1 ~OronG WeeklY TImnes, Wednesday, October 27e, 1993- 3 Was it Indian Summer? The question surely could be asked "Are we at this ime enjoying Indian Summer"? if you were to ask Bll Bunting he would say iL can't be Indian Summer because we have yet to experience Sqaw Winter. "What's Sqaw Winter?" "It is the first snow fail or even a skiff of snow". No matter what it is we will gladly accept this type of weather at this time of year. Sunday moming, 9:15, the two bird watcbers from Orono arrived at one of many parking lots at Humber Lakeside Park in Toronto. It was near full of cars and why not the sun shone brightly and with plenty of warmth. It was a great day to be outdoors, in fact a terrific day to be outdoors. The purpose of the Toronto venue was to look for waterfowl but we must have been ahead of ourselves or at lcast ahead of the birds because they just weren't around. Back to the old reliable Cranberry Marsh in south Whitby and sure enough plenty of water fowls and even shorebirds.off in the distance. Pleased to sec a Blue 1005e and a Ruddy Duck, not that common from day to day. A number of birders are manning a hawk watch along the lakefront at Cranberry but Sunday was a poor day for any real movement of these predators. The art show Believe iL or not the next stop was at the Station Gallery in Whitby wbere three femnale artist-s, including Maralynn Cherry of Orono, take part in Natural Variations wbere thcy explore life and its many guiding forces. The register contained mnany comments on the show from interesting, to a waste of ime to "different'. Personally we could be more in tune with Maralynn Cherry's works than the other two artists but it is a requirement that the ini- troduction is first read to try and understand what the artist is interpreting. It was however an interesting, side trip just to see wbat happens in some of the art shows. The Whitby show runs until November 2lst so-if you are passing the Station Gallery be sure to drop in. There was still lots of ime left to enjoy the outdoors and with Donna itwas off to the Ganaraska Forest Centre where once again we found the parking lot well filled with bikers, joggers and hikers. Not overloaded but more than we would have thought would be present. People were once more enjoying the outdoors on Sunday. Indian Summer perhaps. The forest roads took us tbrough to the Millbrook/Garden Hill Road. At one point a pair of Red Tailed Hawks lead the way through the trail fenced in by a canopy of trees. The trip was also to once more endeavour to seek out Wild Turkeys north of Kendal but as usual to no avail. Indeed Sunday was a day to enjoy the outdoors but as well the social asp ect of the Orono Town Hall Board tea was included in our itinerary. Orono Fire Cails Fire Calîs reported for the Clarington Fire Department, Station 3, Orono for the weeks October 7 - October 2th: october 8, 1:50 p.m., called to 200 Station St., Unit 28,, ambulance assistance. October 9, 3:07 a.m.,.called to 4251 Cedar Valley Road, assisted' Station 2 at a barn fire. October 12, 2:29 p.m., called to Hwy. 115, soutb of Station St., motor vehicle accident. October 20, 4:58 p.m., called to Leskard Road and 7th Concession, motor vehicle accident. Quee's Park Report from (lord Mîlis, Nvi? Durhamn East By the ime my column appears the people of Canada will have decided wbat type'of government tbey want. I'm somewhat fearful1, not knowing the'results, that we may bc facing another election in the Spring. One thing seems sure, that the Prime Minister will be facing a major opponient who wil be using the taxpayers rnoney for the sole purpose of breaking up the country. Wbat a prospect that is! Other countries will think us crazy, and possibly be right. 1Monday, October 18, marked the official start of Ontario's Grade 9 Reading and Writing Test for English-language students. The test involves two weeks of teaching and testing activities to rate Grade 9 students' work in reading and problem-solving. The Grade 9 Reading and Writing Test is the first province-wide test of al students at a particular grade level since the end of provincial exanîinations in 1967. The Grade 9 Reading and Writing Test will show wbere we have improveti what we teach and how we teach i. In the end, students in alI grades will benefit. In the Legisiature on Tlhursday momning, I had the opportunity to give my full support to a Private members' Bill that "would require that money that would be payable to an accused, convicted or admitted criminal or a member or former member of that person's family for -the sale of bis or her recollections or for interviews or public appearances, instead be paid to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board. The Board is required to use the funds received to satisfy any judgements obtained by victims of crime in Ontario." In the aftermath of the murder of Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French, we have now unfolding one of the most horrific stories of criminal victimization of our ime. The Bill presented, would, prohibit the sale of any story associated witb that crime and any otbers that may follow associated with other crimes.., If you watched "Question Period" lasi week, you would bave heard'Tory Leader Mike Harris dlaimn that an Ontario woman was forced to wait for three months for radiation treatmnent at the London Regional Cancer Centre while during the same period an American patient received treatment without waiting. Like most of Mir. Harrs allegations, this one wasn't true either. There has neyer been a three month waiting list at the London Regional Cancer Centre, and none of Ontario's Regional Cancer Centre accept patients from outside of Canada. In 1991, thent-Minister of Health'Francis Lankin placed a moratorium on tbe marketing of services to out of country patients. That remains this government's policy. Mr. Harris' other outburst over forged birtb certifîcates left me to wonder if those who forge documents have only suddenly appeared along with the NDP government. Was Ontario free of forgers during the 42 year reign of the Conservatives? Last week, while in Bowmanville Mail, I camne across two women -set up at a table selling tickets in support of raising 90 Years Young money to provide access for persons with disabilities at their church. To my surprise they hadn't heard about the governiment access program. In case other organizations haven't heard about the prograni I want to tell you tbat private, non-profit organizations wbich are incorporated at least one year prior to making an application are eligible to apply for funding up to $40,000 for approved projects. In addition, consumer advocacy organizations of persons with disabilities and/or senior citizens are eligible to apply for grans of up to $ 10,000 to purchase special telecommunications equipment. The dead uine for applications for this period closes on November 22nd. The application forms and help to compleue them are available at my constituency office in Bowmanville. If you have, any outstanding court-ordered fines you have not yet paid, call 1-800-387-8900 and arrange payment. The next step will require employers to deduct the fines owing from wages and send them to court, or require a bank, trust company or credit union to deduct fromn personal bank accounts (încluding RRSP funds> the money owed and send it to the court. The overdue fines valued at over $300 million and the lost revenue becomes a burden shared by all Ontario taxpayers. I have just fimished work on my householder "The Durham East Report" wbich will be sent out to everyone i nthe riding. I have tried to make it interesting, I have included some pictures, and provided information about important t hings that you might bave missed in the news. Expect the report at your housebold withini the next two weeks. Sometîmes I get letters addressed to me with the designation M.L.A. and not M.P.P. Which is right? 1 have found that discussions about the proper designation of provincial legislatures an hence, memibers of provincial legisiative bodies, have persisted since Confederation. In' the period following Confederation the acronym M.L.A. was popular in usage. During the 2tb century, M.P.P. EDWARD (TED) COPPING Love from yourfamily andfriends. Wishing you health and happiness. From A round ........ HOME The CLARKE CONNECTION, MORE THAN A STORE eA UNIQUE EXPERIENCE ONE 0F A KIND-HIAND MADE CANADIAN CRAFT-S ' O POTTERY - WOOD - SILKS - TOYS AND MUCH MUCH MORE ALAIN STREET, ORONO 983-9314 TUE.-FR 11 to6 SAT. 9to 5 L Book Review from Crystal Pages MYTHS AND STORIES 0F THE WILD WOMAN ARCHTYPE - Clarissa Pinkola Estes Phd. - Within every woman there is a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing; - Wild Woman, an endangecred species. The gifts of wildish nature corne to us. at birth, but society Icivilizes' us into rigid roles, mufflîng the deep life-givîng messages of our own souls. We become fearful,, uncreative and trapped. Telling stories as a way of teaching, entertaining and healing is a universal and ancient art- form. Dr. Estes heals by her writing. The reader is healed in the reading, as she awakens memories of long suppressed ways of being. New - Ballantine Books Jailed for beating school principal A man from Cobourg area bas been put in the temporary absence program for six months by the court. This allows him to continue working to support his family. He is also on a two year probation durîng which time he will undergo counselling for anger management. The man broke into the -home of a school principal and with a basebail bat broke bis legs. The principal bad sexually assaulted bis son. The principal is servîng a jail term of two years less a day for the sexual assault.s that had bappened during a period of time. was the termn members preferred. Despite the attempts by some members to change the designation to M.L.A. in order to bring Ontario in line with other provinces, the designation of M.P.P.s, continues. I'm just as, happy to be called 'Gord'. Our conscience is a mother-in- law whose'visit neyer ends! Until next week - take care. lz- ----