Omn.W.ekWTh~~~...........em .r~ ~3- Line up for Popcorn at Museum A number of activities were celebrating the Bluejay victory staged in tfle Museum building on but with bis bead showing Sunday at the Hallowe'en party through the poster. with this line-up waiting their> Visitors attended from as far turn te be served freshly popped away as Toronto along with a POPCOM* good crowd from the local One young boy is still» communitieýs. 1mo re* by Helen MacDonald The empress awoke last Tuesday rniung te discover she truly was witbout clothes ... witbout a riding to represent, witbout a party to lead, and witbout a country te mile. Meanwbile, after twenty-five years of waiting, the Grit Prince Consort now reigns over flic land.. And, the party faitbful bave already begun to stampede the patronage trougb . .. muscling out the overfed blue-skinned breed. 1 am not certain that the election results are as tbey may seem. They do not suggest to me a continuation of the long- standing pattern of shift from Tory politics and patronage to Grit politîcs and patronage. Rather than evince mnajority support for one party, this elecion seerns to embody mammtb dsconentwitb a tiresomeý, iefculptea 'a dersh - a poi,ýnt w1,rth waters. 1Ibis weekend, the Bloc, got out of the starting gate even before, Mrs. Chretien bas bad flic opportunity to locat e ber own private office and staff at Parliament Hill or arrange for redecoration of 24 Sussex Drive. The Bloc demanded $1 billion in compensation for flic imminent cancellation of the EH-loi military helicopters. After ail, they have stated clearly that they are going to bleed out of Confederation everytbîng tbey cari before independence. Makes sense, non? This is the official opposition I speak of. The Bloc wil sit in opposition not only of the majoity Liberals, but in complete opposition of Canada! Makes sense, Oui? retnManning, alias the Aibertasaurus, will be shiffTIng bis huge dnsu weight this way On xnwthereimmigJe-rat'ionU At Ciystai Pages, Orono #The -Addict arid thi by Pat Irwin Lycett On October 19, Crystal Pages the book store ini Orono was the scene for a most interesting and fundamental discussion of alcobolism. Barbara Walker, B.Sc., R.N., M.Ed., has, for over three years, been a counsellor with the Bellwood residential addiction centre, and bas much to offer on this mind-boggling subject. There is such an enormnous amount involved in the recovery of anyone wbo suffers from an addiction. Often, by the trne fthe person seeks help, he or she bas alienate friends, family and co-workers, and bas te cope witb soul-wrcncbing guilt for actions taken, in addition to tbe very difficult job of 'getting off tbe stuff. Once the addict bas 'lost enougb' and treatment is requested (altbough usually the prime mover is someone otber wbo requests the intervention) then there are a number of measures tbat can be taken. Bioenergetics, a means of encouraging bealthy feeling states, is an enormous help for tbe person*who may bave spent years copmng with bis or ber feelings by blunting them n isensate. Feelings, and bowte deal with themn cannot be overempbasized bere; it's an absolutely critical learning process if one is to' recover, and the retrieval can bc very difficuit. The, body does bave its own wisdom, fortunately, and muscle-stressing-breathing exercises (bioenergetics) cari play a large part in freeing up stored information; (information which bas been 1literally buried in the muscles, by the unable-to-cope in person. Alcobolism is a disease. Tbe liver metabolizes alcobol differently in an alcoholic. The affected personis not Just weak'. The good news is that with proper treaiment, good management, and a great deal of work, this cbronic disease can be well controlled. When recovery begins, everytbing 'Sbifts. Changed bebaviour on tbe part of one individual elects changes. elsewbere within tbe family and often witbin the workplace. The co-dependent wbo bas perbaps at no cost to thec taxpayer, 1 dare say! The cards with which the Hxyuse of Commons has been built are precariously stacked by the politics of division. The task of keeping the House standing will be difficult and tedious, and will requgire great leadership. It will also reqluire the participation of ail Canadians, not just our ,,f Caniada matters to us, al Cnia ust activei, engage in oliîca diloge.Otherw'îse, we m~ht ' wil "nsier that the le Family unwittingly, assisted the alcobolic's pursuit cf flhc disease, must begin new learning patterns. wbicb will better jibe witb the altered expectations of flic person striving for recovery. As the addict learns te manage bis life in more bealthful ways, spirituality and an understanding of one's own bigher selfbecomes an important concept. The addict, whose past bebaviour often contributed te bis or ber own 'aloneness' must learn te seek out other people, to share witb, te, learn from, and te belp in the process of healing. Alcoholics Anonymous is in the business cf re-wniting its 12 steps ini order te appeal to a wider cross-section cf 7people; i.e. those not cf the Christian faith. One basic tenet cf their programt requires the discipline cf taking 'a daily. inventory - "Where amn l?", 'How do 1 feel about things?",, "Am 1 comfortable with the person I'm becoming?" This is good therapy for anyone WISHING TO BENEFIT from constructive and caring thougbt. BarbaraWalker is interested in forming a recovery group in this municipality, pre ferably durîng the day. She can be reached at 263-4041. This was the final faîl lecture at Crystal Pages. The plans for SPRING '94 promise many new and exciting speakers on the topics cf bealth (in the broad, encompassing sense) and the necessity (as we apprcach the year 2000) cf MANAGINO OUR Kendal Hall News On Friday, October 22nd the regular card party was held with 9- 1/4 tables ini play. High score went to May Tabb with 78; second high Normha Moffat 74; Jean Jiisen and Marg Todd placed third with 73. Marg Todd won the draw and free admission to the next card party went to Wallace Bougben. Next card party will bc held on Friday, November 5th. The Men's Lodge will be meeting on Wednesday, November 3rd, the Junior Lodge meet on Thursday, the 4th. The Ladies will be meeting on November 111th. The Turkey Supper put on by Kendal L.O.L. 405, wil bc held on Sunday, November 21StL This will be held in the Sunday School roomn of Kendal United Church. Serving 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Admission $9.00 aduits. I'm not sure wbat they are charging for cbildren, more information in next column. $ 1.00 of each admission will bc going to a needy family. Also if you wish te donate food for the needy, please bring it along. Last year we had enough to divide it between two families, let's make this yea better. Once again the Band and the Junior Lodge wil be taking part in the Santa Claus parade, watch for them. P. Lowery OWN HEALTH CARE, TAKINO SOME RESPONSIBILITY FOR SAME. Ross Stevenson wishes to thamik aIl those who supported- 'l' n Fie çee'tFrdera, ~,uL-,T ' v r te-v 5l