Orn ekyTmsWednesday, Juily 13, 1994 7ý-ý---.ý.ý...-.ý-.m Wesleyville plan goes public The Ontario Coalition For Integrated Waste Management who propose turning the mothballed Wesfeyville Gener- ating plant into a garbage incinerator have taken their plans to the public. ..The group miade up of county, residents of Northumberland meet with some 40 in Hope Township over their plans. Although there appeared, support for incineration there were doubts it should happen at Wesleyvile. County waste management engineer Pain Russell said the proposed plant would create 6,000 tonnes of ash daily as proposed. This amount of waste, she said, was more waste than those in Northumberland now create in a day., Most backward way for garbage Although the Coalition supporting waste incineration at Wesleyville states the process would bce dean and harmnless a chlorine and dioxin specialist, with Greenpeace state that incineration is the most backward thing we 'could do with our garbage. Greenpeace maintaixis th=r are serious public health, risks fromi burning waste, 'they ýare a stupid waste-management systemx." Students improve job-search skills It seems that students are improving their job-search skills and this year have been finding jobs on their own. The Port Hope/Cobourg Centre for Canada Employment bas had fewer caîl from students tis year seeking jobs. They are fmnding that in many cases students have found their own jobs and that the larger employers in the area have rehired those students wbo had worked for tbem last year. Rumor bas no base A rumor that the Port Hope Post Office was to close bas no base of fact. Canada Post bas denied there was a plan to close the Post Office and that the Post Office is safe. Ottawa put a moritorium on thce imination of Post Offices li February and that Port Hope's. office and others are covereil under the moritorium. Parking spots to gu blue Tbe City of Oshawa is to paint the designated spots for handicapped drivers blue as a means of better identifying the restricted parking in these spots. Over Uic past year Oshawa issued 400, tickets to those illegaily parking li thc designated areas. By painting Uic surface of Uic space blue it is feit there will bc no doubt tbat thc area arc for use of disabled drivers. parking more thâP three hours on the treet Would denty e Regionanimal help Township council would deny veterinary attention to injurecl Taking city to animais that could not be court over parking identified. Such attention would require approval from the A man is taking the Oshawato township clerk or a'member of court over the legality of the oril Citys pakin by-aw.Although such action was It is being claimed that the city taken by council- the animal unfairly penalizes older control officer and the Ontario households that have more than Humane Society have said injured one carand have to park on the aiasaesvdweee street. psil ept h ot The man said he -hà a rosil esieth ot one of their cars in front of the Have Nevada bouse for thirty years but last year ticket concern received a $30.00 ticket. for Port Hope council bas asked Clarington is a Municipality of "A Million Vîews", from its countrys ide to its homes in its many towns and villages. Perhaps the most beautifu-l region in ail of Ontario andvwe ail deserve to be prouid that it is ours. The Municipality of Clarington plans to recognize those property own- .ers who have made this possible through their efforts to beautify their front yard or garden for themselves, their neighbourhood and the entire Municipality. An exciting new pro gram featurîng the "APPLE BLOSSOM AWARDS" has been put in place and town staff to contact other municipalities as to their handling of Nevada ticket sales. The issue arose when application was made by a Hamilton Township group to gain approval for Nevada ticket sales at an outiet in Port Hope. Revenue for the Hamilton group was to be used for the development of a park in Hamilton Township. Ticket sales are regulated by the Province although approvat must come from the munici- plities for the issuing of a licence. Rentais increase Oshawa area, During the year 1993 two bedroomn rentai units in Oshawa incitased by $8.00 to $662.00 an inecase of 1.2 percent. This increase is lower than the previous year whcn the increase was 1.7 percent. Oshawa airport to get face lift The Oshawa airport is to get a major face lift this year -at an estimated cost of $7.2 million necessitating the city to borrow from reserves. The city had originally expected to spend $6 million on the project which amount was a joint federal/- provincial grant. The runways are w be lengthened and a new terminal built on the north side of the airfleld. Certificates for permanent recogni- tion of those judged for excellence. - ~ Additional nomina- tion forms are available through the O~ C Community Services Department at (905) 623-3379 and residents and property owners are invited to nominate any home or business in the Municipality. Judging by representatives of the Orono, Newcastle and Bowmanville Horticultural Societies, will take place in late August and will be based on eye aippeal, maintenance, contribution to the neighbourhood, design features and environmental friendliness. Nominations will close August lOth, will award Bronze Plaques and.I 1994.-- APPLE BLOSSOM AWARD NOMINATION FORM (PLEASE PRINT) 1 would like to nominate the front yard/garden for thte APPLE BLOSSOM AWARDS progralm. ............res...... ......... ........ .......... - -.......... ........ -...... ......ty............................. .... ...... Téepeiohofle (905).-..... ...... Nomnatd B.................... .....Tkn~(0............... Please Mail Or Fax to: APPLE BLOSSOM AWARDS: Commtity Services Department, 40 Temperance Street, Clarington, Ontario LIC 3A6.Telephoxie. (905) 623-3379, Fax (905) 623-4169 THE APPLE -BLOSSOM