- A A -OronO Wky ies ededaJue1619 Fvrancis standings r ewcast1e Notabl' In Track and Field me by Carol-Ann Oster It seemed that everytime 1 wash my car, it inevitably rains. Such is my hard Iuck! Good-to know then that some people have better luck, or ýhave the ramn gods on their side. The Clarke -OSAID group and the Newcastle OPP detachment are such fol ks. They couldn't have asked for a more perfect weekend to. hold a car wash. The car wash organized jointly -by Clarke OSAID and the OPP, was held Saturday at the OPP station, with, all proceeds going to OSAID., The event was a great success, as well as being a fun, albeit somewhat wet event. They make it look so easy!! Clarke OSAID stiudents car wash at the OPP station was a great success. -The "B" School Track and Field meet was held at Trent University, on Monday, June 7, 1993. Eight schools from the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland.and Newcastle Separate School Board were in atte ndance with 500 students all together competing in three divisions. Johanne Pal from St. Francis was the intermediate girls champion. St. Francis of Assisi Scho ol captured the Intermnediate Division Trophy. Individual winners are as follows: Junior Girls: 2nd Meghan Gilfoy, high jump; 4th Dawn Cumby, 1500m; 6th Angela Burtinsky, 1 500m; Sth Angela Burtinsky, 200m; 6th Ashley Poirier, high jump; 6th Angela Burtinsky, running long jump;,6th Kathleen Atkinson, standing long jump; Relay Teani - 4th placeý. 1Junior Boys - 2nd Lucas Jones, 200m; 4th Troy Loucks, 200m; 2nd Robert Kameka, 800m;, 4th Neale Boratsky, high jump; 4th Travis Collins, high jump; Relay Team - 4th place. Intermedfiate Girls - 2nd Johanne Pal, 100m; 6th Julie Kennedy, 100m; 2nd Johanne Pal, 200m; 3rd Allison Chapman. 200m; 2nd Marie Bonne, 800m; 3rd Julie Kennedy, 1500m; 4th Marie Bonne, 1500m; lst Amnanda Aylward, high jump; 6th Rachel' Armstrong, high jump; 2nd Rachel Armstrong, running long jump; 2nd Johanne Pal, triple jump; 6th Julie Kapasinski, triple jump; lst Rachel Armstrong, shot put; 5th Julie Kennedy, shot put; Relay Teain - lst place. Intermediate Boys - 4th Donald Baker, 200m; 5th Andrew Rarnjass, 800m; lst Donald Baker, running long jump; 2nd John Line, triple j ump; 4th John Line, shot put; 5th Justin Baksh, shot put; Relay Team - 5di place. Senior Girls - 4th Amy Lywak, 800m; 6th Chrissy Bester, high jump; 6th Sarah Van Hemmen, running long jump; 6th Christina Ryckrnan, triple jump. Senior Boys - lst Greg' Ludwinski, 800m; lst Greà Ludwinski, 1500 m; 6th Chris Love, high jump. To cut,$24,OOO0 from Police budget The Port Hope Police commission are to cut $24,000 fromn their $1.6 million police budget due to loss of funding this The weather wasn't quite 50 friendly on Wednesday of last week, but that didn't k eep -parents and friends of St. Franci., - Assisi School from th e Junior Arts night that was held at the school. The show put on by the students was an imnpressive one, with many skits and songs. The show tumed out to be educational as well. One class shared the knowledge-they had gained from a unit in native studies. Here students of St. Francis in Newcastle share what they have lcarncd about the native Canadians and hclp to openthe eyes of those in attendance. 1993 Pick-Your-Own strawberries update There are, over 30 strawberry "Pick-Your-Own" farms in Durhamn/York/Victoria counties representing approximately 450 acres. This season's strawberry crop has been through somne "harrowing" blossom threatening frost, but we should still have a very good crop. At somne farms, the "King Bud" (first but) was killed but research has.shown'that when the first bud is removed, the other buds wil compensate and yields won't suffer. This year's cool, wet weather could delay the strawberry harvest. Depending on weather, it usually take s 30 days from strawbcrry bloom to harvest. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food bcrry specialists across the province report that the first estimatcd dates for strawberry harvest arc: June 17 - Simcoe, June 22, - Bowmanvîlle, June 23-25 - Kemptville-Ottawa, July 7-14 -Thiunder Bay. For strawbcrry growcrs, who are promoting carly harvest by utilizing a "row cover" over the strawberries, harvest may be seven days earlier. Strawberries, which were flot mulched with straw over the, winter, also have a "lîead start" on plant and fruit development. These unmulched strawbenries would be more prone to frost and freezing injury, but earliness of harvest can be increased by 7-10 days. Caîl your favourite local strawberry farm for updates on harvest. Strawberry piekers oftpen have a favourite va riety, wh ieh may be destined for fresh use, jam, freezîng or canning. The'Berry Hotline 1-800-263- 3262 provides daily updates on the availability of berry crops from local Ontario farms bctwccn June 1 and July 31. For more information, refer to Foodland Ontario's "Fruit and Vegetable Pick-Your-Own and Farmers' Market Guide" available for frce at your nearest Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Office. NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING MEMORIAL HOSPITAL- BOWMANVI LLE CORPORATION MONDAY, JUNE 215,1993 7:00 PRM. CAFETERIA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL-BOWMANVILLE 47 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO FOR PURPOSES 0F: 1. Hearing of Reports 2. Report of Hospital Auditors 3. Election of Directors 4. Revision ta Corporate By-Iaws Stages present summer theatre wo>rksâhops This summer, young people interested in- theatre and the creative experience do not have to leave Durham Region to find classes. STAGES offers three program levels, including junior (ages 7 - 10), intermediate (Il - 13), and senior (ages 1 4-1 7), are available in six Durham locations mncluding Bowmanville, Newcastle, Oshawa, Port Perry, Ajax and Whitby at various, times from July 5 to September 3. Workshop sessions are limited in enrolîment in order to allow each student to participate at his or her level of understanding and abiity in a stimulating, but non- competitive environment. Fees have been kept as'low as possible ranging from $46 for a 12 hour session to $97 for a 24 hour session. Instructors Brad Carson and Susan Lowery, active theatre practitioners from the Durham Region, bring years of diverse theatre expertise, and fun. to Stages Workshops. Look for the bright yellow brochures at libraries and information centres or phone 623- 8657 to join Stages for a fun and challenging summer. year from the province. <It has been stated that laying off staff is flot an option if residents wish to have the department maintain the same level of service.