newcastle. Foliowing the rescinding of the, former action counicil voted unanimousiy to- accepted the proposai as offered by the Committee of Concemred Citizens, Council has now agreed that that 407 proceed aiong the preferred route to a point nortb of Courtice and south of Solina where it wouid foilow a route south to connect with 401 Feds back away. [rom dump ownership Northumberland County has asked the federai government to take over ownership of a dump in. Port Hope that contains1 some 80,000 cubic feet of nuclear contaminated waste from Eldorado. The government has responded that they see 'no benefit in the federal government taking over ow'nership of the property. The county waste management departmnent is stili hopeful that the federal government will take over the ownershîp. It w as considered that the feds would not junp at the opportunity. A study of the content of the dump is underway. highway. Ail of council were in agreement with the proposai. Counc. Hannah asked council to support the proposai statmng that it would be 25 to 30 years before anything happened at which time advanced minds of council would make the final decision, Counc. Hooper said it made sense to take 407 down to 401 to keep traffic in the town rather than having it move out of the municipality with the link to 115/35. Counc. Scott feit it a reasonable and honourable compromise. Oshawa Centre to add Office phase Th'e office space at the Oshawa Centre is to more than double according to recent plans and an additional expenditure of $4.5 million. Total office space will be increased to .128,000 square feet. The new construction is on top of the $30 million renovations now underway. Regional Police may have $2 million'cut 1Durham Regional Police may have to cut some $2 million from their 1993 $52.9 million budget. The 1993 budget was set at $2.8 million above that of 1992. The cuts may bc required due to loss of provincial funding and the yet tobe announced social, contract program.< The grade eight track and field Merrili, Matt Staley, Erin Amanda- Rogers, Scot winners are: (front i-r) Brian Muizelaar, Christina Reed, Tanya MacDonald,' Trevor Richards, Landry, Katrina Hartman, Trevor Ferguson, (back i-r) Mr. Windsor. Jenny Ellis, and Grant Stephens. Baker, (middle 1-r) Reagan Councl ]Briefs There is ail expectation that the Town of Newcastle narne will bc a t hing of the past come July lst with the ringing in of "The Municipality of Clarington." The municipality wil continue with the same colour combinat ion of blue and yeiiow and the logo wiil be similar te that of the Town of Newcastle logo. Counc. Hooper on Monday informed council that 5000 Municipaiity of Clarington buttons had been ordered and would be available shorly for distribution. Mayor Hainre said there were a number of events being held ini the community on July lst at he Bowmanville Library and in the Village of Newcastle and Orono where buttons would certainiy be distrbuted. When it came te a Town Crier for the event it was stated that MPP Gord Mils had already been booked for the position come July 1 st. John Veldhuis, chairinan of the Port Granby/Newcastle Environment Committee presented- counicil with their annual report of activities and .asked in light of budget cuts te the committee that the Town now prescribe a new mandate for the committee. He stated that the committee had acted as an ambassador for the Town in the past in a number of ways. Coune. Scott said the committee was the founder of many prograins in the community over the years and an outstanding programn reiating to the envîronment. The Bowmanvîlle MaIl in the east end of Bowmanville reported that the company had now signed an agreement with Met Mark who will be taking 30,000 square feet of new development at the mail. A total of 45,000 square feet will be under construction as soon as the site plan agreement is completed within the next couple of months. Mayor Hamre welcomed the development and congratulated the MaIl owners in gaining this new tenant. They stated they have every reason to- be successfui in their new endeavour. It was pointed out that the expansion at the MAi would not have such an effect as would the proposed major development in the west end of Bowmanville. They toid Counc. Scott they would-continue with the expansion irregardiess of what happens in the west of the Town of Bowmanville. Town employees have accepted a freeze in salary for the next two years. The agreeme nt of the contract was reached a couple of weeks ago. There was no change in the agreement as to benefits. Wan ts new union rights MP Rene Soetens, Ontario WVest, bas introd uced, a members bis in the House of Parliament in which civil servants couid make their own choice as to whether or flot they joined- the union. Soetens states that many civil servants during the iast strike compiained that tbey had to agree- with the position of the union whether they iked it or not. A private members! bill is seldom - passed through Parliament. MaaP beeeee Why flot take the family out for, ice cream Hours: 9 - 6 Mon. - Thurs. and Sat. 115 Hwy. Newcastle 9 -9 Fri. Sun. 10 -6 987-4339 04 The CLARKE CONNECTILJON MORE TRAN A STORE A UNIQUE EXPERIE NCE ONE OF A KTND-HANDl MADE CANADIAN CRAPTfS POTERY- WOOD - SILKS - TOYS AND MUCH, MUCH MORE MAIN STREET; ORONO 983-9314 >TUES -SAT 10:00 - 5:00