Orono Weekly TImee~ Wedn.sday~ October27~ 1993 -5 1993 Kendal Tykes Pictured are the members of the Sutton; Sarah. Frank; Brandon 1993 Kendal Tykes team: Front West and Dan Boyd. Back row (à- row (1-r) Jody Peddar; Robyn r) Daniel Riley;,Samantha Lucas; Scholz; Sarah-Jayne Lucas; Devon Evan Moore; Brandon Malik*, P-enaizing- loss for Oron' o Family Auto Orona's Family Auto dropped a 5-3 decision in OMHA Atom League play Friday, October 22., The hosting Haliburton Huskies handed Orono their first season loss in a penalty-filled contest. Three of Haliburton's goals were scored on the power play and the fifth was an empty-netter. Farnily Auto endured no less than 14 minor penalties ta Haiburtons 13 minars for a gamne total of 54 minutes! Orono found tbemselves down 1-0 before Greg Shetier was sent alone for a scoring chance by defenceman Tyler Robinson. Midway tbrough the first. Sbetlers low sbot was stapped, but winger Brandon Caruana banged in tbe rebound at 11:46 ta tie it at 1-1. Less than a minute later at 10:27, Famnily Auta grabbed a sbort-lived iead as Captaini Bob Witheridge tallied on a nice set-up by winger Ryan Tresise. The turning point against Orono came on a disputed Huskies goal witb 0 seconds remaining on the dlock at the period's end. t appeared Haliburton scored after time had' run out and the buzzer bad sounded. But it was ruied a goal by the officiais tying it at 2-2. Haliburton scored tbe only goal late in tbe middle frame ta take a 3-2 lead. It was a power play effort at 0:25. Orono fought back in the final period ta tie it up at 3-3 as Brandon Caruana got bis second of the.night on a wild goal-moutb scrambleat 7:18. Assisting on the play were centre Greg Shetier and Winger Jeff Tbompson. Penalty kiling was taking its toil on a tiring Orono bencb as Haliburton casbed in on their power play goal of tbe game at 4:54 ta regain the led at 4-3. Witb just 44 seconds left in tbe game, it appeared Orono wouid tie itas the face-off was deep in Haiiburton's end and Farniiy Auto was sporting a 2 man advantage with their goalie pulled! However it was not ta bc as the 3 Husie defenders managed ta aut- hustle the visitor s ta the puck and score an empty-netter for a 5-3 final. Orono goaltenders Ryan Leddy and Scott Poole faced 29 shots wbile the Husies fielded. 17. Next gaine for Family Auta is Tuesday, October 26 in Sunderland at 7:00 p.m. Sec you there! Heather Rebekah Lodge news report On Tuesday evening, Heather Rebekah Lodge opened the meeting witb sister Connie Hooey, Noble Grand presidîng, assisted by Vice Grand sister Judy Hall. Sister Bertha White, District Deputy President of District No. 8 Oshawa East was introduced by, Sister Betty Major and received tbe Honours of. the Degree, ail other visitors were welcomed by the Noble Grand. Sister Judy Hall reported she bad sent out three get well cards and one sympathy card. Sister Gloria Todd reminded the members of the Bazaar and boped thcy wcre seiling the tickets on the Quit and the Penny Sale. Sister Olive Milison gave the bank balance report, communications was read and deait witb. The invitations ta Ganaraska Tea and Bazaar were accepted. Sister Bertha White then installed the officers of aur Lodge into their respective Chairs'. Sister Bertha and staff have installed the new officers in Port Perry Lodge, Port Hope Lodge and Osbawa No. 3I On Tuesday nigbt they travel ta Cobourg and next Monday night travel ta Bowmanviile. Sister Bertha brougbt greetings from tbe President Sister Edîth Delano and she will be visiting aur, District onk December 14. Sister Bertha White and Sister Toro Bantams (Continueti from page 4) was started when Ryan Jobb got the puck out of bis end zone, along the boards ta Darryl'Cook wba fought off a check before centering the puck to Derek Lange wha one-timed it passed the Whitby keeper. This -proved ta be tbe game winner a-, tbe team beld back a late Whitby rally. Final score 2-1. Tony Butzer on defence and Darryl Cook on offence both played strong gaines for the Taras. The Halminen Homnes team naw bas a record of 5 wins, 0 lasses, 1 tie. Their next home game is on Friday, November 5, against Grilla. Report by John Hand Garrett MacDonald; Kevin Scholz; Garret Wood; Katie Wood and coach Sarab Sutton. Wanderful Season! Durham wants you to compost by Carol-Ann Oster The R-egion of Durham is offering a composting workshop. The workshap has been held in a number of towns across the Region, and this past weekend was heid in Newcastle Village., Sherri Munns-Audet from Durham Region was at Newcastle Lumber this past weekend for the camposting worksbop. She was available ta answer any questions about composting, or getting started. There are many reasons for composting. Composting returns organic matter ta the sal. This organic matter's end resuit is soil that is easier ta cultivate and manage, and provides improved plant growth and less danger of soil erosion. The most important reason for composting is the decrease in household waste. This is a particuiarly valid point especially with the current garbage crisis, an your community's on-going battie with the IWA. By recycling lorganic materiai, in addition ta recyclinig newspapers, boules and icans, yau can cut your waste by more than haîf. Composting is not a, difficuit habit to get into. Once you have your composter set up and learn what can and can not be compostedtifs easy. If the fact that composting is easy and an ecologically sound alternative ta hausehold waste, isn't enough ta get yau started, here's another small bonus.. Durham Region is now selling a selection of composters for the low cost of $15.00. Sa get started. Connie Hooey were escorted ta centre of the floor and presented witb small tokens for their work well done. Ladge clased according ta the Ritual, and a delicious lunch and social hour were had by ail. Expects radical changes The province bas provided funding for a study as ta tbe future moýde of the Port Hope and Cobourg hospitals. The District Heaith Council is calling tenders for the study ta be undertaken with a final report expected in June of 1994. The Executive Directar of the council bas said the raie of the individual bospitals could well bce different ta that tbat exists taday. Ail sectors of tbe bealth care system will be involved along witb the general public as ta input ta the study. Milo PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION 4Lnif CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW The Official Plan is the principle document that guides the grawth of the municipality. It must also respond to the changing needs and values of aur society. The Off icial Plan Review provides the opportunity to re-examine the goals and the basic strateg y of the Plan for the Municipality., It also presents the public with the opportunity, ta express their views on how they wish their community to develap. The Planning and Develapment Department is'holding four Public Information Sessions regarding the Municipality of Claringtan OfficiaI Plan Review as follows: " Monday, November,1, 1993 Newcastle Village Community Hall 20 King Street, Newcastle Village, Ontario 3:00 ta 9:00 p.m. " Tuesday, November 2, 1993 Orono Arena and Community Centre 2 Princess Street, Orono, Ontario 3:00 ta 9:00 p. m. *Wednesday, Novem ber 3,1993 Bowmanville Recreation Complex Highway No. 2 and Regional Road 57 Bowmanville, Ontario 3:00 to 9:0 p.m. *Thursday, November 4,1993 Dr. Emnily Stowe Public School 71 Sandringham Drive, Courtice, Ontario 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. These'Information Sessio ns are the second of a series that will be held throughout -the Off icial Plan Review process. The purpose of these Information Sessions are ta review, with residents, the various planning Issues and Op2tions leading ta the formulation of, planning policies. Planning Staff from the Municipality of Clarington wiIl be in attendance at the Information Sessions ta answer anyý questions. Furiher information may also be obtained by calling Ms. Teresa Hauban of the Planning and Development Department at 623-3379. ONTARIO Date of Publication: Wednesday, October 20,1993 Wednesday, October 27,1993 Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperanoe Street Bowmanville,,Onitano LIC 3A6 P.O. 3276 1 ý il m oll