by Helen MacDonald In the mid-1800's, T.J. Cooper, an English plumber, developed the water waste preventer (toilet), He further led the masses in the conservation and protection cf water quality by laying the founidation for London's sewer system. Little did he know that he had also laid the foundation for a major battle between the sexes. That is . .. scat up, or seat down? Alrny young life, 1 lived with a father and three brothers who ignored the other five female r residents cf the househcld. Their presence haunted the house al day and into the black night, when 1 rnight sleepily drift in the dark into the bathroorn, lower j myseif upon the commode only te slip directly into a cool pool cf water and urine. Suddenly, 1 would be wide awakec! t was during those dark, dripping nights that I vcwed, like Scarlett O'Hara standing on a wind-swept hili, one day 1 would reign over the throne ini my cwn t household, and the seat and lid rwould rernain down. Miscreants would suffer the Swift punishiment meted eut by the BoIbbitt guillotine. "Yes," 1 vowed to rayself ... 'Thecm with stand-up plurnbing r would know the wrath cf a wornan who toc oft suffered the cold greeting cf the toilet bowl in the dark cf night! " I left home te go to Cdllege in Peterborough. The twc years I was there, I boarded with a teachier, named Queenie. A Trent student, Janet, also boarded there. There 1 was, in the kingdom cf wcmen, where the seat and lid cf the throne remained censîstently down. Paradise. Upon graduation from College 1 lived on my own for two short months prior to mny marriage. No sisters te 'borrow' my clothes and jewelry or share a roomn with, ne curfew rules establishied by a zealous landlady, and ne males reigning on the threne. The toilet scat and lid remained as they should . .. down. Again, the Scarlet O'Hara voice reached from thie'depths cf mny being when 1I married. Even before the honeymoon was ever, the law cf the land was laid ... seat and lid down. Violation cf said dictum would bc nothing less than breach cf the marriage contract. Then, I proceeded te bîrth my first child. A son. And nobody had told me that boys pee 'up'. This, I discovered during that first diaper change. Again, I vocd,.. .my son wculd learn. 1 would begin the training immediately, whispering into his ear with each diaper change .. . "seat down, lid down". Toilet training included specific lessons in putting the seat and lid down, and in aiming straight. Soon, another child. Another son. More whispering .."scat down, lid down". More instruction on aiming straight. Today, I arn the reigning power cver the throne in our household. Seat and lid are perpetually down ..ý . except when rny dad and rny brcthers and my sons' little buddsies visit. Maybe, somre day, womien everywhecre will reign on the throce. .. seat and lid DOWN. Letter to the Editor Dear Roy: Once again the Great Ganaraska Countryside Adveniture has corne and gene. Alrnost 3,000 people carne frcrn near and far te discover cur beautiful Ganaraska. Over and ever again our visiters ccrnplirnented ths cernmunity on its friendliness and ils hospitality. They thanked us for opening cur doors and sharing cur rural lifestyle. liets I tee would i- to thank ti cornmunity and the almost 400 volunteers that made this event se special. The success of the Great Ganaraska Countryside Adventure is a reflection cf your efforts. You made our guests feel welceme, ycu answered their questions, you fed and entertained them, rncst cf ail you made themn realize hew special the Ganaraska cornmunity is. Thank you to the Clarke Museumn and Archives and Derothy's House Museum for presening car rural culture, to the Clarington Concert Band for their rnusic, te the Ganaraska Country Cloggers for their energy, and te the rnany people, whc shared with us their quilted treasures, rnaking the quilt show onte cf the highlights cf the weekend. Thank you teo ur sponsors Canada Trust and jebsOntario Cemrnunity Action for allewîng us te presenit the Adventure in the best way possible, and te our ticket sellers fer their support. 1 must aise offer a special thanks te the local press, witheut your coverage this event weuld net be the success it was. A tip cf the cap te Redney the pig and ail the animais who wereý petted and photoed to exhaustion. 1 hope yeu ail got an extra treat at the end of the day. Kristin McCrea Event Ce-erdinator SAGA P.S. A pair cf prescription eye glasses were tumned in at the end cf the weekend contact me at 905-983-9339 te retrieve them. Ontario Volleyball team placed fifth in NORCECA Canada finis hed fifth at "NORCECA" after gruelling pool play. Daryl Reid, Orone, which came up through the local Wolverine Association as weil as Chris Wolfenden played on the Ontario tearn. The Ontario teami made a strong bid for third spot an~d a share of one of the medals. Ontario lest a hear-breaker te the U.S.A. which would have had Ontario playing in the medal portion of the round robins. There were eight countries involved in the tournent. Daryl Reid earned 14 kilts during the tournament white Chris Wolfenden earned 9 kilts and 7 aces. The overaîl Canadian record was 3 wins (against Dutch Antilles and twice against Costa Rica) and two tosses (against Mexico and USA). Four members of this '94 team will represent Ontario again next year at the Junior level. They are Rob Janson (Ottawa), Neil Mason (Scarborough), Chris Wolfenden (Peterborough) and Vladirnir Ljubicic (Scarborough). TENDER SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, for the following requirements listed below, submîtted to the Corporation cf the Municipality cf Clarington, Office cf the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, Lic 3A6, are invited and will be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing lime and date. Tender documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address. TENDER CL94-31 - Foster Creek Park, CLOSING TIME & DATE: 2:00 p.m. (Local Time) Wednesday, September 28, 1994 The work for the Corporation cf the Municipality cf Clarington under the direction cf the Director cof Community Services, involves upgrading and fi, limestone pathways, tree pruning and removal, sodding, benches, signs, and waste containers. Plans, specifications and tender forms can be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address for a $25.00 (including G.S.T.> non-refundable fee payable ta the Municipality. Tender documents may be obtained after 12:00 noon (local time> on Thursday, September, 1994. An agreement to Bond and a bid deposit in the amount specilTe n the tender documents mnust accompany each bid submnitted. The lcwest or any tender not necessarily accepted. OnTlARIO Date cf Publication: Wednesday, September 14, 1994 Mrs. Lou Ann Brkett, A.M.C.T.(A) Purchasing & Supply Agent Telephone: (9ý05) 623-3379 Ext. 268 Daniel J. OBrien Assohciates Ltd. Landscape Architects 160 Mary Street Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1 H7 P.O..4398,