$0 -Omno Wq*tiThu.. oeu4ay ~Iowmb.itZ 193' Perform'. Yo ut h Service councilors carry on their bid te halt the proposed freeway link between the proposed 407 and .401 ini the west end of Whitby. On the other hand the Region of Durham bas ýgiven approval of the link. as proposed'by the province and have included thé, route in their officiai plan. Charlene Lewis, flutist, and Dyson Drury, pianist, entertained musically on Sunday at the Youth ServiceatSt. 'Saviaur Destiny will lead us ta many places. We know flot where; we knaw not.when. Along the path of life we will encounter many- things that will shape our lives and steer us in new directions. We will realize our calling and discover aur place. We can neyer be sure we are doing what was intended of us. Life is a mystery. At present, I arn wandering if I missed my calling. Perhaps, I think ta myself, I should be working for the CBC., Last Wednesday night found me crammed on a set of bleachers in a small studio, in the old CBC building. Destiny, well l probably neyer knaw. We'Il attribute it simply ta the luck of a friend who happened ta obtain four tickets ta the taping of the CBC's "Kids in the'Hall"., Ta those wha don't know the "Kids in the Hall" are a comedy troupe who have faund a nice rating in bath Canada and the United States. It's a sketch show, with humour that is warped and sometimes slightly obnoxiaus. 1 love it. But I digress. Finmtalking about destiny, 'and what may be, my calling in life. Sitting crammed on these high uncomfortable bleachers we watchcd as the actors taped their skits. Bctween skits we watched as the crew did their job. And al the way through, we sat and wondcred just how much the people that appearcd ta have no vieir job but t0 sit on a coi., I aýý uaIIy gai paid. Anglican Church. It was a delightful number on the past of bath musicians. This folks, is the Canadian tax dollar at work. Remember... CBC is PUBLIC BROADCASTING. Funded by the Canadian government. .I had a mental picture of my hard earned money flying out the window as I watched these folks ai work (and I use the termn loosely). First there are the tape peaple. There rale apparently is ta walk around with several raîls of tape attached ta their belt. Well, thank-God for ihem. Exhibit B... The persan wha staad around and danced while the band played. Is he getting paid? I want a tax refund. I neyer figured out if he was really of any use. Oh wait, I remember. Anytirne a late group of people came in, he was the one to direct the section of bleacher creatures on which way ta shift their butis ta allow for more room. My apologies. Next, there are the people who sat on the couch and did nothing. The only tîme they moved was when this particular set was needed fo r a skit. Then they came back and sat again. This is the job I covet. They did nothing. They didn't hold tape. They didn't direct bums on a wooden surface. They sat., And' sat. And looked quite pleased with their progress I must say. Yes, maybe this was destiny leading me ta water. Destiny telLi ng me that I was ging te make the big bucks and'be truly dcserving of il. God Bless the CBC. qJhe L4qhtirtg of Cfiristmas In Downtown Orono Friday, Novemnber l9th Commencing at 6:30 p.m. Youngsters carolling on the steps'of the Town.Hall Clarington Band Quintet Hot Dogs, Hot Chocolate, Cider, Santa Free Draw for a Gift Basket An Orono Downtown experience Annual ChristL'mas Crafât Sale Twenty Vendors, many new to the Orono s how Friday 4 p.m. uffi 9 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. bII 5 p.m. Sponsored jointly by the Orono D.B.BLA. 1 Orono Town Hall Boardo Re%ýCgion hopes to freeze taxes The Regien of Durham hopes ta keep the level of taxation the same for 1994 as existed -this year. Guidelines were set last Wednesday with this in mind. In fact the Region is looking ta eut the take by $5.1 million. Regional Police are expected ta reduce their budget by $1.2 million with the remaining $3.3 million coming fromn other Regional deparments. Elects trial by judge and jury A prominent Oshawa lawyer who faces 29 fraud and theft charges overloss of $4.7 million from his former law firmn. Ralph Jones, 71, a former partner in the now defunct law firm of Jones and Jones elected ta be tried byjudge and jury. 1Donald Jones the other pantner in the firm has been sentenced ta six years in prison on 18 counts of fraud and criminal breach of trust. Whitby challenges 407 plan - The Town of Whitby BRONZE MEDALLION/BRONZE CROSS "CRASH COURSES" The Municipality of Clarington - Community Services Department has spaces available in the above programs. Please note that "CRASH COURSES" are intended ta be used for RECERTIFICATIQN or by individuals who were flot successfui during their f irst examination. Ali courses a 're held at the Ftness Centre Iocated on Liberty Street, adjacent to Bowmanville High Sohool. FOR INFORMA71iON ON HOW TO REGISTER CONTACT THE FITNESS CENTRE (905) 623-3392 BRONZE MEDAILLION BRONZE CROSS DATES: DECEMBER 6,7 &9,1993 DATES: DECEMBER 13,14 & 16,1993 4:15 - 8:15 P.M. 4:15 - 8:15 P.M. EXAM: DECEMBER 10, 1993 EXAM: DECEMBER 18, 1993 5:00 - 7:00 P.M. 9:00 - 11:00 A.M. FEE: $50.00 + $5.00 EXAM FEE FEE: $55.00 + $1 2.00 EXAM FEE