12-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 23,:1993, Summer is Tornado season Tornadees pose a significant threat te life and property in many parts of Canada. On average, there are about 75 tornadoes a year in Canada causing deaths, injuries and millions of dollars in damage. Tornadees, have struck virtually every part of Canada except the Arctic. They occur most frequently in the area stretching from the Recky Mountains eastward te New Brunswick, with the highes t risk areas being southwestern Ontario and seutheastern Manitoba. Chances are you'll neyer experience a tornade, but if you do, you should know what te do to protect yourself and your family. The follewing advice is ý offered by Emergency Preparedness Canada (the federal gevernment erganizatien respensible forý premoting preparedness for ail kinds of emergencies) and The Canadian Red Cross: kTake shelter. The best place to be during a tornado is in a basement under a work-bench or table. Eitber will protect you fromn debris hurled into the basement. If you don't have a basement, seek shelter in a small interior room such as a bathroom or closet. Stay away from windows and outside walls. Don't stay in a mobile home. Mobile homes and similar structures offer virtually no protection against the power of a tornado. t is mr.ch safer to seek shelter elsewhere, preferably below ground. If no such sheiter is nearby, lie down in a ditch, depression or culvcrt and protect your bead with your-hands. *Don't stay in your vehicle. if you are on the open road in a car or oither vehicle when you spot a tomado, it is best to gct out of the car and seek slielter in a ditch, depression or culverL. Make sure you're a safe distance from the car so it can't roll over onyou. *Avoid seeking shelter in buildings with wide free span roofs. Buildings such as gymnasiums, some modern Schurches and auditoriums are like to collapse if hit by a tomnado. If yotu are in one of these buildings and have not time te get out, try te take cover under a sturdy table 4ýor other strong piece of furniture. - If you are in a high-rise building or school in the path of a tornade, take shelter away fromn windows in an interior hallway or room, -preferably on the lower floors or in the basement. Don't use the elevators as power can be cut off during a Around the Board with Bob Willsher (Continuned from page 1) parents into an active role in their childs school and education. The Board will continue te meet during July and August although the number of meetings will be greatly reduced. 1 hope everyene bas a safe and enjoyable summer holiday. tomnado. Heed weather warnings. When severe thunder storms threaten, turn on your radio or TV and listen for local weather informnation. If a tornade, has been reported or sighted, a tornado warning will be issued. When you seek shelter, take along a battery- powered radio so you can find eut wbat is happening. Ifyon are in a small boat, seek a safe harbour at the first sign of approaching thunder stormns.' In Canada tornadoes usually occur in the late afternoon or early evening and are most common between the beginning of June and the end of August. Human Nature Every so often, we pass laws repealing human nature. -- Howard Lindsay t is buman nature te think wisely and act foolishly. -- Anatole France Somne of us, are like wheelbarrows -- only useful when pushed, and very easily upset. -Jack Herbert SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, for the following requirements listed below, submitted to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3A6, are invited and will be received on the forms and in the envelope provîded until the specified closing time ar.- date. Tender documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address. TENDER NW93-22 Chain Link Fencing CLOSING TIME & DATE 2:00 p.m. <Local Time) Wednesdlay, July 7,1993 A pre-tender sitý me eting will be held at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 30, 1993, at Mearns Avenue Park, Bowmanville, Ontario. Al contractors bidding on Tender NW93-22 mnust attend this meeting. Failure to do so wil disqualify their bid submission. The Iowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, A. M.C.T.(A) Purchasing & Supply Agent lelephone: (416) 623-3379 ext. 268 Date of Publication: Wednesday, June 23, 1993 P.O. 2832 It will be very generrally found that those who will sneer habîtually at human nature, and affect to despite it, aïe among its worst and least pleasarit samples. -Charles Dickens It is easier to love humanity as a whole than to love one's neighbor. -- Eric Hoffer We have provided for the survival of man a gainst al enemies except bis fellow mani. -- LymnanLloyd Bryson There is a great deal of human nature in people. -Mark Twain SEALED TENDERS, for the] contract specîfied below, submitted to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Office of the Clerk,, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIIC 3A6, are invited and will be receivedi by the Clerk until the spectied closing time and date. TENDER NW93-23 Peace Park CLOSING TIME & DATE 2:00 P.M. (Local Time) Monday, July 12, 1993 The work for the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle under the direction of the, Director of, Community Services, involves the installation of pre-fabricated bridge, concrete bridge abutments, granular walkway installation and stream course iinprovements; including rip- rap installation and bank upgrades. Plans, specifications and tender forms may be obtained at the Purchasing Office of the Town of Newcastle, at the above, address for a $25.0o' (including G.S.T.) non- refundable f ee payable to the Town. Tender documents may be obtained after 12:0C noon (local time> on June 28, 1993. An Agreement to Bond and an bid deposit in the amount specified in the tender documents must accompany each bid submitted. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birlkett, AM.C.T. (A) Purchasing & Supply Agent Telephone: (416)>623-3379 ext. 268 Cosburn Giberson Landscape Architects 7270 Woodbine Avenue Suite 100 Markham,'Ontario UR 4B9 Date of Publication: Wednesdlay, June 23, 1993 P.O. 2936 THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS Our Speciallty Family Style Roast Beet Dinner Weddmngs- Anniversaries - Business Functions Hockey - Basebal Bowling Banquets HOT - COLD - BUFFE-TS' FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB iMO 983-9679 MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Established in 1881 623-5480 4 Division St. Bowmanville PRE-ARKANGED AND PREPAID FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLE Michael Spooner and Sheila Stephens Spooner ROSE - ARBOR -ANTIQUES EARLY CANADIAN PINE - OIL LAMPS - QUILTS OPEN APRIL TO DECEMBER HOIJRS: Saturday, Sunday and Hoidays - 10:00 a.m. to 5:00-p.m. ALSO BY APPOINTMENT OR BY CHANCE (416)983-9091 6179 Andrews Rd. 4.8 km. east of Hwy. 115/35 R.R. 1, Kendal, Ont. LOA lEO on Clarke 6th Conc. Mark M. Stapl eton f!<storatiott &Rfeprodluction 6720 Leskard Rd. N., Orono 983-6098 We specialize In HIstorîcal Restoration and Reproduction of Century Homes. Also all types of General Carpentry. JLInday I6oeogh 3 5 .115 GANARASKA LEATHERCRAFT è Ic Ad. AUTRORIZED DEALERÉ FOR- Tandy Craft The Leatlwr Factory-: Mn is ... ... . ......r Ville 401 Phone ahead or by chance JK 3847 Wilcox Rd., Orono LOB 1iMO ____ l 6(416)983-9540 LVISAJ6 The ~ CONNECTwION MORE THIAN A STORE A UNIQUE -EXPERIENCE KONE OF A KTN\D-HAND MfADE POTTERY - WOOD - SILKS - TO YS MAIN STREE7: RN 983-9314 7TUE-Fjrl1Jto6 Sf qA T - .9; j