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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Feb 1994, p. 4

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J&M Custom shuts down A&R Flooring offence Last 1hursday, February 17ti, J&M visited A&R Flooring in Bowmanville, and came away, with a decisive 4-0 victory due ta sound goaltending and good defence. Mark Kelly (8), tending net for J&M, recorded Uic shut-out. A&R's nctminder topped J&M's Doug Garlick (5) on a break-away from the blue Une midway tbrough Uic first pcriod. Sbortly after, Evan Moore (9) potted anc unassisted. Less than a minute later, Moore scored another from Mike Fuller (6) to end Uic first period 2-0. In the second period, J&M Custom added anc more off Uic stick of Daug Garlick (5) from, Derek Sellars (3). Score J&M 3; A&R . Garlick scorcd once again at Uic 6 minute mark of the Uird, unassisted, ta complete the scoring: J&M 4; A&R 0. 0f note is that ail Uic scoring came off the sticks of J&M's defence. Ail round, J&M showed a good defensive effort; particuiarly, since Uiey had t idl off three penalties. A notable effort an defence was turned in by Justin Caruana (4) and Joey Konopka (35). This week's Photo feature: Amanda Adegeest (16) BR.HSL. Optimists meet tough competition The'Bowmanville Optimist Club Tyke Selects playcd Urec very strang teams over Uic past twa weekcnds, winning once and caming up just a bit short in Uic other twa gaines. The boys faced off against Uic Ajax Selects an Saturday, February 12th in Newcastle. Showing the effects of a two- wcck layoff, Bowmanvillc was unable ta get untracked in this gaine ffensively. However, their usual defensive prowcss kcpt thc gaine scoreiess for Uic first period and a haîf. Ajax supplicd the pressure as the second period mavcd alang and took a 2-O lead, in spite of seine excellent saves by Gord Baird. A fine rush by Renc Cartier set up a goal by Michael Richardson ta narrow thc score ta 2-1 at the end of twa periods. Richardson then drew a hoking penalty early in Uic third, and Ajax capitalized on the power play for their third and final goal. Tbe goal came on a rebo.und off a point-blank save by Baird, wba continucd ta play well ta keep the gaine close. Bawmanvillc was unable ta gencrate mucb affence, and feu ta Ajax by a 3-1 caunt. Missing froin the B.RH.L. lineup an this day werc Chris Boyce and Matt Mitchell, who had played three gaines carier in ic day with their bouse league tcam (Dufferin Aggregates) at a toumnament in Peterborough and wcre ineligible ta play a fourth gamne on Uic saine day for insurance reasons. Congratulations ta Chris and Matt for their teamf's victory in that taumnament. On Saturday, Fcbruary 20th in Newcastle, the BR.H.L. Tyke Scects piayed a rematch witfi Uic Malvera Sclects. 'Me first pcriod was anc, of the best apcning periods for aur boys in saine time, as tbey came out hustling and skating bard. Thcy wcre rewarded early whcn Bryan Barchard scored, assisted by Dan Michael, wbo had made a fine rush up Uic middle ta create Uic chance. Bowmanvilie cantinucd ta press, but malvern scored late in Uic period and was fortunate ta came out of Uic period tied. The late goal secmed ta deflate the boys a littie, and Malvcrn took advantage of this lct-down ta score twa second-pcriod goals. Malvern addcd a fourth goal early in third pcriod before Bowmanville regained their composure and intensity. Michael Richardson started Bowmanvillc on Uic comeback trail with a bard, well-aimed shot, assistcd by Rene Cartier. Some good forechecking by Matt Mitchell and strong skating by Bryan Barchard kept Malvcrn hcmmcd in their awn end long enougb for Barchard ta bit Adam Cuil with a nice centring pass, which Culi one- timed into thc net for Bowmanville's third goal. The boys wcre unable, howevcr, ta camplete Uic comcback, and iost ta a very disciplined' Malvern club 4-3. Justin Andrews and Gord Baird were vcry stcady in goal, facing 21 shots, many of Uiem of Uic difficuit variety. Before the Malvern gaine, coach Jin Barchard announccd that Uic team would bc wiUiout Uic services of defenceman Jamie Wrhitehead for the rcst of the season, as jamic bad suffcred a broken leg while public skating with bis family. The teain will certainly miss Jainie!s steady play on Uic bluclirie and wisbcs bim a specdy rccovery. A card signcd by ail the boys was ta bc prescnted ta Jamie, and we look Family Auto undefeated in playoff action'. After eliminating -Sunderland by winning dtre straigbt, Orono's OMHA Atoms entry, Family Auto Sales bosted Ops Flames Friday February 18 for game 1 of their six-point series. Ops bad surprisingly knocked off Minden in a bard fougbt four-point series tbat wcnt tbree gaines. In the, two previous season encounters with dic Rlames, Orono emerged with two identicai 4-1 victories. Orono proved once again that they bad Ops 'Number" as Uiey coasted to a 2-0 win. Althougb Uiey weren't tested too often, the goaitending tandem of Scott Poole and Ryan Leddy rose to tbe occasion and sbared equally in tbe sbutout. Coacb Witheridge was quotcd as saying the teain skated adequateiy for Uic win, but Uic bave to bea forward ta seeing hum at future Select gaines wben bc is up and' about. Good luck Jainie! Tbe B.R.H.L. Optimist Tyke Selects travelled ail the way to Brampton for a gaine on Sunday, Fcbruary 2th. Tbis was an cntertaining game to watch, altbougb many parents on botb sides seemed ta feel tbat tbe referees ignorcd ina many flagrant fouis. Altbaugb Bowmanville outsbot Brampton 19-8, coacb Jim Barchard didn't feel tbat bis team looked that dominant from Uie c *encb. Tbey ccrtainly didn't dominate thc first two sbifts, wbich saw Brampton take an easy 2-0 lead. Tbis wake- up caîl got the boys going, and wben Bryan Barchard scored on a weak backhander, thc wbole tearn startcd ta skate wiUi mo re desire. Matt Bcst ticd Uic gaine early in tbe' second period, assisted by Adam Cryderman and Michael Richardson. Bowmanville continued ta buzz thc Brampton net, creat ing. many scoring chances., but Îhey got carelcss on a mne change and gave up a goal witb nine seconds lcft in the pe riod ta trail 3-2. It was al Bowmanville in thc third periad, however, as tbey scored tbree unanswered goals ta post a convincing 5-3 victory. Ricbardson scored Uic tying and winning goals, assisted bath times by Bryan Barchard, with Matt Best chipping in an assist on Uic equaiizer. Barchard scored Uic insurance goal, unassisted, on an excellent wrist sbot ta the top- rigbt shelf. Stephen Comnelissen was burt midway tbrougb the period on a take-down in front of the net, but be shook it off and came back witb mucb determination. The defence corps of Rene Cartier, Matt Mitchell, Andrew Fracz andCorey Oliver controlled the boards wcll and moved Uic puck up ice quickly. Mitchell was filing in for the injured Jamie Whitehead and did, not look, out of place on the blucline. The B.R.H.L. Optimist Club Tyke Sclects wiil take their 14-5- 1 record into Vaughan's Wonderland Tournament on Fcbruary 26. Give it your bcst shot guys., down if they expeet ta advance further in the playoffs. Centre Tyler Robinson got Orono's first goal and the eventual winner eariy in the first period. Winning the face-off deep in the Rlames end, Robinson skated in and snapped a rising wrist-shot to the short side at 8:06 unassisted. Family Auto's play sagged a bit in a scoreless middle frame as shots were even at 3 apiece. Captain Bob Witberidge got Orono's insurance marker at 6:37 of the final period on a Brandon Kettela rebound. The play started on another face-off ini Ops' end wben centre Greg Shetler clcaniy won the draw back to Kettela who one-time the shot. Final shats an goal were Family Auto 19, SPECIAL FEB. 23 - MAR. 31/94 $39 m 95<SAVE$1.0 COMPLETE CLEANING & ADJUSTMENTS 0F VCRs ARJAY'S VIDEOS ORONO 983-9117 Rlames 9. Game 2 betwcen these two teains is scbedulcd for Monday, February 21 in Ops' arena. Gaine 3 is slatcd for Tuesday, February 22, back in Orono at 7:30 p.m. Ice Shavings: Winger Ryan Tre sise is out for the remainder of the season with a broken collarbone, he injured it at school, it's unfortunate because Ryan had been playing bis best hockey of late, he will be missed from the line-up!. . ., Winger Jeff flompson put in a strong effort ini Orono's lack lustre win over Ops ... In playoff action Jamie Panry ieads ail defencemen'with 3 defensive plays (Ops) . . Centre Greg Shetier leads ail forwards wiUi a plus passes . . . The Orono Hockey Parents' Valentine Dance raised over $2,000 whicb will most definitely benefit Orono's Hockey Clubs . . Thanks to ell who contributed! Stephen 's Sporting Goods Hunting, Fishing & Supplies 80 KIg St W. BwmaIllle 697-2546 "Wherefriends meet" WEEKEND SPECIAL Bacon, Sausage or Ham &Eggs Main St., Orono 983-6088 Proprictor-Mabel Ubsddl Orono Amateur Athletic Association Oirono Summer Sport s Registration 1994 Date:. Monda y, March 7th Monda y, March Zlst Place: Orono Azena dt Time: 7:00 - 9:00 p.ni. If Firsi rime Registeulng ln Orono Pie.,. Brng Copy of BiU, Certif icate and Heaith Card (Early Bird) Registration Fee Schedule (Af te, M-,h 22nd Registratim w ,ai up S20.00 .md iistedhy Rqitrt,.,asaba. Note: Coaches are noeded ai ail levais, cali appropriate contactfor more luf o. SDi0-n imi. Age <Dc. 31st/94) FeA Basebail T.BaIl4, 5& 6 $40.00 4-Pitch 7& 8 $40.00 Tyke 8 & 9 75.00 Mooqmto 10 & il $75.00' PeeWee 12 &13 $75.00 Bantam 14 &15 $80.00 Midget 16 -20 $80.00 N.ta: W. wt1 filid Rpad te intme t he- .,i.l...RogLt. atlas I.. for Rop tennis.wiliho hghe.. Rop i, l.,., pi.... ,.gi.t., en5,,bai',,. M.ah Zth t I. a nn inig forE.O.B..L m.57. Contact: <Rap) TInt Tuf ts 983-5465 1<House League> Art Raid 983-9495 Girls Softball Novice 9, 10 & il $40.W0 PeeWee 12, 13 & 14 $55M0 Bantam/Midget 15-18 $55.00 Contact.* Ray Bster 983-5524 Soccer Age (LguI3st/94) (Mini Soccer) 8 & under Atom 9 &10 Mosquitoil & 12 PeeWee 13 &14 Bantam 15&16- Contact: Gord Lowery 983-5840 11 (Regigiration Form. c..hb.picke up at, aqd r.tord t. th. OooArasai $45.00 $50.00, *50.00 $56.00 $50.00 Main St., Oron o 983-6088 2% ami 7 ani-1 n

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