....,~ 7 f4 -OoWeekly TMmes Wednesday, JuWy13. 1994 FLOWERS & GIFTS Orono 983-9155 Oshawa 43ý3-2515 We don fjust specialize - We make every order special. "Hair With Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Electric Ltdý ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - HI-Fis Sales and Service Hotpoint -RCA White Westinghouse Frigidaire -Whirlpool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef- Hoover 983-5108 Barnna Homne Check " Vacation Home Checking " Let us maice your home look ived in. *Wedding Day Services Reliable References INSURED Barb Shetier - Ina Cox NE WTON VILLE (905) 786-2996 FLOWERS PLUS FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 46 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983 5908 f Wilda Mddleton 983-9819 PATRICK 6. DEEGAN DENTURE THE RAPY CLINIC 5 George Street, Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4473 GRUNDY'S Country Upholstery Quality Work In Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy W~v........ Pre-cast, Reinforced PATIO SLABS 12" x 12" - $1.20 ea. 16" x 16" - $1.90 ca. 18" x 18" -$2.35 ea. 20" x 20" - $3.50 cet. Other sizes available WELL TILES 30" inside dianieter $46.00 36" inside diameter $49.00 Ali Tops and V/2 TIles Avalable Seasoned Hardwood FIREWOOD 12" x 4' x 8' - $52.00 16" x 4' x 8' - $60.00 ORDER EARLY SUPPLY IMITED TIMI YEAR. Pontypool Concrete .Products' (705) 277-2442 LOCATED 114 MILES SOUJTH OF PONTYPOOL ON HWY. 35 Closed Surrday 'fil SELF STORAGE UNITS For rent - from $39 "CHECK OUJR RATES" Now available from 5'x 10'x 20'x 40' 10 x 15" & 10* x 2O0 avai now Phone 987-3211 NEWCASTLE STORAGE June 29 - July 27 ac *- Buiding Supplies and Hardware *Barn Steel - Sikkens Stain - Hemlock for Fenoes and Stalls *A Cente frAi YourBudd tdINeWd <705) 277-3381 or (905) 434-665 evenlnos> ON HWY. 36,2 MILES NORTH OF HWY. 115 MacGREGOR &WEST Auction Service ESTATES, CONSIGNMENTS, HOUSEHOLDS BANKRUPTCIES, FARMS Sold atyour location or at ours ST ORAGE a TRUCKING Cali for a Free Confidential consultation M. MacGregor 90-987-5402 Junior West 905-98"-556 Air Conditioned one bedroomn apartnents located in modem building i Newcastle Village, starting at $525. plus utilities. Please eall 987-3211. Jum 29 - Juy27; ac Commerciai space for rent in new modem building on Main Street, Orono. Suitable for store/office. Approx. 500 sq. ft. Cail 987-3211. June 29 -July27, ac Unique bachelor apariment with large eat-in kitchen available immediately in Newcastle Village. $415.00 per month plus utilities. Phone 987-3211. June 29-July 27, ac KRAAYENHOF - Gerald, Janice (Wood) and big sister Lynsey are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of Devin Boyd on June 27th at 4:34 p.m., weighing 7 lbs. 9 oz. Proud grandparents are Boyd and Doreen Wood and, Bertha Kraayenhof. Special great-grandparents are Les and Neta Alldred and Wes and Myrtle Wood. Special thanks to Dr. Spruyt and 3rd floor nurses at Memorial Hospital Bowmanville. 13, ac GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE NEWTONVILLE FREDAY, JULY 15 6:30 p.m. Selling the household effects from the late Ruth Gillingham Estate, Bowmanville, large quanhity of China, glassware, 60 cupsanmd saucera, old opera mnusic, music scores, canvas and oil paintinga' (Nind, Thompson, Gillinghani), L/E Prints (Brenders, Bateman, Morrisey), etchinga (Barclay, Maxwell), numerous old interestîng antiques and articles, toola, hardware, electrolux vac, Kroehler loveseat, swîvel rocker, colonial loveseat, bridge set, floor lampa, books, bookcases, stereoea, 4 pc. wood kitchen set and a large selection of other articles. Plan to attend this intereating auction. Terms: Cash or Good cheque with LD. Auctioneer: Frank Stapieton 905-78&-2244 Êýl MacGregor & West AUCTION SALE AntIques, Collectables, &HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS SUNDAY, JULY 17 1 1:00 a.m. (viewing 10:00> Agriculture Building, Orono Falrgrounids Take 401 to Hwy. 115/35 & north 10 kms to Main St., Orono, follow signs. This Sundays Auction features a varied selection of antique furniture in original & refinished condition, quality collectables from the past, plus household furnishings fromt a local home. Partial list includes hoosier cupbaord, washstand, blanket box, wa]nut gate leg table, 8 pcs. dingin room suite, gramnaphone, mis. dressers & chests of drawers, wall unit/entertainment centre, selection of chairs & old rockers, old tools (clamps, AD2, etc.), showcase, large antique rug (exc), ou l lmps, kitchen collectables, glass & china, boxes of 45 records, air condîtioner, electric stove, Torono Iriding mower, etc. This is a small ad, but a large sale with articles front the past to the present, something for everyone. Cail for ail your Auction needs. MacGREGOR & WEST AUCTIONS MacGregor 905-987-5402 Junior West 905-983-5556 13, ac TWILIGRT RETIREMENT AUCTION WED. JULY 20TH 6:30 p.m. For Morley Bickle, Bickle Farms, R. R. #1,Port Hope, Farm located 1 1/4 mile north of Welcome light on County Rd. 10 (2 1/2 mile north of Hwy. 401) AC - Cleaner L combine 8 cyl gas with AC 315 series 3 flex head Argis sickle bar system, automatic header height control, straw chopper, CA - 630 L corn head, CA - Gleaner F'combine, 6 cyl gas with hume reel and 13 ft. grain head, Hart Carter floater cutter bar, F2 corn sieve and modified sieve shoe, straw chopper, modified quick hitch attachment, AC - 4 row 30 in. corn head (f its F combine), AC - 200 diesel tractor w/cab (ont owner) w/18.4.38 duals, new water pump and rad repaira, AC - 2000 5 furrow plow (16 i.), AC - 13 1/2 fi. double dise, AC - 1200 16 1/2 ft. cultivator, Brady 24 ft. cultivator wfmid west harrows, AC - ail crop 15 run seed drill w/grass aeed box, AC - 500 4 row corn planter (30-35 in.) w/fentilizier attachruent, AC - 904 Hay Swatcher/condition, AC - 302 square baler, Little Giant 140 ft. bale elevator (rubber), 16 fi. pony harrows (rubber), CalsaiTurnco 38 ft. field aprayer, 300 gai w/gas take on pump, 1976 Chevelle Maiibu, 6 cyl. auto, as s. NOTE: ALL EQUIPMENT HAS B E EN W EL L MAINTAINED AND READY FOR WORK. CHECK THE DATE AND TIME. Terms: Cash or Good Cheque wlth I.D. AUCI0NEER Frank Stapleton, Newtonville 905-786-2244 13, ac SHEET METAL DESIGNS Custom Made Sheet Metal Work 0 Gaivanized, Stai nless Steel or Black Iran Tig and Arc Weiding Barclay Crozier Stephen Crozier 983-9311 983-6301 71F YOU CAN DRA WIT, wE cANAKE ir B.M. Bradley WELDING LIMITED M i (905) 983-6753 «Mobile Service Truck" -GENERAL REPAIR - HEAVY ECIJIPMENT CUSTOM FABRICATION - GENERAL CONTRACTING BRUCE BRADLEYORN JON STORY SCOT STORY $ERVICES 905-983-5491 L AN D SCA PIN G INSTALLATION - GROUNOS MAINTENANCE ' *WATER PONDS - PERENNIAL GARDENS *CONSULTING J L s Simpson Memorials 7- -Mi 111 Toronto Rd., Hwy. #2 West, Port Hope M (905) 885-6434 Monuments, Granite or Bronze Markers, Inscriptions *Indoor / Outdoor Dispiays *Excellent Prices *Guaranteed Workmanship Etchings - Personai and Scenes Try us before you decide by visting our new faciities, or cal us collect and arrange for an appointmnent in the comfort of your home. Lýý Summer Ready Feet (Continued from page 13) Body Shop suggests its Seaweed and Loofah Body Bar with real flakes of loofah, or its invigorat- ing Rice Bran Body Scrub with ground rice and rice bran oil to slough off dry skin. 5. Cool Off - At the end of a long day on your feet, cool and refresh your legs with The Body Shop's unique Cooling Leg Gel, a light. non-greasy gel with peppermint oil to re- vitalize, and camomîle infusion to calm and soothe away aches and pains. This summer, take a big step forward with The Body Shop:s summer tips for lovely legs and fabulous feet - you'il want to jump in feet first! Want Ads. Work Cali To-day Orono Weekly Times CDOA (1988) F olk Art Supplies and Classes studio open Wed. & Thurs. 12 noon - 4p.m. - Other times by aPPOintinent - 86 Church St., Orono, Ont. 983-"40 . . . . . . . ......... Omo ,P. 1 . . . . . ....... ,ST FEU-MR Hum. '011 ù Y bpli!,tO.W 6 ;84 èË ÈEIzT AI iBL SERVING AU FAI REFEREtqCESAVÀLýý, SA, M. s'sus