SALLY STAPLES associate brokcer 623-6000 RnFEIMAX CORNERSTONE REALTY LTD., REALTOR 40 acres with mixed woods 2700 square foot brick-stone bungalow Jacuzzi tubs, central vac, double garage 10 acres of rolling country side *4 bedroom two storey with woodstove *5 year oId addition with huge family roorn ONE ACRE BUILDING LOT "Excellently located in Orono area "Surrounded by scenic farmland "Cornes with drilled well and survey Beautifully treed country lot * Landscaped, haîf acre Orono lot Spacious bungalow, huge rec * Elegantîy decorated brick room, woodstove bungalow Separate dining room private * Forced air gas furnace, central deck air, central vac COMING EVENTS WAYLON JENNINGS . George 1Fox - Asleep aI the Wheel - Goods - Valdy - Murry McLauchlan - Crowbar ,- Cassandra Vasik. Aug 12-14 Havelock Country Jamboree and Trade Show. Jack Blakely 1-800-539-3353. C BUSINESS OPPS. 9 COTTAGES, TRAILER SITES. 2 year- round homes on approx. 325' water frontage, 4 acres, newly updated, excel- lent opportunity, sale due f0 illness. $400000 f irm 1-905-662-6533. AT&T, MCI 900 NUMBERS! $ tarting a turn-key 900 fie as a ide business is essier than you thlnk. Caîl for information, now 1-800-417-4000. CAREER TRAINING BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER ... with our great home-study course. CatI tor a FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829, The Writing School, 2133-38 McArthur Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario Ki1L 6R2 LEARN AUCTIONEERING a! the Southwesterni School o! Auctioneerlng. Next Cfass: JuIy 16-22. Information, contact: Southwestern Onfario Schoot of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N45 7V9 (519) 537-2115. FRSALEý OUALITY TRAMPOLINES Faclory Direct. 13' Sq. Sptash Bounce, 16' Round Mega Bounce. 1-800-663-2261 parfs; repaira: ail makes. FREE LINGERIE CATALOGUE. Shilfons fine lingerie for ALL women, by Warner's, Olga, Valentino & Fruit o! the Loom. Cal or write for your free catalogue. 1-800- 465-0624, Shitons 150 Britannia Rd. E. #14, Missssauga, Ontario L4Z 2A4 PEPPER SPRAY - Now government approved! Profect yourself and your fami- ly fron vicious doga andother creatures. Comes in a handy key chain hoîder- $1995. 1-800-267-9816. SALES HELP WANTED GENEROUS INCOME POTENTIAL working parf time. Enroîl customers who purchase heaîth-oriented consumnabte producta direct f rom the manufacturer. Paya residual income! 1-800-484-7711, #9708. NOT ENOUGH CASH? Excellent second income. Set your own goals, tl takes juat one f ree catI 1-800-575-4852, ext. 6767. DIVERSIFY WITH OUALITY High Producing Blueneck Ostriches: Future market for breedinq stock, mes! and leather la promising. Week old chicks, $1500 apiece. 9 to il month old pairs, l,i00. Transporfation available. Wîiling ,de. Ph. 306-483-5005, David P a 1face, Obow, Sask. FIV" BLCK AFRICAN lemale ostriches between 18-20 montha old. One 8 month old trio Af rican blacks. Possibty f ree deliv- ery. Phone (403) 575-3805, ask for Met. C MEDICAL OUT-OF-COUNTRY MEDICAL ALERT. Don'! risk financilt osa by travelling ouf of Canada wif hou! Medical coverage. National Auto Leagues Health pac gives Our memrbers t he peace of mind to travel worry tfree. Buy t he most flexible cover- age available starting at $4900 for year round coverage. Calil 1-800-387-2298 - 800 a.m. to 800 p.m. EDT. MISCELLANEOUS POETRY CONTESI $24000 in prizes yearfy. Possible publication. Send one original poem 20 lines or les National Library 0f Poetry, Box 704-1361, Owings Mils, Md 21117. PERSONALS GOOSEX for.seniors. Overcome ail erection problems caused by aging, med- !cations, surgery, diabetes etc. Gel the tacts: Performance Medical, Box 418, Valemount, B.C., Tol-free 1-800-663- 0121. GAIN M ORE CONFIDENCE. Buy and read 'Dianetics: The Modemr Science of Mental Health" by L. Ron Hubbard, and its Home Sfudy Course $3100). Cati 1 - 800-5;61-5808. REAL ESTATE SHARBOT LAKE ISLAND COTTAGE on 5,+ acres takefront. Weil buift. equipped, msintained. 3 bedrooms. Lyn Brasseur (613) 723-5300. Abert Gale Real Estate Ltd. GOT A CAMPGROUND membership/timeshare? We'tl take it! America's largest, oldest resale clearing- house. Resort Sales International 1-800- 423-5967. Timeshare rentaIs needed. Cal 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS FINO OUT WHY more and more people buy and recommend FUTURE for Ouality, Integrity and Service. Cal! for special prioes on Hay Storage Buildings 1-800-668-8653. WATKINS DESIGN DEALER for Steelway Building Systema, CSA cerf i- fied, arenas, commercial, tarm, etc. Top quality wood/steeî or ail steel building. Confracfing available 1-613-764-3552., BUILDINGS... FACTORY DIRECT!" FINAL CLEARANCE. 23x26 $1,650.00, 27x30 $2282.00, 32x42 $3988.00, 40x62 $6,644.00, 44x64 $7, 798.00, 46x66 $7,999.00, 50x84 $1 0,724.00. O! hem sizes. Ends optional. Pioneer 1- 800-668-3422. BEST BUILDINGS PRICES -Steel StraitwalI Type - not quonset- 32x54 $8,505; 40x72 $12,887; 5nx9O $18,378.; 60xl26 $28,150 - other izes available - Misc. clearance - Paragon - 24 hours 1- 800-263-8499. ( VACATION/ TRAVEL STORYLAND FKMILY PARK, 30 acres o! advenfure. New for '94 - Jump 'n Bounce, Karioke for Kids, and Puppet Show. 10 km west o! Renfrew 1-800-205- 3695. ONE AND TWO DAY WHITEWATER RAFTING Adventures on the famous Ottawa River, based f rom our 650 acre outdoor Advenfure Resort. Famity rafting available. CatI now for a free brochure. Wilderneaa Tours 1-800-267-9166. CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise A cross Ontario or Across the County" Strawbe rry Shortcake Anniversary The Ted Watson Farms west of Bowmanville celebrate their silver anniversary with a strawberry shortcake event on July 1 and July. A great number of events are being held and the Big Sisters and Bowmanville Pathfinders wilI be serving treat along with the cut into the big strawberry shoricake. Businesses locating in Clarington -.Rushwood Trudss, afirm located now in Oshawa, is about to move back to Clarington locating in the Courtice industrial area. The firm employs twenty- two and is connected with Millwork of Oshawa. The second company is coming from Whitby to locate in a 3000 square foot building on Port Darlington Road. This firm is expected to bring 40 plus jobs to the area. Offering outcamp at Enniskillen The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority' is offering a Earth Keepers Environmental Day Camp at the Enniskillen Conservation Area north of Hampton. The camp is open for kids 6 to 13 years of age and will run on a weekly basis from July 4 to Augusi 12 and daily from the hours of 9 a.m. till 4 p.m.. Cost $8000 a week. Phone 905-579-0411. Oshawa Ski Club The permit to take water is good until March of 2004 and aflows for a specified quantity of water taking per day at each of the pump sites. It is expected that the water taking operation will not draw the creek below it's low baseflow condition in the winter months. Nor is it expected to cause interference with downstream uses of water or with the natural functions of the stream. A number of conditions must be met as to the development of the pond as set out ini regulations through the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS Our Speciality Family Style Roast Beef Dinner Weddings- Anniversaries- Business Functions Hockey - Basebal - Bowling Banquets HOT - COU) - BUFFE-TS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB 1MO 983-9679 SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID 'Wfrere Professi*ona( ¶Etiquette is Important» Funeral Directors Paul R. Morris Robert E. Williams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANSWERIING YOUR CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4 DIVISION ST. BOWMAN VILLE o Cûio rne to buy or self Orono and areas real estate rep. Krystyna Jones Z > 983-6O13 ASSOCIATES (OURHAM)lnc. iii.. TEL(905)721-2112 OOME ONE, OOME ALLI ... TO THE COMMUNITY PIONIO o e IN ORONO PARK, FR1., JULY 1, NOON .4 P.M. FUN FOR EVERYONEI *Its Affordabla e It's Fast a It's Easy.- One Bil! Does it Ait -Northern Ontario $63 - Eastern Ontario $91 Western Ontario $162 - Central Ontario $168 Alil Ontario $380 - National Packages Available - Cali this paper for details! ........... wedile juma29,1994 13