14.»*"Oronto W..kly TlmroaïWedn say, June 23, ~O3 Deadline for Service Directory J E!ZIC II~E CTO IR.Y Tel. 983-5301 The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM 1/e Don Jus! speahze W&Make Evey Order Specia" Main Street, Orono 983-9155 We Delîver Newtonville, Pontypool, Oshawa, L and Places In-Between "Hair Wfth Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Electric Ld. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - HI-Fis Sales and Service Hotpoint - R.C.Aý White Westinghouse Frigidaire -Whirlpooî Woods Freezers Magio Chef -Hoover 983-5108 Barina Home Check Vacation Home Checking Let us make your home look lîved in Wedding Day Gift Sitting Reliable Raf erences -BON DED Barb Shetle,-lna Cas NEWTON VILLE (416)7862996 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 George Street, Bowmanvii le, Ontario 623-4473 FLOWERS PLUS FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 46 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-15 0O tny Lycett 983-5908 Wlda Middleton 983-9819 GRUNDY'S Country Upholstery Quaiity Work ln Upholstery rR.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy The family of Fiera and Lloyd Sharpe invite you te corne celebrate their 40th Wedding Anniversary Saturday, July lUth 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p. 108 Church St. N., Orono Best Wishes Only Jume 16,23,30july 7, ac YARD SALE Saturday, June 26th (Sun., June 27th raindate) 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 63 Church, Street, Orono (off Station St.) Toys Galore! Mise. 23.cpn Pre-cast, Reinfor-ced CONCRETE SLABS and WELL TIILE 12" x 12" - $1.20 ea. 16" x 16" - $1.90 ma 18" x 18" - $235 ea. 20" x 20" - $3.50 ea. Other sizes available. WELL TILES 30" inside diamneter $44.00 36" inside diameter $48.00 Pontypool Concrete -,Produets 1iNMILE SOUTH 0F PONTYPOOL ONHRWY. 35 (705) 277-2442 OPEN 6 DAYS 7 A.M. - 9 P.M. ttn Clarion Car Stereo, AMIFM/CD player with 100 watts, plus 4 speakers, only $7.50 a week. SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, Port hope 885-8652, Cobourg 373-0265. tfi' Panasonic Camcorder, 8 times zoom, auto focus, only $9.95 a week. SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, Port Hope 885- 8652, Cobourg 373-0265. tfn Panasonic top of the line Portable Stereo, f AM/FM/D.DECK/CD with Remote Control only $5.75 a week. SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, Port Hope 885- 8652, Cobourg 373-0265. tfn TV/VCR Combo, 20" T.V. and Remote V.C.R. both for only $6.25 a week.' SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, Port Hope 885- 8652, Cobourg 373-0265. tfn 2 Dorel Car Seats $30/ea.; 40"x40" playpen with activity pad, paid $100 asking $50.; 18 hp. riding mower $1,800 o.b.o.; 6" sliding patio door (brand new) $300.; complete mahogany slab doors 30" $30/ea.; 3-vinyl closet doors $10/ea.; 30" stove, brown $150.; complete kitchen unit, stove, fridge, sink combination $200 o.b.o. (good for apt. or cottage); G.S.W. water heater, 40 gallon. stili in the crate, brand new, $150; phone 983-9360 evenings., 23,30, ac CHOCOLATE OUTLET Factory Seconds Great Selection $4.95 lb. (tax incL.) sold at FAIRWiNDS ANTIQUES 5028 Main St., Orono 983-9806 tfrt Looking to buy a sofa bed i good condition, phone 983-9690. 23,ac Orono - 3 bedroom, $695/mo., heat included, hydro extra, available August'lst, phone 728-3885. 23,30 ac At this time we would like to extend our thanks to the many friends, neighbours and relatives for their most welcomed visits, beautiful flowers, donations, cards and especîially neighbours who provided. food, assistance and loving support during our recent bereavement of Georgina. Lt is most sincerely appreciated and wîll be long remembered. 'he Harness Family Reid, Robert, Lisa and Paul 23,ap MacGREGOR Auction Service ESTATES, CONSIGNMENTS, HOUSEHOLDS BANKRUPTCIES, FARMS Sold at your location or a tours STORAGE & TRUCKING' Cal for a Free Confidential Consultation M. MàcGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 ]RANSBERRY - In loving ffiemory of our Dad, Lloyd 1Kansberry, who passed away lime 30, 1984. Àlways a smile, instead of a frown Always a hanti when one was down Âlways true, lhoughtfu andi kinti Wonderfu memtories he left behinti. Porever remembered by Owen, Bob and family. , 23,ap RANSBERRY - In loving inemory of my dear husband Lloyd, father and grandfather, who left suddenly on June 30, 1984. Remembering you Lloyd is easy I do it everyday. The years 1 hait with you are precious memories. Always remembered and loved, wife Neta and Famnily. 23,ap ABBOTT - In memory o f my sister Mary, who passed away June 29, 1984. Sutiden was your passing The shock was hard to bear. Lovingly remembered always, sister Neta and Family. 23,ap ESTATE-AUCTION Grist MIII Auction Centre Newtonville FRIDAY-, JUNE 25TH 6:30 p.m., For the Late Betty Flaxman, Bowmanville; antique 9 pe. oak dining room suite; 6 pc. walnut bedroom suite (Malcolm Hill Kitchener); Gibbard walnut ea wagon; set 3 nesting tables (Jacobean); small oak entrance bench; Simmons sofa bed; Sterling chesterfield; Barrymore chesterfield suite; upholstered print loveseat; peach wingback chair; peach armchair; ornate carved occasional table; occasional chairs; bridge set; oak cedar chest; single bed; pr. night stands; fem stand; Brentwood rocker; silver tea service; brass tea pot on floor stand; paintings (Nind, Slemon); desk; set 4 round seat pine chairs (very unique); several lamps; wool carpets; hooked rugs; mats; RCA color t.v.; Electrolux vac;, electric 30 in. stove; old pine tables; pine chests; pantry Hoosier cupboard; cracks; bronze figures; figurines; large selection of good glass crystal and china; silver flatware; silverplate; oýld advertising articles (local); bedding; linens; pictures; interesting library and literature books; exerciser; small appliances; kitchenware; household goods; garden and lawn articles and numerous other items aIl in good condition. A large auction Plan to Attend. TERMS: Cash or Good Cheque with I.D. AUCTIONEER Frank Stapleton, Newtonville 786-2244, LARGE AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, JULY 3RD 12 Noon Sharp at the Orono Arena and Communlty Centre Orono, Ontario (6 kilometres north of Hwy. 401, just off Hwy. 115) Consisting qof A complete home workshop of tools - bandsaw; drill press; air compressor; hoist; chain hoist; hand sander; paint guns; etc. etc. A house full of furniture needlng T.L.C. - ladder back chairs; mahogany, love seat; washstands; tea cabinet; drop leaf table; 3 drawer dresser w/mustache pulls; hall table; lift top desk; table on brass casters; 10 pc. mahogany dhning room suite; etc. etc. A Barn Full of Memnorabilla: Remember - flail; cradle; s team whistle; well rod; Henderson single furrough plough; cast hron tractor and implement seats; pump organ. PLUS 3 pc. oak bedroom suite circa 1890 AND, enough good cedar shingles to do a large home ALSO 1932 Triumph Sulent Scout Vlewing at 11:00 a.m. Good food on location. Cash or Good choque with I.D. AUCTIONEERS Jim Couch and Dale Smnith (416) 786-3151 23,30,ae Tales Told Twice August 1969 .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bunting and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carman and family spent the weekend at Crystal Beach. Mss. Jean Allin of Orono was the winner of a Mini Trail Honda which was drawn at the, Orono Amateur Athletic Street Fair on Wednesday night. Members of the Orono Chamber of Commerce met in a special meeting with the Orono Police Trustees on Monday evening in support of a petition sent to the Orono Police Trustees and the Counties Road Commission opposing the plan of creating parallel parking on the east side of Main Street. Also in attendance at the meeting was a representative from thle, Department of Transport. Five hundred and forty- four attended the harness races at Orono on Friday and bet a total of $21,061. The Orono tyke basebal club on Monday evening at the Orono Park in the, first game of the playoff series were defeated by a score of 14-11. The victors were Uic Newcastle Tyke ball club. Angust 1979 Some fifty to sixty availed themselves of the opportunity to attend the band concert Sunday afternoon at Uic farmn of Mr, and Mrs. R. Morton. The Oshawa Civic Band members who were holding their annual picnic at the faim entertained with a good selection of musical flumbers. Don Adams, 19, of Orono and Sally Shortt,11, of Oshawa, have wrapped up Uic championships for North America for banjo picking. On July 28 in New Liskeard, Ontario the duo-won both the ladies and mens championships. 1Dr. A.F. McKenzie's office will be closed August 18th to 26th inclusive. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE MTS FAST - ITS EASYI ON1E CALI. ONE BILL OGES IT AL FLEA MARKETS CALABOGIE FLEA MARKET. SPECIAL FREE outdoor vending. Wanted: Formera Market and Vendors. Open Saturday, Sunday 105 10,000 sq.ft. indoor space to serve you. cou1(613) 752-2468. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES MANAGERS/ASSISTANT MANAGERS! An industry leader in outside promotions requires organized, aggressive self-starter. Sales skills on asset f0 service accounts. Unlimited earnisg potential. Excellent training. (416) 308-0013. 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXTRA INCOME' Grow baitworms in your1 basement or garage. Odorless. operation.1 Low iseestment. Market guaranteed! Freei information. Early Bird Ecology, R.R.#,1, Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0. (4161 643- 4252. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Sosthwestern School of.Auctoneeris)g.i Next Class: Jsly 17-23. Information,1 contact: Southwestern Ontario Sehool oft Asctioneering, RH. 8#5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership or1 tîmeshare? We'Il taIre it Americas largest1 resale clearnghouse. Caîl Resort Sales International. 1-800-423-5967 (24 hours). 5% DOWN PAYMENT NEW 3-BEDROOM 1 KM-DBILE HOMES. $29,900.00, $1,.500.00( down, $25400 per month. Free delîeeryE and setsp. A-1, Homes 1-800-65-57364. POETRY POETRY CONTEST $12.000 in prizes.E Possible publication. Send one original1 poem 20 lines>or lens to: National Library[ 0f Poetiy. Sos 704 ND, Owîsgs Mlîs, Md1 21117. FOR SALE SAWMILLS - Enercraft offers 5 models of Bandsaw Milîs, Portable Edgers and related equipment. For more information on oquipmont and upcoming shows, cili (705) 734-1211. VACATION/TRAVEL MYRTLE BEACH RESORT vecationi rentaIs - Studios, ose and two bedroom condos; housekeepîso proeided. Pools, tennis and more! Golf packages avaîlable. Sommner rates from $506/week. FREE BROCHURE: 1-800-448-5653. COTTAGE OWNERS. Regîster today with COTTAGES UNLIMITED restai service listisg prîvately omned cottages for rent. Free omneras package. Fas (613) 213 9119, phono 613) 284-0400. AIno, part- lime cottage cleasers needed. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST B3UILDING PRICES- Stecl Straitwaîl Type - sot quosset- 32x54 $7,744; 4Ax72 $11.500; 5O9OS $16.522: 60xl26 $25,375 - other sîzes available ,- Final Spring clearasce- Paragos 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS -Take the guessmork out of buying a steel building. Talk to the professionals. Estabîîshed os OUALITY, SERVICE AND REPUTATION. 24 boum 1-800-561-2200. STEEL B3UILDINGS - Fînd outf mhy more and nmore people bsy and recommerd Future for Gaalîty, Integrîîy and Service. Ccli now for special prîces os Hay Storage Buildings at 1-800-668-8653. BUILD A SETTER BUILDING, tomest prîces. STRAIGHT SIDED, al[ steel, Example: 30x4OVALUE-$5,592. NOW $4,568. Other sîzes avaîlable. FACTORY DIRECT 1-800-668-5422. Pioneecr, snee 1980. 1ý / Vor d oed pparin community oewspapers in Ontario, or rght amoss Canada, or any inlîelpro inico. Spaceo l Limited, so Colt This Newspap er Teday' ýFÏhone 623- OUT OF -r CALLTOLLF lE OUT OUT OU CALIT 0-461-48lW'-ý ANITE MONUMENTS . 4 MARKERS CEMETERY LETTERI PRIVATE HOME 0WROOM ,ýý'ý"'ýýÀPPOINTMENTs ,,,6ERVING AtL F ÈEERENCFS AVA Lualiaocalay lor y A AI