~~f Orono W.ekly Times, WeIdneýsday Je1619k- Second Brownies camp out job bank service now at Ag. Service, Centre-- Shown 'here are 2nd Orono Erin Frances-Rice, Katie O'Neill, Courtney Paxton, along with Elgin Browinies, Lindsay Hawkshaw, Jennifer Cox, Shannon DeJong, Heard and Erin Muizelaar and the Laura Beacock, Lisa Fogg, Lisa Rebecca Boyd, Meghan Sawyer, "Inukshuk" they made at camp. Lunn, Becky Reid, Kari Squire, Laura Greer, Gillian Ramnes and a Port Hope, DeLLJAIL liU>W £AAJLPc o and surprise Brown Owl ln spite of rainy weather, the 2nd Orono Pack had a good timne at their camp-out. They did Native Lore, Bannock Maker, Athlete and Holiday badges. After doing many games and crafts indoors, they went for a long walk, which refreshed themn and gave them a big appetite-for supper. They .playedý two Indian gaines: Feather Racing and Indian Kick-ball. They made a Bannock and their exercise was in the form of the Athete Badge." On Sunday it was sunny and warm. Mr. Heard helped them make an "Inukshuk" for their Native Lore Badge. At noon the parents arrived for a Parent and Daughter picnic. To Madeline Heard's surprise, "Brownies" from 1968, the 70's and 8's had been invited to help celebrate her 25 years as Brown Owli of the 2nd Orono Brownie Pack Gifts were presented to Brown O)wl; Tawny Owl, Wendy williams; Snowy Owl, Kim Gunn; Junior leader, Erin Muizelaar and to 'ElginHeard- whom the girls caîl Grey Owl. These gifts were fromn the present Brownies. Pat Boyd, on behaîf of the "'Brownies" from the past, presented Brown Owl with a Glider Bench and coffee table for '-Cut two acres of trees The Regioni of Durhani gave approval fox the cutting of two acres of trees to 'allow for atiditional ski-runs at Ski' Lakeridge at Uxbridge. The vote set in at14 t0 IL 1It was.the fIrrst time the new tree'by-law was used lat the Regionial level. The decision camiot be taken'to the Municipal Board by those opposing the cutting of the trees. her patio. After this everyone enjoyed a deilicious lunch provided by the parents. 1 would like to thank everyone for the wonderful gifts and> cards and a special thank you to Connie' Hooey for-the iovely corsage. Special thanks also to Susan Hawkshaw, Pat Boyd, Kim Gunn and Wendy, Williams for the time put in doing this for me and making it'such a wouiderful surprise. It meant more to me than you know. Thanks also to Elgin, without whose help 1 could'not have done "Brownies"' for ail these years, and I'm not done yet. Thanks again, Sincerely, Madeline Heard. Newcastle The Town of Port Hope far out- muscled the Town of Newcastle on Pailicipaction Day, June 2nd. Trhe Town of Newcastle had in May accepted a Participact ion Day challenge from Port Hope but apparentiy must have forgot ail- about the event. A total of 59 percent of Port Hope's residents railied to the challenge and during the day took part in some form of physical activity. The Town of Newcastle registered only 30 percent. Port Hope saw somne 6.03 percent more of their residents take part in the event. The phones at the centre for registering activities were kept busy near the end of the'day as activity reports were, submitted in Port Hope town. The new Job Bank service was officially launched at the Bowmanville Agricultural Employment Service office reccntly. Job Bank.isan automated service whîch'enables clients to access job vacancies through a user friendly kiosk. People who use Job Bank as part of their job search can quickly view and select employer's listed job oppor tunities. The Bowmanviile Job Bank containrs job vacancies for Bowmanville, the surrounding area and some hard to fi vacancies across Canada. Job seekers use eîther English or French to search through those listings by specifying a geographic location and an occupational category. Job Banks have been established at the Canada Employment Centres in Pickering, Whitby, Oshawa, Port Hope and Cobourg, and at the 'Agricultural- Mfilis supports' bill re 1land lease A private members Bill presented to the Ontario legisiature by Paul Wessenger, MPP Simcoe Centre and strongly supported by MPP.Gord, Milîs, Durham, East, calîs for protection of ail rentai households living in mobile homnes or on lanIds leased across the province. Both Wessenger and Milîs have similar conditions in their ridings, Sandy Cove and Wilmot Employment Service office in Bowmanvile. As well, a Job Bank kiosk will be operational at the H-arwood Mail in Ajax, in the near future. Employers who place a job vacancy in the Job Bank will find that the detailed-job description provides a good match between the applicants qualifications and the requirement of the job. Job Bank will provide tow service options: employers can ask that the applicants contact them directly, or the Agricultural -Empioymnent Service staff can on a selective basis (agricultural vacancies), refer clients who are interested in the position. Employers wiil appreciate the improved speed and flexibility of this service. Job Bank processes job-vacancies instantly and makes them imm ediately available to job seekers locally or, if required,. across the country. Creek mobile homes parks operated by Rice Construction. The Bill would bring land Ieased communities under the Rentai Housing Protection Act and would strengthen residents protection under the Landlord and Tenant Act and the Planning Act. Gord Milis states that he worked for twO and haf years on getting something done to further protection for such residents as- those at Wilmot Creek. H1e said- he has listened te their concerns adshares their conceros. The Bill, caled a Act to amend certain Acts with respect to Land Leases, 1993 has been 'sent te General Government Committee for further debate. TE AND AU"TmO CENTRE [N Complot e Automotive Gare Finàiy ourChoio Is (iceari(1 FOR PROFESSIONAL A UTOMOTIVE SERVICE IN TH-E ORONO-NEWCASTLE AREA AT THE LOWEST PRICES A ROUND. *LICENSED MECHANIC - TEN VEARS EXPERIENCE * » $44 PER HOUR DOOR RATE *TIRE SALES * EXHAUST *SMOCKS AND STRUTS *TUNE-UPS *COOLING SYSTEMS, ETC. Also we do - General Welding -Rotors and Drums machined for you do-it-yourselters WEDNVESDAYS andTHURSDAYS ARE SENIORS' DAYS, WE PAY THE G.S.T. HWY~~~.......... 1zz"WATEATN Qc~ 8-55 Ars rm c urai