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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Sep 1993, p. 8

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8 Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Septomber 29, 193 : Places to Go Welcome back from what was Reminding evervone that supposed te be only a brief hiatus. To start off the Newcastle section once again, I thougbt we would start with the Newcastle Public School. The school year is off and running after a beautiful summer that seemed te just fly righ t by. The scbool bas leaped back into routine and are gearing up for another busy year. The school has many pregraras, new and old, that we will be writing about from ie te time. The safe arrivai programme, îs once again a part of Newcastle Public School. TMe programme is rua by parent volunteers and belps te ensure the safety of your child. The school requires ail parents te notify the school if their child will net be attending school. Notification is accepted by note prier te the absence or by phone the morning of. After 9:30, if a child is absent without notification, a safe arrivai volunteer will caîl the parent confirm the child's safety. This gives the school an early warning if a child has been detained in some way and action should be taken. 'Me plan of the school is te have an--answering_ machine monitoring the 987-4262 line firom 4:30 p.m. te 8:30 a.m. for added cenvenience te the working parent. Newcastle Public is an officiai GREEN school The school expects that their students will either bring a garbageless, lunch te scbool or that the garbage retura home with them. The scbool would like te remind ail parents that Open House is just around the corner. On Thursday, September 30, frem 7 - 8:00 p.m., the Open House for grade one te six students is te be beld. On Tuesday, October 19, the junior kindergarten Open House will be held at the Lockhart campus from 6:30 te 7:30 p.m. The senior kindergarten Open House is on Wednesday, October 20. It is also from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., at Lockhart campus. There is to be a general meeting of ail parents on Thursday, October 7, at 7 p.m., in the library at the Newcastle Library. AI parents are welcome te attend. Fînrally, Grade 5 teacher, Cynthia Gibson and ber husband became the prend parents of an 8 lb. 3 oz. girl, on Monday, August 30. Welcome te the world, Kathleen Claire. That is aIl for this week. Well see you seon. Remember that if there is anything that should be featured in this section, cal 983-5301 or 786-2052. "Age of Concern" Column for Seniors by your "Senior" a: Queen's Park Gord Milis M.P.P. This week, as promised a few weeks back, I will conclude the Bill of Rights for People who live in Nursing Homes. 10. Every resident whose death is likely te be imminent has the right te have members of the resident's family present 24 heurs per day .. . la other words.. You have the right te have your family with yen wben your health is critical. Regular visiting heurs will net apply te your family at this important time. They can be witb yen ail day and night, if you want them there. Il. Every resident bas the rîght te designate a person te receive information concerning any transfer or emergency hespitalization of the resident and wherea person is se designated te have that person se informed fothwith .. . la other words ... Yen can cheose a person who the nursing home must call if yeu are transferred te another home or sent te a hospital. 12. Every resident has the right te exercise the rights of a citizen and te raîse conceras or recommend changes in policies and services on behaîf of himself or herseif or others te the resident's council, nursing home staff, goverament officiais or any other person inside or ontside the nursing home, without fear or restraint, interference, ceercion, discrimination or reprisai. In other words -., . You have the right te speak freely. Yen keep al yeur rights as a citizen. You can talk about things that concera you, _and suggest changes te the nursing home's mIes -and services. 13. Every resident has the right te formn friendsh ips, te enjoy relationships and te participate in the resident's ceuncil . . . Laother words . . . You have the right te make friends and te be with them. This can be an important part of yeur life at the nursing home. Yen have the right te participate in a resident's council. The resident's counicil is a good place te meet people and te get involved in the things that affect yen. 14. Every resident has the right te meet Privately with his or ber spouse in a room that assures privacy and where botb spouses are residents in the same nursing home, they have the right te share a room according te their wishes, if an appropriate room is available .-.. In other words .. yeu have the right te be alone with yonr husband or wife. If your hnsband cornes te visit yen, yen may want some time alone. The nursing home should have, a place for yen te meet in private. 15. Every resident has the right te pursue social, cultural, religions and other interests te develop bis or ber potential and te bc given reasonable provisions by the nursing home te accemmodate these pursuits.. YWCA Fali Program registration The YWCA in Bowmanville has many exciting new Fail programs for everyone. The wide variety of programs being effered, are Pre-School In other words . . . -Yen have the right te do things that interest you. Yen do nôt stop being the person you were before you meved into the nursing home. You may want te continue yeur hobbies, te follow yeur religion and te do other activities. The nursing home should make it possible for you te do these things, within reasen. 16. Every resident has the right te be informed. in writing of any law, ruie or policy affecting the eperation of the nursing home and of, the procedures for initiating complaints ... In other words... Yeu have the right to know what is going on in the nursing home. You should be told about cost increases in the nursing home. The cost of any extra services, and you must bc told about these new prices in writing and yen must give your response in writing. Ail policies as set out in tbe Nursing Homes Act must be 'the same as the policies of your nursing home. 17. Every resident has the right te manage his or her own financial affairs where the resident is' able te do se, and where the resident's financial affairs are managed by the nursing home, te, receive a quarterly accounting of any transactions undertaken onhis or her behaif and te be assured that the resident's property is managed solely on the residents behaif. in ether words . .. You have the right to manage your own money- while you are in -the nursing home. .. remember it is your money. 18. Every resident has the right te live in a safe and dlean environment. .. In other words. . Yen have the right te have a dlean and safe place te live in. The nursing home must be safe and everything should work preperly. Smoke alarms must work, fire exits must becleiarly marked, and stairways must be clear. The building must bce dean. Garbage should be taken eut regularly. There sbould be ne bad smells and the building must have a good air supply. 19. Every resident has the right te be given access te pretected areas outside the nursing home in order te enjoy )utdoor activity, unless the physical setting makes this impossible ... In other words ... (ou have the right te ýgo outside as long as it is safe for you. You hould be able te en joy nature, fresh air, and outdoor activities vhenever possible. 1 hope this information bas een a help te ail, residents of ursing homes, parents of those rsidents, those tasked with ooking after their affairs of ,sidents, and lastly, the, nursing orne staff. 1 like te think that the best ,othes one can wear is a suit or Iress of geed humour. Until next eek - keep happy! !!!! Programs for cbildren ages 12-36 montbs; Youtb Programs for ages 10-14 years old; Girls Drop-In; Basketball; Volleyball; Babysitte r Training Course and Teen Line Dancing. Varieus Aerobic Workouts at varieus levels (including Lew-Impact classes right here at the Orono Public School with your choice ef Tuesday or Thursday evenings or both); Line Dancing; Adult Workshops for Menopausal Years; Osteoporosis, and Nutrition; aise effering Children's Dance Programs. Register now te avoid disappointment, by dropping by the YWCA at 133 Church Street in Bowmanville. Office heurs are: Monday 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. and Tuesday te Friday 10 a.m. -4 p.m., or cail 623-9922. Big Brother Information Evening A Big Brother Information evening will be beld on Thursday, September 30th, 7:30 p.m. at the Big Brother office, 133 Church Street, Bewmanville. Anyone interested in the Big Brother pregramn please plan te attend and fmnd eut what being a Big Brother is ail about. Staff aïd Big Brothers will be presept to aqswer your questions. The Big Brother Association wlasobc holding a barbeque adslng ho t dqs from Il a.m. to4 p.n4Archibald Orchards on Saturday, NOctoýer 2nd. The afternoon will featoiTe activities with nature as the th¼ e. Little Brothers with supervisies. will ý. building bluebird nesting 'boxes* which will be for sale or you1,can buy the kit and make your own. Te get te Archibald Orchards, 6275", Liberty St. N., take 401 to Liberty St. exit, Bowmanville, and drive 10 km north on LibertySt. If you are driving on Taunton Road turm at Liberty Street and drive 2 km north. AIDS Fundraising> Campaign AIDS Committee (Durham) is pleased te announce their First Annual Fundraising Campaign in Durham Regien. The campaiga coincides with AIDS Awareness Week October 4th te lOth, 1993. AIDS Awareness Week is a week of activities and education about HIV and AIDs, it effers a chan~ce to put AIDS in the.public eye. Durham residents wiIl be (Contined page 9) PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS AMENDMENT TO COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW 84-631 Pursuant to Section 34(12),of the Planning Act and in accordance with Regulation 404/83, notice'is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held on Monday, November 1, 1993, 9:30 a.m., in respect to the following proposed amendment to Comprehensive Zoning By- law 84-63. The proposed amendment would have the following eff ect: 1) amend the definition of "Motor Vehicle Sales-Establishment' to include the following accessory use: display of new and used boats and boat accessories for sale at retail or for rentaI at al legal non-conforming Motor Vehicle'Sales Establishments within the Municipality of Clarington. Copies of the proposed by-law amendment, explanations and details of the properties affected may be obtained during normal office hours, from the offices of the Planning and Development Department. Further information may also be obtained by calling Warren Munro, Planning Department at 623-3379. The Public Meeting required pursuant to Section 34(12) of the Planning Act will be held as follows: TIME: 9:30 a.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Municipal Administrati on Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville DATE: November 1, 1993 The meeting shaîl be open to the public and any person who attends shal be afforded an opportunity to make representation in respect of the proposed amendment. Date of Publication: Wednesday, September 29,1993 Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director et Planning and Development Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 FILE NO: 0EV 93-034 P.O. 3273 P.O. 3273

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