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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Aug 1994, p. 6

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Orono Weelcl................... A gus. 7 1 9 Good-food, warm weather and cools soundg "The Jazz Cats" lent a special Beef Barbecue held last mixed well with the warm type of ambience ta the Annual Wednesday. The cool sounds weather and hat meal. Awaits word on cause of Legionnaires disease it is expected that it will take until Uic end of this coming week ta have a report as ta Uic source and cause of a case of Legionnaires disease that broke out at Oshawa Hospital. Between anc and five cases of the disease arc rcported in the Region each year. No panic yet The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources is taking a wait and sec position as ta Uic big drap in thc spring fish mun in the Ganaraska River. It bas been said ther is na crisis. Rainbow Trout using Uic fish ladder at Port Hope in 1980 numbered about 18,000. The number fell ta 9,000 this last spring. The negative of movie filming Some downtown businesses in Port Perry are not pleased when film crews came into the cornrunity and disnipt Uic course of daily business. Mayor Hall Of Scugog Township which includes Part Perry heard fromn merchants and shoppers aver disruption caused by a recent film crew wha were in th e Town for six day. Two parking lots were closed with thc film crews equiprnent. Armed man robs bank On July 29. 2:30 p.m. a lone male gunrnan with a revolver walked into the Toronto Dominion Bank in Bethany asking for moncy. He left wiUi -a undisclosed amaunt and mnade off on a lime-green motorcycle heading sauth on the abandoned railway leading outof the village. The man was white, tbought ta bc 30 ta 35 ycars of age, 180 ta 200 pounds, 5'7" in beight. He was unsbavcn and wore a reddish brawn motorcycle helmet. Reducing number of councillors The County of Victoria bas made some progress in restructuring and thc province bas passed the County of Victoria Act which will came into effect December 1, 1994. The new act reduces the number of councillors to sit on council by six. Municipalities with a population under 5,000 will be reprcsentcd by the Reeve with anc vote, municipalities 5,000 ta 9,999 will send bath their Reeve and Deputy Reeve each with anc vote, municipalities, 10,000 ta 14,999 send their Reeve having two votes and Dcputy Reeve with anc vote. Municipalities over 15,000 will send their Reeve and Dcputy Reeve, bath with two votes. Bingo hall owner on wanted list The owncr of twa local bingo halls, Port Hope and Cobourg, is wanted by Florida police for racketeering and grand tbcft rcgarding a hall be awns in Florida. Pomana police bave filed ta have him and'two athers cxtradited ta Uic U.S. Local and provincial officials are flot conccmned of such charges necessary in Ontario, due ta Ontario's stricter laws. Supports incineration as an option The leader of the Ontario Liberals, Lyni McLcad, told Liberals attencling the North umbcrland ' Liberal nomination meeting Uiat Uic, party would give incineration serions consideraion, MPP Joan Fawcett was naminated again ta scek rc- election in the next provincial election in Ontario. Feds recognize 7000 different jobs The federal government recagnize some 7,000 différent jobs but most students dling toaa mere 26 différent jobs. Tracy Vandenberg of the Northumberland Clarington Board of Education is trying ta open the door of opportunity ta local area students and cspeciaily girls. It is said technology is replacing a lot of jobs but that in fact technology is creating a lot of new jobs. The idea now is "lifelong learning." Cobourg near the top According ta the Globe & Mails Repart on Business magazrne, Cobourg is considered one of Uich best places i Canada ta locate a business. The magazine sclects its top five business-friendly cities and a further for honourable mention of which anc was Cobourg. Cobourg caught Uic eyc af Uic magazine and werc asked ta flîl out a form which was forwarded by Cabourg. Magazine staff then visited Cobaurg rnaking a final decision. Cobourg was rated better thas Toronto, Windsor and Cambridge as a centre for plastic manufacturing and moulding having an apcrating cost substantially lower than other centres. Incineration question stili open Those involved ini a proposed incineration operation ta operate out of the Weslcyvillc clased hydro plant have made littlc progress as ta support. The group has held two meetings in Hope Township with the samne questions yct to bc asswered. Support and opposition exists an thc proposai. T ourism booming Businesses for the tourist industry in Rice Lake is holding strang this year and there are signs that it will bc thc same in 1995 as such registrations arc over Uiat of last year for '94.* The tourist information centre and kiosk in Cobourg bas recorded a 33% increase in inquiries s0 far this year over Uiat of ail of last year. It's almost Urne ta start singing the blues. The weather bas a little bit of a nip in it and the clouds seem determined lately ta push the sun out of the sky. As I overheard one lady rernark one day last week, "It's a lovely October morning!" And it's truc, the summer is quicly coming ta a close. When 1 was in sixth grade our music classes centered around sangs from Broadway musicals. "Sunrise, Sunset, Swiftly fly the years.- At age t'welve this adage is nat one that you cas relate ta. Packed as the days arc, they simply do not fly by. And a year, at such a tender age, is an cternity. As a child my days werc full. It would start at sucb an early time of day. It would start with seeing rny father off ta worlc, at what I would naw call as ungadly hour. Then it would bc back ta bed ta wait until the sun carne up. And with the arrival of ful daylight a full day of activity would begin. Be it a full day of scbool, or a summer's day spent building forts in thc woods, the days were neyer spent'idly. Today, my days are stili nat spent in repose. It is simply that childhoad tasks have been replaced by adult responsibili tics. Samewhere alang the way, the exact marnent 1 can not pinpaint but my warld tumned full circle. Instead of bours spent in a Calvin and Habbes state of bliss, I spent bours at work, or poring over books in as attempt ta get as education. Days used ta slip by without concern, after all there would always be tornorrow. Now as days slip by they simply bring me dloser ta yet another inevitable deadline. And such is the state of life. Swiftly, swiftly do fly the years. In less than two months I will bc twenty-threc years old. Maybe truly flot such as advanced age at alL. But it surely is a surprise that I got ta bc, here without really ever realizing that it was happening. Ycsterdays are turning into yesteryears. And somewhere deep inside of me, I will always wish ta return ta that six year old that I was that had ail the trne in the. world and flot a thing ta worry abaut. QUOTATION SEALED QUOTATIONS, cearly marked as ta the contents specified below, addressed to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, Purchasing Office, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, Li C 3A6, wilI be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the spacified closing time and date. Quotation documents may b. obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address. QUOTATION 094-13 - CLOSING TIME & DATE: Clarlngton Waterfront Trali ConstructIon, Phase 1 4:00 p.m. <Local Time) Thursday, August 25, 1994 The work for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington under the direction of the Director of Public Works. invoives the construction af a waterfront trail and associated site work located on the east side of Saper Creek, south of West Beach Road and west of Simpson Avenue (on Central Lake Ontario Conservation Autharity property), Bawmanville, for an approximate total length of 520 metres. Thare will b. an information meeting for contractors on site at time and date specified as follows: Location: Port Darllngton Boat Launch TMme and Date: 1:-00 p.m., Local Mime, Mlonday, Augusi 22, 1994 Attendance at the site le mandatory for potential bldders. The lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. Waterfront Trail Date of Publication: Wednesday, August 17, 1994 Mrs. Lou Ann EUrkett, A.M.C.T.<A) Purchasing & Supply Agent Telephone: (905) 623-3379 Ext. 268 MUICIPALITY 0F alogng ONTARIO P.O. 43851 m ý . .11 l ý 1 - ý l ý ý ý Il j U 1.11 Il 1. 1

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