Last Sunday 1 attended the Kumnbaya Festival, an AIDS benefit. The festival was a six hour concert featuring the best of Canada's musical talent. Al proceeds form the event, the consequent benefit album and any individual or corporate donations wili be donated to assist in research, and to a number of AIDS hospices and support groups across the country. A spokesperson from Casey House, an AIDS Hospice in Toronto, explained which orgýàmzations wouid bc receîving funds from dhe monies raised. As mentioned, portions of the funds would bc given te hospices nation-wide. But as the ist of hospices ran on and on, il was a sobering thought to realize that there could be a need for so many. it is frightening 100, 10 realize that the problem may soon reach epidemic proportions. The number of people who' have contracted 111V, and those that have been infected with the AIDS virus isstaggering. And the figures are net improving. Happily, the virus is not spreading wilh as gÉeat a speed as il once was within the gay maie- community. However, the virus is becoming an increasing ~oncern within the heterosexual community. There is no known cure for the virus . The littie treatments that are available do littlé more than prolong the sentence that you have been given. Nothing will cure you. There are experimental drugs availabie for patients who are battling the disease. The problem is these drugs are experimental trealments and are thus net covered by our health care system. An AIDS patient asked to speak at the Festival told the story of bis friend Brian. Brian was, due to the AIDS virus, faced with the prospect of losing his sight. He was given two separate treatrnents, both of which failed. There was an expiremental drug on the market, so taking life savings in hand, Brian paid for the treatment himself. It worked. Unfortunately, flot everyone can afford 10 pay for essential treatiments on their own. Is it possible that the governmnn coulci be of some help? Probabiy flot! It is up 10 us Io realize that we cari not continue to play this for of Russian Roulette. Play safe. Always use condoms. Neyer share needies. Practice mon.ogamny. Take the small measures that are necessary. Realize fhat it could just as easiiy be me, or you. Second season for Phitharmonie Choir The Durham Philharmonie Choir begins an excifing second season of fine choral music. This community choir, which is based in Oshawa consists of about 45 mixed voices. The choir draws its members from throughout the Durham Region. Three concerts arc planned for the season, with the firsi concert in November. Il will bc a Christmas programn with music by Pachelbel, Rutler, Willan, and others. The DPC, under the direction of Robert Phillips, is currently recruiting voices. Two positions in each of the soprano, alto, tenor and bass divisions are available. Weekly rehearsals are held on Monday evenings from September to May. To arrange for an audition or to receive further information, please contact the Music Director at 721-9290. Shots for students available next month Seventh-grade students ini area schools can expect to gel their vaccines for hepatitis B next month. The Ontario Minis try of Health is sponsoring a provincial campaign 10 immunize al students agamnst the liver disease this year. The local public health unit wiil offer an information session for area principals on September 12 to explain the details of the new programn. Parents will bc given information on the immunization programn from the schools after that. "Ail Grade Sevens are eligible but it is flot compulsory," he said. Students whio consent te the vaccines will receive two shots one month apart to start the program and a third vaccine five months later. The shots will be given at the schools. Programs and jobs wiIl be eliminiated Layoffs and a reduction in programis are coming iii the wake of budget cuts aI Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, administrator Ron Ballantyne says. The hospital has been told to cut $4.72 million from its operaling budget starting this year. The provincial governiment told the Whitby hospital bo slash 10.6 per centî from it budget as part of a plan to cut $52.6 million in spending at 10 psychiatric hospitals across Ontario. Although cuts in funding for the province's psychiatric systemn had been expected, the actual amounîs have caught hospital officiais off guard. 1 1Ididn't expec ito bcto this degree ... 1 had certainly hoped it to be much less significant," said Ballantyne. A joint public meeting, by the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority and the Town of Cobourg will be held to seek public input into the proposed recreational development of the Cobourg Conservation Area. Watershed residents of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority are invited to review presentations by the Town of Cobourg, Totten Sims Hubicki and the Ganiaraska Region Conservation Authority. Any resi- dents who wish to make a presentation at this meeting are requested to contact the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority priorto Septem- ber 28. Ail presentations must include a written submission and shail be limited to 1. minutes in length. September 28, 1994, 7:00 p.m:ý The OId BaiIey Court ROOM (Victoria Hall) Co bourg Reservations for presentations and meeting agenda can be obtained from: Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, Jnct. ai Highway 28 & Highway 40l, Poil Hope, ON LlA 3W4, 905 885-8173 Fax: 905 885-9824 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LIC 3A6 1994, SECOND INSTALMENT 1994 TAX NOTICE The SECOND INSTALMENT of the 1994 FINAL TAX NOTICE Is due for REALTY AND BUSINESS TAX Second Instalment PAYABLE SEPTEMBER 23,1994 Please Pay Promptly ta Avoid Penalty If you have flot received your Tax Notice, please telephone the Municipal Tax Office at (905) 623-3379. 1994 Taxes are PAYABLE at the locations detailed on the front of the Tax Notice. In addition, the following options are now being offered on a trial basis. You can now pay your taxes at the Municipal Administrative Centre with your: 1. lnterac Banking (Debit) Card and/or 2. Visa Credit Card Failure to receive a Tax Notice does net eliminate the responsibility for the payment of taxes and penalty. R.L. Swan Tax Collector Date of Publication: Wednesday, September 14, 1994 P .0. 4395