Orono WekIy Times, Wednesday. September 28,. 1P94 - 9 programs for this season and Üh1 are being shown new on Rogers Cabie Channel 10. From time te Urne during the fali and winter I will aise be appearing on the program "The Political Files," The listings for this program appear in the Oshawa Time TV Guide each week. Until next week then --Nothing is ever lest through beîng courteous. Car Thefts up inl Durham this year Car thefts, in Durham are up this year. About 965 cars have been stolen since the beginning of the year, that's up 49 per cent from the 647 cars that were stolen in the first haif of last year. People are steallng cars se they can use them for other crimes, such as break-ins. The opening parade around the ring for the first set of rodeo events on Saturday. 0 f the twe days there was a nearcapacity on the bleachers for the three rodeo events. You have te have more thaï? a preuty face when facing the 2000 pound buils eut in the ring in the Should wereceive statements once a year from the Ministry of Health te hlp keep us abreast of the health care cosns we receive? Sunnybreok Health Science Centre in Toronto has been sending statements te every disch arged hospitalinm-patient since,1990. Under the final taily, it says "paid for on your behalf by the citizens of Ontarie." I suppose the idea has it's pro's and con's. The Ministry of Health feels that some patients who were genuinely iii mnay infer that it is somehow criticizing them for the amount of money that was spent on their treatment. Some govemments bureaucrats are said te believe that it may heip te nrevent doctors from rnaintaining - .ir "target incomes" by charging for services of Ilquestionable medicai benefit." I don't know about that one. 1 believe most doctors are only interested in giving the best treatment te their patients based upon real need and nothing else. 1 think it would be a good idea te let people know the real costs of their health care. F'm sure in some cases it would corne as a real-eye- opener, but first of ail it -must bc Bleacher capacity was some with music being supplied by 3200 people. the Bowmanville group of Although attendance at the Chaser and the featured band Frîday evening dance was less Wayward closing out the than anticipated the same event evening. on Saturday drew a large crowd effort te protect the riders wheî and if thrown. Swift and sure of foot is ase a requirem.ent.. proven that there are direct cost benefits te bc gained in doing this. Highway 401 in this area has now been repaired after the ravag es of winter piayed havoc on it. As a regular user of the 11401" the smooth ride now is much enjoyed. This year, the amount of money being spent on highway construction has increased by 35 per cent. Capital spending for municipal roads is, aise up this year by some 37 per cent. The '"missing link" in transportation in, the Greater Toronto Area is Highway 407. It is the biggest highway project of its kind in Ontario's history. Building itwiil create 20,000 ful time jobs, and reduce the $2- billion annuai cest of congestion on roads and highways througheut the Greater Toronto Area. The route was established in the 1970s, and construction, work began in 1987. At this rate, and in today's fiscal envirenment, Highway 407 would flot have been completed before the year 200. Thanks te the creation of a partnership with a private sector consortium the project will be delivered in five yeurs, In my ceiumn a few weeks back, 1 toid you that traffic accidents cest us ail about $9- billion every year. The breakdown of these cests are; 800,000 heurs of police Urne; 38,000 ambulance cails, and 9,000 calis te fire departments; 74,000 visits te hospital emergency rooms; and 146,000 days of acute hospital care. This isn't tagng into consideration loss of wages, cests of repair te- vehicles, replacement vehicles, long term rehabilitation cests, 11mb replacements and Urne spent off work by relatives attending at the hospital and their cous of travel, etc. Add on te that total the cest of the funerai for the 1,000 traffic accident victims each year and you begin te realize that accidents are a costiy business. This year, our government bas committcd $100-miiiion for highway safety measures. We are investing in passing lanes, in highway median barriers, and truck arrester beds. We are improving highway lighting. We are instailing crash barriers that can abserb greater impacts. We are marking the pavement with chevrons te reduce tailgating. We have instaiied changeable message systems that can warn drivers of impending traffic conditions. And we have, added Compass video cameras on the 400 series of highways te help emergency vehicles get te the scene of a collision faster., Our economy.is showing the strongest growth in seven years and buoying optimism that a solid recovery has firmly taken hoid. "It was whopping" and "much stronger than expected," cheered investment firm Burns Fry Inc., which projected empioyment Wil continue te rise and growth here wiil outpace that of ail other major.industrial countries last year. What happened te ail those doom and P-ioom forecasts that said t here wouidn't be any investment in Ontario ail the while the NDP formed the geverument? What about those who said there wouldn't be any investment in Ontario until Bill 40 (the anti scab labourer law) and Bil 79 (Employment Equity) were both rescinded? Time te get a new lime Mike! Fail is here and se is the new season for "Talking It Over With Gord." The program appears each week on Sunday at 2:30 p.m., again on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m., and on Friday at 5 p.m. 1 have completed the first four new Tav etTk with Elizabeth Jelanger-Linkletter CTC Hovering gracefully between massive green cliffs, you glimpse a waterfall so close it covers the glass in front of you with a fine mist sending streams of water off the windshield. Only minutes Iter you are passing slowly over rocky cliffs and gazing into vast valleys below you. You continue on your odyssey to places you might only find on postcards-hovering close enough to see the orange lava beneath the surface at Mount Kilauea, or over the pineapple fields with the orange soul and lush green vegetation.' A chance te tour both sides of an island with aIl its rich diversity whiîe neyer drinking on a highway; and at the same time Remember when you think of Travel, Think of BL1-ESSINGS TRAVEL CENTRE Vanstone Mil have time te stilî make it back fer a lunch under a banyan tree in the centre of town is the type of sightseeing that only can be provided by a helicopter. For as little as $105.00 US per person you can tour the whole island, and see Hawaii's vivid colours and centrasts from thousands of feet above the g round. Helicopter tours in Hawaii are ne longer enîy fer the rich and famous as seen on Magnum P.1. but are an affordable alternative when you are taking the special holiday that yeu and your spouse have dreamed of over the years. Se, buckle up, bring the camera and go on 'The Ultimate Adventure Ride' over the islana. ADULT SHINNEY The Community Services Department is offering individuals the opportunity to play pick up hockey once a week. LOCATION: COST: TIMES: (Formerly the Bowmanviîle RecreationComplex) $5.00 PER PERSON 1:00 te 3:00 P.M. DATES: Friday, September 30 Friday, October 7 Friday, October 14 Friday, October 21 Friday, October 28 Friday, November 4 Friday, Nove mber il1 Friday, November 18 Fnday, November 25 Friday, December 2 Friday, December 9 Friday, December 16 Friday, December 23 C.S.A. APPRGVED HELMETS ARE REQUIRED For more information cal,' the Comm unity Services Depariment at 623-3379 ~a, MUNICIPALITY 0F- ciiaringaton ONTARIO Dates ef Publication: Wednesday, September 28, 1994 P.O. 4849