fi - Omno Wa.klv llm.s. Wadnosdai~. NoVêmber 3.. 1993 Surely an e vent for the whole family Queen' s Park Report (Continued from page 3) impression that I was elected ta serve the interests of all the folks who elected me, as best 1 cauld. What a twist it will be ta democracy that might allow, segments of society ta, "gang-up" on an elected menibex, and "rig" the nomination process in order ta prevent the sitting member from seeking re-election. 1 feel such tactics would poison any hope a candidate selected through that There was a goodly number of the Clarke Museum an Sunday. something for everyone from nail children represented in the 245 The numbers were up 100 over driving ta such as above sack who were in attendance at the last year even with the inclimate races for a number of age groups. annual Hallowe'en event held at weather conditions. There was at Queen's Park - Gord Mills In this week's column 1 thought I would share with you some programns other countries have in place that enable seniors ta stay i their own homes longer. In West Germany, help is providedthrough meals-on-wheels, home help, personal assistance (bathing etc.) shopping, counselling, vîsiting, emorts, wheelchair provision, home cleaning, excursions and mobile libraries. In Britain some municipalities have contracts with mobile cleaning groups who will clean a senior's, home in preparatian for their discharge framn hospital. Others aperate -a special laundry service as a supplement te regular home help. Sweden and some other European countries have specially fitted vans with heavy cleaning and home re pair equipment. Scheduled and emergency visits supplement the work of home helpers. Flexible approaches ta home help have evolved in Norway ta enable seniors ta remain in their homes in isolated rural areas. "For example, in a small cammunity in the narth, cf Norway, a couple has been employed full time by the municipality ta provide care for seven retired persans. Difficult communications and jack of staff make it impossible ta arganize help in the traditional way, the only alternative for the seniors would have been admission ta an institution far from where they currently live." ln Sweden and Britain rural letter carriers are used ta keep in touch with seniors, shop for them, do other errands, visit and make regular monthly reports ta a social worker. The importance of communications ta the safety and independence of seniors is emphasized in Norway. The state subsidizes telephione installation and fees, giving priority ta the yyour "Senior" at Queen's Park Gord Mills, M.P.P. frail senior and those living alone. In Japan, there are over 108,00 clubs for seniors most of which are government subsidized. There are also 65 reasonably priced hotels for the senior in vacation areas or at hot spnings. It seems as if most countries, as we are here in Ontario, are doing as much as possible ta keep seniors in their home for as long as possible. The more we can do ta enable this ta continue, is of benefit toa ah of us, through the, continued well being of seniors and savings on institutional care. 280 employees leave Darlington generating plant Some 280 employees of Ontario Hydro are leaving the Darlington Generating plant through a volunteer severance package offering and as well through a retirement package that has been made available. ,This will leave a compliment of 1570 at the plant in south Clarington. One hundred and sixty-six are leaving through the volunteer severance package. On the other hand 114 are taking advantage ta terminate their employment with hydro through the retirement package being offered. These employees have 25 and over years of employment with the company. G ary Herrema suggestions for newly eieëcted [ibe ra'Is Regional Chairman Gary Herrema has some suggestions that hie intends ta place before the four newly elected liberal MPs within the Region. Herrema said lie was surprised at the strength of the ibera.l surge in Ontario as well as in the Region of Durham. He-has said that hie is sure they can work tagether ta get things ralling in Durham again. 11He already has a long shopping list ta places before the new government. The list includes A drafting of an overaîl plan for the development of 110,000 hectares expropriated for the Pickering airpart in the 1970s. H1e opposes the recently announce- ment by the canservatives ta sell somte of the lands without any planning. H1e also looks ta a completion of highway 407 across the Region and perhaps them on ta Ottawa as part of a TransCanada highway. 11e also includes a solution ta the problem of storage of low- level nuclear waste in the area. The Durham chairman also called for thc federal government ta give support ta transportation in the area menioning GO transit. He also suggested that the federal governmentget involved in the garbage issue with a view of sending garbage ta northern Ontario ta create jobs in the north. Herrema was also supportive of the make-work program that is proposed by the liberals and which is ta be the paramount issue after the opening of parliament. Stili working on contract The separate school board and their teachers are in the last stretch of reaching a seulement where the major issues staffing and salaries, were settled by the province's social contract. The elementary and high school teachers two year contract ran out in August. That contract had given the teaches a five percent pay increase. The Social Contract brought in pay freezes for teachers acroýs the province. process would have of winning any election anywhere amongst the 66 seats presently held by those who put Ontario first over pressure from unions. This coming Thursday, 1 have been asked by the Premier ta speak in the Legislature on behaif, of the government in remembrance of ail those who gave the ir lives in bath wars and while serving with the United Nations. I feel honoured ta have'been asked, its not often that anyone, other than Cabinet Ministers, are asked ta speak on behaîf of their government. Until next week - remember - positive anything is better than negative nothing. GOINO ON A TRIP??? GE1TING MARRIED??? planning a Specîal Evening on the Town for Dinner, the Theatre or the Big Game??? I HOURGLASS Limousine Service wiIl get you there and back in saféty, com fort and sMyf. CALL TO RESERVE EAMn.Y NOTICE, SENIOR CITIZENS AND THE PHYSICIALLY DISABLED SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAY WINDROW SNOW CLEARING PROGRAM The Municipality of Clarington is offering s enior citizens 65 years cf age and over and the physîcally disabled a snow clearing service on municipal sidewalks and for driveway windrows adjacent ta single family dwellings, which includes semi-detached, link housing and row housing in the urban areas of Bowmanville, Courtice, Orono, Newcastle Village and in the Hamiets of Newtonville, Tyrone, Leskard, Haydon, Kendal, Solina, Hampton, Burketon, Enniskillen, Maple Grove, Enfield, Mitchell Corners and Kirby. To be eligible for this service, applîcants must be 65 years of age or eider or be physîcally disabled, occupy a single family dwelling, which fronts enta a Town street in the specffied urban areas or the urbanized areas of the specified hamiets, and have no able bodied persans under the age of 65 years residing on the property. Senior citizens must provide a copy ef a birth certif icate or Senior Citizens Number; physically disabled applicants must provide a doctors certif icate. Application Forms can be obtained from the Public Works Department, Municipal Administrative Centre at 40 Temperance Street in Bowmanville, or caîl 623-3379. f you wish ta verify that you qualify for the service, please contact jan O'Neill at extension 202. AIl applications must be completed and returned ta the Municipality of Clarington, Public Works Department on or before November 19, 1993. Dates of Publication: Wednesday, October 27, 1993 Wednesday, November 4, 1993 P.O. 3973 "Age -of Concern" Column for Seniors .......... . .. . ..... .......... ........... mumumud