Orono Weekty Times, W.~MsdsY, 4urîe 2~, 1~" lt ") Presented with Ail Round Cord ,More, On June 14, 1993. a ve.ry was presented lier Ail Rounid Cord, as the Girl Guide special garden presentation was Cord, wbicb is one of tie highest programme bas been revised. made to Jacki Green of the ist awards a Girl Guide may receive. Shown bere witb bier parents, Kirby Guide Cornpany at the Jacki will be one of the last Debbie and Jim and Guide Leader home of one of bier leaders.. She, Guides to receive this particular Star Carpenter. productivity and, employee lm morale. A rou d -t e B o Lid.Our prograrn is jointly funded by -the various Unions and Federations that represent '~rth ob illherempioyee& of Lbe Board.Th Trustee Ward III our Board lie bas added a great prograrn, to'be deiivered by N/N Board of Education deal ,tbrougb bis unique Warren Sbepell Consultants, is a It is bard to believe the scbool leadership skills. Congratulations model of the cooperative spirit year is just about over. Students Grant! that exists in our Board. The and teachers wiil be lookîng 1 bave said rnany tirnes before -Unions and Federations are to be forward to a deserved break from that we are fortunate to bave so congratuiated for their the routine of classes. many very good teachers working commitrnent totheir members' With the new scbooi year will in our scbools across the Board. weli-heing. corne changes. Many changes in One such teacber is John 1 At the samne meeting we fact. Some will corne from tbe Arnesbury. John bas been at approved a new Hornework stîli unfoiding "Social Contract" Clarke Higb Sehool for mnany Policy. This policy bas been the Provincial government is years and will be retiring at the developed over rnany montbs irnplementing wbile otberswiil end of June. H1e will becrissed by througb the leadership of corne from our Board's initiatives. everyone. Superîntendent Trudy Lurn. Tbere will be changes in staff John's sense of humour and bis Trudy bas bad participationI from at schoois too. I know many love of teacbing are qualities that aIl areas of the school systern as parents'are unhappy wben a good bave earned bim respect well as parents. The policy is teacher or principal is assigned tbrougbout the jurisdiction. He, designed to emphasize the elsewbere. Sometimes this ýis to bas spent countiess bours of his importance of bomework in the assist in deveioping tbe person own time to share bi -s love of Iearning process, and s et out tbe and sornetirnes it is at the request drama with bis students. He b' ýs Board's expectations of sehool of tbe individual. made Iearning fun for bis administration, teachers, students In the Clarke family of schoois students. I wish John the very and parents. Hopefully the policy tbere wil bc teacbers moving on best in retîrement and hope lie wiil assist in drawing more and new leadersbip arriving. Last spends some of bis free time with(Cniudpg1) Wednesday the Board approved tbe transfer of Zelda Armnstrong from Central Public School, wbere she is'Vice-Principal, to the Pines as Vice-Principal. 1 arn deligbted to bave Zelda in our area. I bave known ber for a number of years and respect ber dedication to students. Welcorne Zelda! At Newcastle Public Scbool the current Vice-Principal, Marjorie Kenny, is transferring to Burnahamn Public School and wil be replaced by Bob Proie. Bob is currentiy'Physical and Heaitb Education Resource Teacher at the Board Office. Good luck Marjorie and congratulations Bob on bcoring Vice-Principal. Carol Yeo will bc ieaving the Pines to become Principal at M.J. Hobbs. Carol bas served the Pines weii and I know the parents at M.J.Hobbs wîll be plea îsed to bave ber as their scbool Principal. Grant Yeo, Chief Superîntendent, wili be leaving N&N to become Director of Education at tbe Larnbton Board of Education. We wili miss Grant very mucb. During bis years, with local theatre companies 50 tnat we migbt still enjoy bis many talents! i At the lastiBoard meeting we approved changing our Worker's Compensation scbeduie from clas$s 1 to ciass 2. 1 don't have space to go into the details of the reason for the change, but it will resuit in significant cost savings to tbe Board. Worker's compensation benefits are costly -for all organizations. This cbange will ailow our Board to save taxpayer's dollars witbout impacting protection for our employces. Our ernployee's bave a pretty good safety record and by moving to scbedule 2 we can bave tbeir efforts recognized througb cost reduction. 1At the June 17 Board meeting We also approved .tbe implementation of an Ernployee Assistance Program (EAP). These, prograins are quite common in many larger organizatiolis. Designed to assist employees in dealing with a range of personal and bealth probierns, tbey havre proven their- Worth tbrough reduced absenteeism, improved by Helen MacDonald living, neighbours sometimes Prior to building our home in Hooterville, my grandparents, on a visit from England,' came to the 'future construction site' for inspection. Grandma, with purse, floral print dress, and matching earrings and necklace, tromped about our field of dreams and ieft - quite unimpressed. "Why", she asked sincerely, "would you live ini such an isolated area?" No shops, no family, no neigbbours. Because of poor eyesight, Grandnia could scarcely see Jenny and Len's distant bouse and barni half-a-rnile next door. Two years later, bouse complete, Graridma and Grandad paid another visit. It was obvious that we were expecting another chiid. Grandmna took the proud father- to-be aside, and asked "How far is it to the nearest hospital?" When toid it was about a balf-hour drive, Grandrna shook ber head wiLb dismay,' and exclairned: "You'Il have to move nearer!" We found this phenomenon quite common amongst family and friends. "Aren't you afraid to live s0 far away?", tbey wouid ask. Afraid of what? Bears? Wolves? Highwaymen? Mountains of snow? So far away from what? Crime? Noise? Overcrowding? The irony was that the tbings wbich peo ple found arnazingly incomprebensible about rural living, were the very thîngs which attracted us. For example, being 'in toucb' witb Nature eacb day -- even if this occasionaliy means being snowed in awhile. Also, rernoving our farnily from the bustle and bustie of urban living with its noise, lights, and urban probiems is considered a bonus. In fact, urban living can be even more isolated than rural neyer even meet. Out here, in this 'isolated pocket of the wilds', neighbours look out for each other. If a family finds themselves facing a crisis, neighbours (sometimes as far away as two or three concessions) rally behind, organizing meals, caring for children, the elderly, or livestock, and generally providing support. When there is good news, it is shared. A new baby, an excitîng career challenge, or the neighbourly admiration of a new manure spreader, ail become part of the community's life. We have yet to make peace, though, with the local mosquitoes. The Hooterville breed is a genetic mutant which bas evolved to the size of blood-sucking bats, and every urne there is a community gathering, Hooterville residents unwîttingly feed the swarms of bioodtbirsty pests. They seem to be particularly fond of ankles! And, last week, when a skunk decided to greet the resident bread wînner by 'parlcing' bimself in our garage, leaving man witb lunch box stranded in car, we wondered whether 'living in barrnony with nature' bad gone a wee bit too far. Grandma still continues to worry about ber pioneering granddaugbter living in the Ganaraska, wilds of Canada, raising her cbildren where wild bears roarn, and where skunksare at home, either in bush or in garage, and where giant swarms of mosquitoes descend at dusk, intent upon draining the blood of innocent chiidren. Fortunately, thougb, the old grey mare is just as good as she used to be, and a trip to town, or bospital, can be made witbout peril to buggy or passenger -- depending, of course, upon the weather, and how well one maneuvers around the potholes. CANDADAY CELEBRATION Thursday, JuIy 1 st Free Admliiissioi -' Free Swimmainig Mot DoCgs aid JuCiice $1.50 beizig servedI Trownm of'Newcastle Conacert 1and lat 1:30 p.mn. Cutting Claringtori Cake by Mayor Hamnre & Councilors Gamnes for the Children Newcastle Family Connection - Face Painting and with ever-popular Teddy Bear uclii Spaghetti-flled Kiddy Pool with Magie Mud Durhamn Regional Police lexhibit Town of Newcastle Firefighter's Safety Flouse .Ziri i fa fc fcl c ml Sponsored by the Orono Town Hall Board with Orono DBIA assistance