2 -.OronoWeeklyiès,. Wednesday e pmbr2,19 The Hope of a job The upcoming federal election, for many, wili be the hope of a programa of job creation. t is a tail order, perhaps flot possible to the stage that the unempioyment wouid be drastically reduced and for job opportunities for these venturing out of the education systems. Most politicai parties at the present Urne, or at least since the Liberais issued their job creation program, are trying to place themseives ini an similar position. 1What can we balance becomes a big question for those flot committed entirely to one party. t is possible that the choice will be made between the two main political parties, Conservatives and Liberals, who may be able to form a goverfment following the election. The recent fine years of Conservative ruie in Ottawa gives some idea of the success or failure of the Conservative's "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs". The outcome has, indeed, not been one of success as promised by Brian Mulroney and Michael Wils 1on.> The dependence of the Conservatives in that the private sector would pull the country out of the recession has flot worked and is not about to give even a kick-start to economic recovery. The business sector has been a big supporter of the Conservatîves and have had the conservative ear as to social prograin cuts, (cuts to provinces) and a continuing cry to cut the budget. The Conservatives found it easy to cut back on equalization payments to the province but showed no success in cutting the deficit even though over the nine years brought forth increased taxation. The comments of our Ontario Lieutenant Governor, Henry Newton Rowell Jackman, at this year's graduation exercises at the University of Toronto should be considered. "Although it is customary in our democracy to blame ail our problems on governments, 1 do flot believe that business should be ieft off lightly." He continues, "Although we may rightfully criticize the growth in public-sector debt, private corporate debt grew equally apace." Jackman points -out that little of this private sector debt resulted ini any net increase in productive mnvestment. He asks where are the new factories, new jobs, new industries? The industrial sector were, no more interested in long as was the case with govemmuent. The conservative saviour bas failed us and especially the future generation. Kim Campbell is a conservative and the conservative attitude bas not changed one bit. It is the same Mulroney/Wilson attitude and-direction. t is more of what we have. Do the Liberals and Chretian offer more? They do instili -some hope with at least a plan for both the short-termn and iong-term. t won't be easy but we can't wait any longer. We can't afford to lose a whole generation of Young people. Let's kick-start the economy by spending money on the country's infrastructure in partnership with provinces and municipalities and the establishment of the Youth Service Corps. In the iong-term the Liberais do look to what should have been happening in the past nine years - new apprenticeship system, better research and technoiogy. t is ail words on the past of both parties, of course, but accomplisbments of the past nine years do no place Kim Campbel as the driver of a winner for ail the people of Canada. Kendal Coluùmn by Phyliis Lowery Well this is the week fali will become officially here, aithougb this past two w'eeks bave certainly feit like it... Around this area a few trees bave started to change colour, lets hope tbat tbey wili flot start to shed their leaves until after the Thanksgiving weekend, -as that is' when so many plan trips to sec the beautiful colours. Sunday was a iovely bright sunny day. Church bas once again set tied into its regular scbeduie. Sunday schooi started with twenty-six chiidrcn out, iet's hope this continues and, that more comce out to juoin themi. An interesting program has been planned for the children, witbt no reiigious teaching in the scbools, this is the only way tbey get tbe basis of Christian education. Remember bring your children and then join us for die service. Prior to tbe start of the service, we were treated to speciai music as Bernie Martin played flie beautiful old organ, it is so nice Io sec it being used more often. The service opened with Rev. Black welcominig all, the Openling bymn was "Father, Long Before Creation", the Invitation to Worship and the Prayer of Approach wÈre repeated. The Hymn, "Comné, Rejoice" was sung, followed by Jhe Prayer of Self- Examination and the Words of Assurance. Before the eidren went out to Sunday School a tape by Buri Ives titled "Creation" was played. t told the children about the creation of earth. Before Gdcreated our world, there was nothing, just a big empty space. God created air, it was ail liglit, so hie created darkness so we would have day and night. God made water, wind, then mounitains, then hie made birds and fish to swim in the water and fly in the air. Then, God made animais. God thought this was grand but hie wished that there was someone who could appreciate ail this, so hie picked up some clay and hie moldeda man in his own image, this was Adam. Adam grew ail kinds of things, but hie was lonely, God brought him animais but although hie could talk to them, hie couldn't understand them. So God took a rib from Adam when hie was, sleeping and God made a woman, Eve. They becarne married, everything was perfect, God said tbey should have no secrets. God told them they wouid become parents. This was only right, God made Adam, God made Eve from Adam's r, God made children from Adam and Eve. As the chiidren left the hymn "Jesus Loves Me" was sung. The' scripture reading was from Genesis 1:26-31;, 2:7-24. The sermon was titled "Human Like Adam". These stories of creation are wonderful, many differ, but 'they are'ail beautiful stories. It doesn't matter which story you hear, they are wonderful, maybe we have forgotten the wonder of it ail. We have become so conditioned to the happenings of today, we see it on T.V ., Neil Armstrong's first step on the moon, the fiights to space, we see ail these tbings rigbt from our own home. We often forget the beauty of the world. We forget the significance of the story of God making manfrom earth, breathing life into him, but God felt this was flot complete, 50 hie made woman. Ail this means, God was careful and loving, He created tbem with care, He gave them life. It nmeans life was in the bands of God, and it stili is today, God created each one of us. This mneans we are speciaily made in the image of God. In the Jewishi and the Christian belief, we are a complete identity, we were, we are, we will be, cared for and loved by God. SA friend loves you by choice. God gave man the righit of c-hoice. H-umanity bas abused this rigbt, mani has been careless, abusive, selfish. We have destroyed the forests, polluted die water and the, air, but God has given us a chance to be alil that we can be, to be wbole, to be com-plete with the world around us, to be happy. The Christian Church asks you to give controi of your ife over to God. Your l'Ife wili neyer bc the samie again, there is no promise that it will be easy. Adam and Eve chose their own way, Jesus, made bis choice, Now Power of God", was sung. The Prayer of Thankfulness and the Offering were presented. The service ended-with singing, "The Earth, The Sky, The Oceans". Kendal United Church is certainly s howing signs of change, the new ramp is in place and soon the new inner doors wili be instalied ail these changes are for the benefit of those who are attending and hopefully will attract new people. These improvemenits have been made by our own members and were made possible by bequests and former members of this Pastoral Charge. In October at the Anniversary Service ail these will be dedicated. We hope that many wil comne out and jomn with us in that celebration, Sunday, October 24th. Ail former residents or family members are especialiy invited. Come out and relive a bit of the past. Once again Kendal had an entry in The Durham Fair Ambassador contest, this was Miss Tanya Mercer, and although she did flot place first, she certainly is a credit to the community. Her speech was excellent and she presented a very attractive appearance. Tanya was sponsored by Kendal His Lidies Orange Benevolent Aýsociation, flot Kendal His Farms as reported in last week's paper. , Frorti the reports I beard, unfortunateiy 1 was unabie to attend, the Kendal U.C.W. held a very successfulYard and Bake Sale on Saturday, September l9th, selling everythîng. Things to ponder. "If you think you have someone eating out of your hand, .it's a good idea to count your fingers". Donate Winnings to Museum Catherine Staples, Orono, the wînner of a Clarke, Museum 50/50 draw during the Great Ganaraska Countryside Adventure weekend, bas returned ber winnings back to the museum. The total ticket, sales amounted to $178.50. Classified Ads Work Phone 983-5301 St. Saviour s Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. ORONO __ PASTORAL ~YA9 CHARGE Minister * Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russel Marlene Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Ofice 983-5502 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26TH Regular Services Orono United Church 11:00 a.m. Kirby United Church 9:30 a.m. Anniversary Service Guest Speaker Rev. Marcus Lise EXPLORERS Wednesday, September 22nd This year both boys and girls ages 8 -'l are invited to join at Kirby United Church 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. BIBLE STUDY. Wednesday, September 29th 8:00 p.m. Kirby United Church (basement) (A daytime Bible Study group wiil be starting in Orono at-10:00 a.m. on Thursdays beginning Oct. 7th) A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. Summer stock. reduction on al lJean Naté 50 % Off regular price (Ifl 1~.Iz1 983-5009 ORONO, ONTARIO il