:Orono WeekTmi Èeneday, December 22.,...99 1 Tour Orono for Xmas Lights Cameiras will be spying north oùn Highway 115 Corne the month of April speeding drivers using Highway 115 north-east of the Enterprîse intersection with Highway 35 will, corne under the watchful eye of new photo radar technology. The units, four of which are being rented for the six month trial, can photo speeding autos and Lake a picture of the licence plate. The units can then complete the paper work for the mailing of a speeding ticket te the ewner of the vehicle. The units cost in the order of $80,000. The province is starting the program with a number of trial areas of which nortb 401 is but one. There is te be no other use of the new technology in Durham Region. Inspector George Marshall, There has been many heurs spent this Christmas seasen in putting up Christmas lights in the Oreno and area. A drive around the village is well worthwhile with some goed displays blazing forth. The north end of Main Street is again a fe ature of lights and this huge snowman in front ef tbe Robert Henderson bouse, ini fact it is the largest snowman we have ever seen and a mrature of ingenuity. Also take a drive around the Orono Estates. Bob Willsher lone torch carrier in recent debate Mr. Bob Willsher was the lene torch carrier at a recent meeting of tbe public school board in an attempt te stop a mnove te reduce debate my trustees on a motion te two twe minute speeches. The trustees were being allowed te talk for twe five minute periods. The Ward Three Trustee for Clarington lest eut in bis bid being the enly member te vote against the change te the two two minute speeches. 1Mr. Willsber said it was essential that the public hear and understand the reasoning behind the decisions'being made. He said te state the case satisfactorily trustees need more than the two twe minute periods. 1He said "If care care about the the democratic process then this is unacceptab1e". Ms. Debbie Nowlan, also a Clarington trustee frem Ward Three said she agreed with the change and would like te see an end te some of the grandstanding that gees on at the meetings. Many of the meetings go on after midnight and Bob Willsher dîd say that it is painful for trustees te be up until 2 a.m. Mr. Willsher cast the enly eppesing vote and the two two minute speeches are now part of procedure of the school meeting in debate of motions and resolutiens. But Mr. Willsher was not finisbed for later in the meeting while a trustee was reading a report and it had gene over twe minutes he called for a point of erder pointing eut that the trustee had reached the tîme limfit. -Mr. Willsher challenged the chairperson, Judi Armstrong, when she pointed eut that the twe two minute limit enly applied te debate on-motions net the reading of a report. Trustees voted in faveur of Mrs. Armstrong's ruling. ,:Wiarm- Wi84in18you lots of joy thtis Chrft Lmais, f irmmed ,with love aInd pecc. Wakefield Insurance Roif and Bey. JHfI6 I Is Where The Heart Is Especially at Christmas, and throughout the year, may every heart and home be warmed by the spirit of contentment that this season brings, and blessed with the joy of sharing it with Ioving family and friends. Merry Christmas Orono Fuel & Lumber who is in charge of the recently approved programn for the OPP bas said that tickets wont be sent te everyone who speeds. "There wil be some police discretion", be said. Marshall said he expects tickets te go te drivers who are going faster than 85 percent of vehicles on the road. He expects, however, that there will be a gradual lowering of the average speed when the units are used in more areas of the province. Marshall said it is h oped that the units can reduce fatal accidents in Ontario that dlaim towards of 1100 deaths in a year along with 90,000 injuries. The new radar units wil be set- up in marked mini-vans and cars and used in high accident areas. Legal challenges to the photo radar will likely be launched on the groun ds that a driver wasn't informed quickly enough and didnt have achance te Mount a defence. -It is thought that tickets will be issued within seven days of an infraction being caught by the new units. Sale Now Until Christmas Durham Farmers' County Co-op Orono Branch Hwy . 115 at Tauntoni Road 1Phone 983-9134 With Special1 Thanks ..for your patronage and good wilI, we wish you ail a very ana Happy New Year Larry Jackson Plumbing & Heating