35 years as leader with 4-H Newcastle Lions News Mr, Jim Coombs of Clarington was bonoured once again for bis untiring contribution as a 4-H leader -which bas reacbed a milestone of 35 years. Mr. Coombs is pictured wiUi two of bis 4-H Sbeep Club members, Aaron and Dianne iBowman of Darlington Town- sbip. AUl tbrec were attending Uic annual Durham East 4-H annual awards nigbt beld in Uic Orono Town. Hall last Friday evening, wbich had the hall, for tbe' occasion. In speaking with Mr. Coombs it becomes quite evident that Uic 4-H organization is a "super organization". He sbould know with the number of years involved in the program as a leader, 35 years, and as a member in bis youth for eigbt years. Following bis membership *in 4-H Mr. Combes was a member of tbc Junior Farmer's organ- ization. He siid be Uiorougbly enjoys working witb Uic young people and bas neyer seen a bad potatoe corne brugb Uic organization. With a cbucle be points out his veterinary of. to-day wbicb was a member of bis Sbeep Club a number of years ago. Wben asked if the 35 years was a record be said be knew of one other that bad as many years in their association with Uic 4-H organization and prograut. Twenty-five Newcastle Lions welcomed six Lions from the Peterborough Lions Club and two newly proposed members as guesis to the October 27thdinner meeting. Providence Sbaws Women's Institute served a deliejous roast beef dinner with pumpkin pie. President Tony called the meeting to order at seven p.m. and then after dinner, Regional Chairman, Graham Lewis from Peterborough spoke to the gathering and outlined the International President's goals for 1994. Number one goal is to eliminate preventable blindness world wide through a program called "Campaign SightFirst", one hundred and thirty million US dollars are being raised to accomplisb ibis immense task. He also reinforced our-own District A3 Governor's goals, Governor Ralph Foden bas chosen "Lions Quest" as bis personal goal for A3. This is a program tbat teaches youtb to resist drug abuse and handie peer pressure among other problems tbat young people face in today's society. As for bis own goals, Lion Grabam listed, "Membership Retain and Maintain" as well as FUN & FELLOWSHIP. Lion Dick Lovekin tbanked Lion Graham Lewis and presented bim witb a momento of his visit to the Newcastle Lions Club. A second speaker, Lion John Bugelli was introduced by Lion Ed Major. Lion John is the most recent member of thc club and spoke on "Life Insurance". It was very enligbtening to sec where our money goes wben we die, it was a real eye-opener. Letters were received from Antonia Reid, tbanking Uic Lions for the money received at the Clarke Higb Scbool Commencement. Also a congratulatory letter from the International President, James Coffey for being amnong- thc five top 1993 SightFirst contributors in District A3. The Nevada Commitie reported that a pilot project was set up toscîl tickets in MikeL Place and was successful. More tickets bave been ordered and the sales -will continue. Lion Stan reported tbat hie has lots of Saran Wrap and aluminum foil in stock at $12 and $24. He can be reacbed at 987-4534. Lion Joe reported diat the club presented four, $75 awards at Uic Clarke Higb Scbool Commencement. Lion Murray reported that bie is in negotiations with the Town of Clarington concerning the Lions being involvcd in the (Continued page 9) S.Saviour 's Church YO UT H SERVICE, Sunday, 9:30 A.M., Informai Worshipý Audio Visual Sermon Famîiy Atmosphere Youth in Charge CHILDREN WELCOME- ADULTS ACCEPTED MILL STREET ORONO FOR 5,THE 983-5594 HANDICAPPED We are wheelchair accessible. NURSERY &SUNDAY SCHOOL infant care is provided in our nursery for newborns ta 3 years during Sunday morning services and most special events. We have Sunday School to Grade 6. Areyou learning aàbout thie power of the Cross on thellateate show? \Vîth all due regard to Hollywood. tlheres mo)re to (hristianity thaln sto pplng vampires (nme Sunday as we celebrate the rvsurrect in of je-ss hrist in lov e ind ifllo)wshiî