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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Aug 1994, p. 9

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%irOflO w~uy jjm*m5 wo~~q~y~ ~wgs~ u~ iwq " SALLY STAPLES associate broker q-hinkng 0offUng? Colt me for afree appraisat - take adIvantage of thie est nuarkt conitions inyears! 623-6000 REIMAX CORNERSTONE REALTY LTD., REALTOR 623-600024 hr. pager COMING EVENTS ST. JACO8S CRAFT SHOW AND SALE: Saiurday, August 27, 9am-Spm ' Sunday, Augusi 28, lOam.-Spm. Aduis: $3. 90+ Vendora. At S. Jacabs Arena andi Cam- muniy Centre, 10110w Hwy. 86 North of Klchener-Waterloa. EMPLOYMENT OPPS START VOUR OWN home-baseci busi- nes! Watkins la todays besi business opportuntyl For FREE inormation con- tact - Independent Marketing Director, 218 Meglunci Cr., Saskatoon, SK S7H 4Z6 (1-800-263-2999). INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXCHANGE - Ages 18-30 wiîh agricutur- aI experlence ta tve/work with lamnily ln .Australie, New Zealanci, Europe. Japan. Costs/details - 1-800-263-1827. #206, 1501 - 17 Ave., Calgary, AB, T2T 0E2. GENERAL MOTORS DEALERSHIP requires lmmediately one ful-time Clasa- A Technlcian, experienced iIn General Molors vehicles. Apply ln conidence la: Mr. Brian MacKenzie, Mac MacKenzie Motrs Ltd. 547 New Street, Renfrew. Ont. K7V 1 G8. (613) 432-3684. FOR SALE T.L.C. PET F000 - The ineat Super Premium Pet Food available. Buy relail or whalesale. Deivered Iolayaur door. Hlear c,,)mpete story - ree - 1-800-575-4TI-C Code 2828. COAL FOR FORGE, lireplace or slave. Top quality anthracite andi biluminous. Sold year round, in bags, bushels or butk. Schaner Coal, St. Jacobs, Ont. NOB 2N0. 519-664-2430. OUALITY TRAMPOLINES Factary Direct. 13 Square Spash Bounce, 16' Round Mega Baunce. 1-800-663-2261. Parts, Repairs: Ail Makes.1 SATELLITE OWNERS: Last monthl Save S499.00. Decoder for TSN, Ntworks, etc. $10.00! Psy only subscripion Jays, Expos, others. (902) 477-5458. DECODER BLOWOIJT", Box 8358, Sta- tion A, Hailax. N.S. B3K 5M1 DEUTSCHE! SRG, ORF. ARD, ZDF. 3sat, SWFI Empangen Sie Deulaches Femsehen mi kleiner Antenne (80 cm.) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 9 COTTAGES, TRAILER SITES. 2 year- round homes on approx. 325' waer frontage, 4 acres, newly updaed, excel- lent opportunlty, aale due la llness. $400,000 irmi 1-905-662-6533. CAREER TRAINING COUNSELLOR TRAINING INSTITUTE oI Vancouver allers carrespondence cours- as for the certiicate of Counselling Stuci- les to begin the 151h af the mounih. For brochure phone: 1-800-665-7044. EARN A LIVING PREPARING TAX- RETURNS. Basic andi Computer Coaurses by self-sudy. Free Brochure. Cali 1-800- 563-EARN, Fax 1-204-949-9429, Jacks Institute, 902-167 Lombard, Winnipeg, Manioba sR3B 0V3. A NEW CAREER. Certiicate Incarne Tax ar Boakkeeplng courses by carrespon. dence. Free Brochures. No obligation. UI&R Tax Services Ltd. 1345 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg , Manitoba R3T 2B6, 1-800-665-5144. FARMS FOR SALE: EMUS, Ostrlch, Rhea. 93 andi 94 chlcks available. DNA Sexeci. Start with quaîity foundallon stock. High producing EMU Beeder pairs available. 3 Years rafie experience. Aller Sale Ser- vice and acvice. Eric Bennett, R.R. #5, Camnpbetlford, Ontario. KOL iLO. (705) 653-4345 Fax (705) 653-5336. LIVESTOCK CROOKED STICK Ostich Ranch - Importeci: Capelawn Black Otrlch. Breeders - laying now Ready Aug. 23. Quality guaranteed. Cali us about ihis investment ai 1-800-567-0262. MEDICAL OUT-OF-COUNTRY MEDICAL ALERT. Dont rsk lnancial oss by travelling oui oI Canada wilhout Medical caverage. National Auto Leagues Heallh pac gives aur memrbers the peace o minci ta travel worry free. Buy the mast flexible cover- age available staring ai $49.00 for year round coverage. Cal 1-800-387-2298- 8:00 ar..io 8:00 p.m. EDT. MUSICAL INTEREST PARENTS: BAND INSTRUMENTS for school. Bet prnoes - ail instruments. Self instructional video lapes. Free caalogue. 1-800-361-3323. PAY TELEPHONE SERVICES *A cost wiliIb. incurreci TALK LIVE la our gilleci psychics an questions of love, succeas, career, soul mates, self help, andi more... CALL 1- 900-451-3530 Ext. 8181. $2,99 per min. Must be 18 yrs. Newcall. LTD. (602) 954- 7420. PERSONALS GOOD SEX for seniors. Overcome ail erection problema causeci by aging, meci- Icaions, surgery, dabetes etc. Gel the tacts: Perormance Medical, Box 418, Valemount, B.C., Tol-ree 1-800-663- 0121. SINGLE? Discover the moal succesalul andi personal way ta rneet someone as special as you? Cati TOGETHER Toaiy! 1-800-667-0117. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership- timeshare? Wellt take it! AMeicas largesi, oldeal resale clearinghause. Resort Sales International 1-800-423- 5967. Timeshare rentaIs needeci. Cal 24 haurs a day. STEEL BUILDINGS ROCK BOTTOM PRICES! Quansei buildings. . . High sldewailî. Limiteci quantîllies. 25x3, S2,470.00, 30x4C $3,490.00. 35x52 $6,279.00, 42x60 S7,669.00, 47x80 $10,999.00, 52x104 $18,94.00 . .. Ends optional. Pioneer 1- 800-668-5422. BEST BUILDINGS PRICES - Steel Strai- wall Type - flot quonset - 32x54 $8,505; 40x72 $12887; 50x90 $1 8,378.; 60xl26 f$28,1 50 - other sizes available - Msc. clearance - Paragan - 24 hours 1-800- 263-8499. QUONSETS 25'x30' $5,462.00, 30x40" $6593.00, S.SERIES STRAIGHTWALL 525'x 32 $5,922.00, 530x40' $6,999.00, Endwals andi Slldlng Dors Included. Cali Future Steel 1-800-668-8653. VACATION/TRAVEL STORYLANID FAMILY PARK, 30 acres of acventure. New for 94 - Jump 'n Bounce, Kariake for Kida, and Puppet Show. 10 km west of Renlrew 1-800O-206- 3695. CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontarlo or Across the Country" Horticulture Show Resuits (Continued from page 7) Section C- Decorative "Thimhble Magic", a miniature design: 1) Cornie De Jonge; 2) Inez Harris; 3) Minnie Zegers "Along the Riverbank": 1) Cornie De Jonge; 2) Isabelle Challice; 3) Shelley Etmanskie "Bright and Shiny": 1) Inez Harris; 2) Lorna Atkins; 3) Minnie Zegers "Spiendour":. 1) Helen Schmid;, 2) Isabelle Challice; 3) Shelley Etmnanskie Section D - Other Home Grown, an arrangement of vegetables: 1) Minnie Zegers; 2) Isabelle Challice; 3) Pat Bales A container of flowers: 1) Isabelle Challice; Inez Harris; 3) Helen Schmid (Continued page 10) SEVNGDRHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID '<Wftere qrofessionalEtquette Ls Important» Funeral Drectors Paul R. Morris Robert E. Williams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rlutherford ANSWERING YOUR CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4 DIVISION ST. BOWMAN VILLE Kendal Hall News by Phyllis Lowery Once again the Derry Day Parade and celebraion has corne and gone for another year. As usual it had to rain but again it stopped just as the marchers were lining Up. The organizers of this years celebration were the members of Devitts Royal Black Preceptory 398, who meet in Tyrone. Kendal L.O.L. 405 have at least 10 members who belong to Devitts RBP most of whom are very active. Brian VanDamme is Worthy Preceptor, Sir Knight Richard Lowery,.and Sir Knight Dean Polley were ini charge of al arrangements for the event. The Preceptresses of Crystal Chapter 64, provided the food for the event, Past Sr. Preceptress Brenda Lowery was in charge of organizing the food table. Congratulations to all involved, for a job well done. Bands present were Sons of Ulster accordion band from Toronto, Oshawa Flute Band from Oshawa, Nrde of Tecumseh from Simcoe County, Hackett Fife and Drum Band with Majorettes, from London. Eldorado Fife and Drum Band and the ever faithful Kendal Fife and Drum Band. The Parade was led by Oshawa Flute Band and the Colour Party from Toronto, and Colleen Pollock of the Kendal Junior Lodge carried the Standard ahead of the Band and Colour Party. Prior, to the main Parade some of the members present preceeded, by the Colour Party, marched to the Cenotaph for a service of Remembrance for those members of the Order that gave their life for their country. Following the parade each band gave a short concert mnside the arena, and drawings for the money draw were made. At present I don't have the naines of the winniers, but will put them in my next column. Also the naines of the winners of Best Men's group on parade and the Best Ladies' Group. Sons of Ulster Accordion Band won Best Band on Parade. Ail in ail it was a very successful day. Cali me to buy or el.Orn and area's real estate rep. Krystyna Jones >983-6013 ASp,Ç!ty-Net S,3(DURHAM)Inc. 1060 SIMCOO STN. #103- OSI4AWA .TEL:(905)721-2112 NEW LISTING-..ATTRACTIVE 3 BDRM., GAS HEATED HOME, $129,900. t.Fully upgraded 4 bedroom brick bungalow, central air, central vac, gas heat, on a oveIy mature haif acre lot... $1 89,900 ) z *It's Affordable a Its Fast - It'. Easy s On. Bill Does It AHl *Northern Ontaro $63 - Eastern Ontario $91 We stern Ontario .$162 - Central Ontario $168 - Ail Ontario $380 National Packages Available Call titis paper for Meails! ........... ...... . . ... . ..... . ............... 2

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