rn Weekly le~ Wednesdày, July 13, 1994- The site of the 1994 Ontario Rodeo finals Nothing much to see but it does represent $2 1,000 and another $50,000 of donated time, equipment, expertise and mater- ial. Four tonne cement culvert Leter to the Editor Earlier this morning, 4 July 1994, Mike Vogels of Leskard Road, in Orono, passed away in bis 7Oth year. Mike was a good neighbour and friend but more than that was the biggest single non-family influence on my life and the way 1 perceive it and live it on a day to day basis. 1 first met Mike in late November 1984 when 1 first purchased the former Meyers property on Leskard Road adjacent to his. Over the next 9 1/2 years Mike was to transform a typical city kid into a carpenter, a farmner, and backyard philosopher and in so doing improve the quality of life of that city kýid and teach hlm lessons that will carry him forward on is own personal journey la life. Mike was a retired farmner but in reality he was more than that. He was a devoted family man who delighted ini the presence of his children and grandchildren. He was also a 'backyard' carpenter, wood carver, lumberjack, landscaper, horticulturalist, bird watcher, humane trapper, chess player, and as I have mentioned philosopher. I arn writing this letter for two reasons. The first reason is that lately we have been reading a lot in the Toronto paper about crime and its relation to, Canadian immigration policies. I think we have to remember that for every bad apple we read about therc are a 1000 good ones like Mike who left their own country and led valuable and productive lives in Canada. And in so doing not only improved their quality of life but the lives of those around them and therefore the very country they took up resîdence in. The second reason is that Mike J such a large impact on my ~iie and those that knew him 1 want to publicly acknowledge that today we are less than we were yesterday for bis loss. 1 for one am not sure how to carry on, but carry on of course 1 will. 1 can only try to implement some of the many things I learned from hlm and so doing honor bis friendship and mentoring. Mike, wherever you are sections have been covered to carry water from the highway through the fair ground in order that a rodeo ring could be developed in the south-east corner of the interior of the track. The Ontario Rodeo Asso- ciation are holding their Ontario Finals at the Orono Fair Grounds September 23, 24 and 25. Tickets to the three rodeo shows and the two <ances are being pre-sold. Rodeo finals coming to Orono Fair Grounds The Ontario Rodeo Asso- ciation 1994 Finals are set for the Orono Fairgrounds on September 23, 24 and 25. The event held last year in the Courtice area is expected to fmnda permanent home at the Orono Fairgrounds and with this in mind physical improvements to the grounds have been undertaken. A new 150 ft by 220 ft sand rodeo ring has been created in the south-east corner of the grounds. In developing the ring a ditch through the property has been culverted at a cost of $21,000. Paul Morris of the Bowmanville Rotary Club said many assisted in this project which reduced the cost from a possible $75,000.' The purchase of bleachers is also under consideration and in the future, 1995, it is proposed to put in new lighting for the ring and other events. Mr. Paul Morris of the Bowmanville Rotary and Jeff Davis of the Bowmanville Kinsmen were present at a meeting of the Orono DBIA last week outlining the promotion of the Ontario Finals in Clarington which the two are hoping will tonight, it is a much better place for your presence. You are dearly missed here and wîll neyer, ever be forgotten. Take care my friend and watch over me as 1 try to walk in some of your footsteps. Phillip Connor 7399 Leskard Rond R. R. 2, Orono become an annual evenL. Mr. Morris said they already have signed a list of 60 indoor and outdoor vendors for the eventL A 240' by 609 tent is to be erected east of the infield buildings for the dance and special entertainment. "Wayward" one of the top western bands has been engaged for the two nights, Friday and Saturday, of dancing. Mr. Morris also said that there is to be three rodeo shows. It is expected that 3000 will view each of the rodeo shows and that the <ance will attract 2000 on each of the nights. Admission to the grounds will bc free to view the vendors and the carnival midway features. Tickets are now on sale for the rodeo shows and the dances. Adult rodeo tickets $12.50, <ance tickets $10.00 each. It is the intent that aIl tickets will be pre- sold. It was explained to the meeting that the Rodeo is a feature of the Ontario Rodeo Association and that the Bowmanville Rotary and the Bowmanville Kînsmen subcon- tract to operate the events with the exception of the actual rodeo. The rodeo includes all the favourites as caîf roping, bronco riding, bull riding etc. I t was pointed out that an agreement bas been settled between the fair board and the two service clubs. OBITUARY E. E. Calvin Hamm Mr. E. E. Calvin Hamnm at the age of 85 years, died at Bowmanville Memorial Hospital on June 26, 1994 after a short illness. Mr. E. E. Calvin Hamm-was bomn in Orono, Ontario on March 28, 1909 and bis paren ts were Ernest Hamm and Florence (Hughson) Hamm. Calvin was educated in Orono, Oshawa High School, Peterborough Normal School, and Guelph University. Calvin married Frances Gamsby on December 14, 1938 and before residing at 36 Division Street in Orono since 1964 lived in Lively, Ontario; Fort Frances, Ontario; and Stratton, Ontario. Mr. Hamm was a Secondary School teacher from 1928 - 1964 and he taught at Crooked Creek, Ontario; Stratton, Fort Frances and Lively. Calvin had been retired for 30 years. At YD, all of our in-car lessons are one-on-one. You'll feel less pressure and less stress. And you'll be, able to concentrate better on what you're doing, which is especially important when you're learning our- exclusive emergency maneuvers. Cali today and let us teach you to drive and survive. Calvin Hamnm was a member of the Orono United Church and also a member of the Orono Masomec Lodge, #325 AF & AM. Mr. E. E. Calvin Hamm is survived by bis wife Frances M. Hamm and brothers Neil and Donald. The funeral service was on June 29, 1994 atthe Orono United Church with Rev. Dr. Mervin Rus sell officiating. Palibearers were Masonic brethren and intennent was at the Orono Cemetery. Cedar Valley Resort SEASONAL TRAILER CAMPING $930.00 Attractive! Winter Visit PermWitted 7 kms. east of Orono/Hwy. 115 Enter Clarke 4th or sth Conc. Line 1-905-786-2562 1 Nexi classes start 4 DAYS - July 25 4 WEEKS - August 1 st Classes are filling up fasti 98 KIng St. W., Bowmanvllle Phone: 623-7017 YOUNG DRIVERS ILI0F CANADA maBecause your lite is worth IL GOING ON A TRIP?9?? GE1TING MARRIED??? Planning a Special Evening on the Town for Dinne, the Theatre or the Big Game??? I HOURGLASS Lim ousine Service wili get you there and back in safetY, com fort and style. -We Make It Easy» REPLACEMENTS. MOST installations in ess than one hour with a WRITTEN LIFETIME GUARANTEE. Weçculfagass any sze. CALL 697-1221 24 HOURS 157 Baseline Rd. E., Unit 2 Bowmanville We horlour all competilors coupons! BA IVER ie -