Wokiy Ibnu Wt~nsu4ay~, Mm~oh U~ r'irnm., ~Q44&LIaM2ÂLLI~JJ.LLLLLtZiLflYifl5Y..s Kins me n donate $100000 Recently fic Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen generously donated $1,000.00 to tbe Orono Public Scbools Playground Equipment Fund. Picturcd above are fom Uic left, David Gray, Orono Public School Principal; Norm Dawe from tbe Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen, and Pam Hodgson, OPS PTA president accepting Uic cheque. Another recent donation was from a program tbat Proctor and Gamble wcre running in conjunction with IGA stores. Proctor and Gamble donated $269.50 and Armstrong's IGA matched it and also gave $269..50. A Theatre Buif It was by accident that we did become a theatre buff over Uic week-end. At least it bad net been intendcd dma I would attend Iwo local theatre presentations within two days. It did bappen. Bcing in Cobourg Friday evening and after dinner strolled down Ui teeatot Victoria Hall te sec just wbat may be laking place. The Northumberland Players were presenting- the musical Brigadoon. As I bad neyer attended an event in Victoria Hall I thought it could bc interesting and made my way te Uic ticket office. "Sorry sold out!" "Not even one ticket left?" No, thc show bas been a great attraction and there are no tickets left even for the remaining performances. Neither one of us bad anything te do now and Uiat includcd Uic ticket seller. 0f course there was some small talk, only te- be interrupted by the ring of the telephonée. "That was a cancellation, two tickets". _711 take one". 1 Ilt is not likely I can scîl both -M.-se at this time, fivc minutes before curtain call - it's a deal". For Uic price of thirteen dollars I bave a chair in Uic, second row to thc front. If 1 didn't know anyone in Uic audience I did know thrcc of Uic musicians in the fourteen picce pit band. This is the reason we haven't scen one of the clarinet players at the' Concert band practices of late. Michele Ernst,, an Orono Discovery Toy representative, donated $ 100.00, procceds from ber sales at the Orono Craft Show. Ail donations are greatly appreciated. There is approximately $4,100.00 left te raise for Uic new equipment and fundraising is still ongoing for tbis project. flec Orono Public Scbool will be holding it's 2nd annual FunFair on April 28th from 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 pan. Please watcb for furUier details so you can come out for a nigbt of fun and relaxation and support the scbool at the same time. TMe Northumberland Players abound in talent, acting, great singing, some dance and notable cborcograpliy. At times there werc 28 on stage and in an array of costumes suitable for Uie occasions adrift in dream-Iand. The pit band bad an easy nigbt of it, not rcally a difficult scorc. I Uihougbt I could bave playcd some of it myscîf. But thinking and doing may bc two different tings. The bal bolds ice bundred and from wbat I had beard there was a full bouse for the eight performances being presentcd. flic hall is not Uic Pantages or North York Theatre but it does bave a character of it own and no one would want te sec it cbange. Certainly I was imprcssed with the whole cvcning , a most talented cast and with Uic support of thc 14 piece band 1 thougbt that Cobourg docs well and it does set itself aside from oUier saine size communities. Perhaps just far enougli away from Uic GTA that tewn is not a bedrooni community. That.was Friday nigbt and I kncw that it was off to Bowmanville for the Cocktail Hour on Saturday nigbt and for tbis production I did bave tickets. It was good to sec John Amcsbury on stag again and bcing supported by three other stalwart of the Bowmanville Drama Workshop group being Elizabeth Prower, Randy Alldread and Pat Majerrison. Jean and Bob- Sheridan are still dceply involvcd in the works which continue to bc staged in Bowmanvilc. Clarîngton General, Purpose Committee The municipality held a publie meeting concerning a proposed draft secondary plan for the soutb-west of the Courtice Neighbourho.od area., The plan would allow the dievelopment of a residential com--munity with a population of 8000 people. It would also include space for schools, chuith and commercial development, parks. The scheme bas been referred back to staff for a further report. The committec denied an application for a gas bar and convenience outlet at the north- east corner of Solina Road and Highway No. 2. It was notcd in tbe report that a number of service stations had closed over the years between Bowmanville and Courtice and the committee saw no need to zone further land along No. 2 for a service station. Tbe planning departmnent bas scbeduled June 20 to 23 for a series of public meetings to outline the draft officiai plan. The meetings will be held in Bowmanville, Orono, Newcastle and Courtice. An internaI review of the draft wil bc beld at the, cnd of April or first of May. On May l6th the draft wili be taken to the general purpose committee meeting. Twcnty-flve building permits were issued in February 1994 for a total of 44 for the first two months. This compares with 53 in the saineperiod 'in 1993. The building department report points to 19 building starts in Clarington for the twomonths of 1994. This compares witb 28 in the samne period in 1993. 'The majority of construction is in single residential units this year. Peter Johnson of Bowmanville addressed the town committce on Monday seeking upgrading of many of the soccer fields in tbe municipal ity. He spoke of an enrolîment in soccer numbering 1500 children wbo register in either the Bowmanville or Darlington soccer leagues. He said the group sought a minimum standard as to the maintenance of tbe fields and suggestcd that grass be cut witbin a 7 to 9day cycle. 1He alsu said there was a need for more soccer field especially in It was a near full bouse for the Bowmanville group and the production did warrant tbe, support from tbe community. It made for a good night of comedy as tbe coniflicts of tbe family on stage was well presentcd by seasoned players. As a closing note thc ducks are returning to Presquile and sbould be witboin tbe nex t week be out in théc.bay andmmarsh in.thousands in thc Bowmanvillc area. It was asked tbat council make funds available in order tbat im provement could be made and new fields establisbed. Mr. Jobnson also pointcd out that thc fields are only used four days of the week as volunteer leaders and parents don't want to give up their time over Uic wcek- ends, Friday tbrougb Sunday. "Many go to their cottages," lie stated .Mayor Hamre said Uiat much of tbe soccer problem could be set aside if like other sports, basebaîl and bockey, tbe game was playcd more than the four days of Uic wcck Mr. Jobnson called for a meeting witb staff and representatives of tbe school, board. Board of Education drops one trustee The Durham Separate Scbool Board will elect one lcss trustee come tbis fail election. The board bad intendcd te drop two trustees but thc figures showed Uiat this would cause some discrepancies. The one trustec is being dropped from Osbawa and tbe board intends te save $35,000. Yet to make decision on inquest flic Regional Coroner bas yet to decide wbIetbcr to bold an inqucst into the de ath of Bowmanville resident, Mildred McSloy. Mis. McSloy, 78, who livcd at Uic Careview Manor Supervised Home in BowmanvilIle, was found frozen te deathbebcind thc Canadian Tire Store two weeks after she bad been rcported missing from thc home. 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Start early and look over the brochures that appeal to you, if affordability is important ask your agent about early booking bonuses or any other incentives that are offered. There can sometimes b. a trend to book at the lasI minute thinking that you will gel a REAL DEAL but if you are a diligent shopper you can gel whal you want weil in advance and not have ta seulle for whal is Iaft over. f you have travel lips that you wanl ta sh are in this column, cal Blessings Travel Centre. 11 Remember when you think of TrayeZ, Think of %BLESSINGS TRAVEL CENTRRE Vanstone Ml ê 623-0005 M. i-ji