(Orotio WeekIy Times Wednesday, September ~0> f O~ -1) NORTHCUTT ELLIOTT, FUNERAL HOME is preuldi to ainourtce the e?(an$iort of tlieirfacî§iti"es te better serve the citzens cf C(aringtoît. Our clhape[ is beirtg entargeé and the entrance retiesiqrted Our, entire estabtistiment inc(uding wasllrooms ami c(oafçroomis are comp(ete(y accessible te th'e physicaffy chaffengediAff ofus at £&ORfJ2CU'J!T ~ELLIO'-TTcontinuaf(y strive to provitie thiefinest in caring serviice. P(ease 6e aware tilat our uru[erstanding for your peace cf minti witT in no way 6e affect et by t/lisI, our (atest project. NORTHCUTT, ELLIOTT FUNERAL HOME brings t/lepeop(e of Bowlmanvifie atufsurrounding areas service w! icli is steeped in tradition cf t/he unfamifiar ietaifs, /landiing t/lem wvit/l reverence antirespect, sin.ce 1845. N7eXt year in 1.995, ourfirm wiffhave been in business for 150 years. 53 Division Street, Bowmanville 623-5668 ...................... . .. ..... .... . ...... . ...... - ............................. - . - ..................................... .......... .. .. ...... Yï:: -p .... ..........