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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Oct 1994, p. 13

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Gofno Weekly Times, Wednesday,::October 5, 1994-.1 SALLY STAPLES associate broker 1flink.ýng of se(ûng? Caff me for afree app raisa( - taàQe advantage of thze est markt conditions in years! 623-6000 RE/MAX CORNERSTONE REALTY LTDU, REALTOR 6360 24 tir, pager country lot - surrounded by farmland with drilied .... ... $51,1000. * Ail brick bungalow * 4 bedrooms * formai dining room with waik-out to deck* 2 baths * rec room with woodstove* waik-out basement * detached garage* beautifui haif-acre lot surrounded by farmiand *... $1 75,000. * Newiy redone with gas furnace* central air and central vac & ail brick construction * 4 bedrooms * formai dining room * new kitchen wth waik-out to deck * 2 baths * rec room * workshop * lovely, mature landscaped haif-acre lot. .. $1 89,900. Downbtown work completed Orono Road work cost $1 180100 The Region of Durham has completed its program of road work in downtown Orono along with reconstruiction of a portion of sidewalk on the east side by the hotel building which was in, poor repair. The program over the past week was undertaken through the Infrastructure program involving the federal/provincial/regional levels Of goveMMent. The Orono Village program from the Main/Mill intersection South to Station street is estimated to have cost $118, 100. The Region is also undertaking repairs and new paving of Regional Road througb Newcastle Village firom Highway No. 2 to the Third Concession, north of the Village. The projeet is te be completed this week at an estimated cost of $260,000. This project is being carried out under t he Infrastructure program. Tips for better breathing (NC)-One in five Canadians suffers from some form of lung disease- asthma, emphysema, lung cancer and others. Here's how children and aduits cani breathe casier: -Don't smoke! Every month in Ontario, 1, 100 people die from tobacco- related illness. Contact The Long Association to find out about programs' that can help you quit smoking. Tobacco is a highly addictive drug. Encourage your children to avoid smoking altogether. If they don't start they'l1 neyer become addicted. - Avoid second hand smoke-the smoke from others' cigarettes. It contains 4,700 chemical compounds! Exposure increases long cancer among non-smokers by 30%. - Hobby materials nmay contain toxic substances. Oil paints ma\ contain lead; ~ymay contain ashestos. Read labels avoid toxins, Make sure your own or your child's work area is well1 ventilated. *Avoid beavy outdoor aerobic exercisýe on smog warning days. This is especially imiportant for peop)le\\ith' SChildren anpd aduijts with food allergies, such as anl llergLy to peanluts,- sbould neyer be expýosed o those foods. Eating them canlead to immiiediate respiratory filuire anld death. Ban t(hosec foods from your homle or- play area, if a child or aduit bas an, llergy'. For further inflormnation on1 lung disease, or to maLke a djonation,ý cali The LuIng Associationi at 1-800-668-7682. Whlen You Can't Breathe, Nothîng, Else Matters,. COMING EVENTS CRAFT SHOW AND SALE at Cataraqul Town Centr, Wudnesday. Oc.,b.,r 12f h ihru Sunday, Octobur 16h. On both les- efs, during mali hours. OTTAWA VALLEY SIMMENTAL HAR- VEST SALE, Saturday October 8, 1:00 p.m., Ashton, Ontario. SELECTED Heifer Caives, Brud Hifrs, Cows, Herdsire prospects. For caalogues/information: 905-342-2339 or 519-763-8833. FLEA MARKETS SMITHS FALLS FLEA MARKET 613- 283-8448 every Suniday Sam-Spm year round. A ruai Insidu flua market, good ciesn merchanidse romr cratis Io coi- fectîblus, solid wood furituru. VACATION /1TRAVEL FLORIDA S GULF COAST. Ninutuen day escorled coach tour Io Ctearwater Beach, $1.399 pur pumson. t3tails: 1000 Islands Tours inc., Toit f rue 1-800-267-9497 or 613-382-3226. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WERE SEEKING NEW MEMBERS mo loin Canadas Newest, dynamic retaiter! COTTER CANADA, Hardware and Vert- ety Coopurative Inc. True Value Hard- ware. V & S Depariment Store. Look what wu have to offert Buying Power of over 8,000 sores. Continuai business guidance. Inventory Management Sys- leuma. Exciting advertising program. Ptus many more support services! Cal us fodayt 1-800-665-5085 or Write: Coter Canada, Member evetopment, Box 6800, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3A9. T.L.C. PET F000 - The finesi Super Premium Pet Food avalabte. Buy retaif or whoiesale. Home delivery. Pets prefer T.L.C. - Distribuiorships available. Cati Ray (613>284-8339. SALES HELP WANTED IF YOU LOVE FASHION, we have a business opportunity thats jusi your size. Earning potentiai unlimited. Pari-timne or ful-timu. No previous sales esperience required. For fashion opporlunities wîth Lantana nef work marketing, cail: 1-800- 330-3698. BUSINESS SERVICES EMPLOYERS - IS THE WORKERS' COMPENSATION BOARD: Processing att your credits? Charging you penalties and surcharges? Not giving you a rebate? Cati todey to bu sure you are receiving ail that you deserve. (705) 436- 4979. CAREER TRAINING LEARN TO EARN PREPARING TAX RETUANS. Certificate courses Basic and Computer. Free Brochure. Cali 1-800- 563-EARN; Fax 1-204-949-9429, Jacks Institute, 902-167 Lombard, Winnipeg, manitoba R3B 0V3. BOOKKEEPING AND tNCOME TAX COURSES! Learn ticomne Tax Prepara- tion and Bookkeeping by correspon- dence. Eamn your cerf ificate now. For tre brochures, no obligation, U & R Tax Ser- vices, PO. Box 6052, London, Onario NSW 5R6, 1-800-665-5144, oser 20 yeams of fax training experience. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER . .. wiih our greaf homne-study course. Cal for a FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829. TUE WRITING SCHOOL, 2195-38 McArlhur Ave., Otawa, Ont ario KiL 6R2, LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai the South- western Schooi of Aucioncering. Nexi Class: Nov. 19-25. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auction- eering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, 'Ontario N4S HELP WANTED TRAVEL AGENCY REPRESENTATIVES NEEDEO. Earni income and enjoy i ravet benetts. Part ime or fuit tîme. For inor- mation, fetephone 613-525-0525. $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ make a lot oft money seting chocolate bars in your area n your spare time. Nothing to pay in advance, tast delivery 1-800-38-DELUX GARDENING HYDROPONtOS. Everything you need for indoor gardening - ights, books, nufri- eni etc. Canadas oldest spectatty store. Free 36 page catalogue, faest shipment, BRITE-LITE 1-800-489-2215. MISCELLANEOUS POETRY CONTESI $24.000 in przes yeariy. Possible publication. Send one original poem 20 fines or less: Natonat Library 0f Poetry, Box 704-1365, Owings Mill, Md 21117. FOR SALE ARCTIC WOLF FOR SALE in 18 packs for under $20. Avaitabte ai the Beer Store. MUSICAL INTEREST LEARN TO PLAY MUSICAL INSTRU- MENTS fthe new, easier way with Suif Teaching Video Tape. FREE catalogue. Best prices on att musical instruments. Musicare tnc. 1-800-361 3323, PAY TELEPHONE SERVICES A -st ailIbe ncurred TALK LIVE to ou r giffed psychics on questions of love, succesa, career, soul mates, self help, and more... CALL 1- 900-451-3530 Ext. 8181. $2.99 per min. Must bu 18 yrs. Newcatl, LTD. (602) 954- 7420. PERSONALS JEWISH SINGýLES REGISTRY of East- ern Ontario, Confidenfial service for Jew- ih singles over 1900 afiiated members. Cali or Write for more information 613- 592-9797, P.O. Box 24111, Kanata, Ontasrio K2M 2C3. WHAT MAKES PEOPLE TICK? Find oui! Bey DIANETICS. The Modemn Science of Mental Healih - AS SEEN ON TV - $39.59. Cati 1-800-561-5808. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membitershiip/'timeshsre? WeIi fake if! Amerca s largesi, otdest resale clearing- house Resort Sales Interniafional 1-800- 423-5967. Timeshare reniais needed. Cafl 24 hours a dJay. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - OUONSETS 25xy30 $2179,00, 33x36' $3741.00, 35'xSO' $603700 , 42k56' $7,157.00, 45 x66' $7894.00. 48x80 '$10588.00, 50xlOO' $14970.00. Many f0 choose from. Ends optionat. Future 1-800-668- 8653. STEEL BUJILDINGS. YOUR CHOICE ... StraightwaIIs with Ouonset Roof or High Siduwaii Ouonsuts. Facfory Direct - No Middleman. Examplu: Straighfwalýl 30'Wx40'L now $4899.00. Ends opioniat, Others. Pioneer 1-800- 668-5422, Nr. 3 5/115 SPLIT 3 bedroom bungalow has 1600 sq. f. on a 100 x 150 f. lot. Huge eat-in kitchen, new glass doors to rear deck, 6 appliances, 200 amps, and much more. Asking $1 39,000. Call, BRIAN BLOTNICKY Toi! Free at 1-800-325-5075 to view. CENTURY 21 MATC H REALTY LTD. Member Broker Cas', me to buy or sel!... Orono and area's real estate rep. Krystyna Jones Z > 983-6O13 ReaIty-Net ASSOCIATES (DURHAM)lnc. 1060 SIMCOE ST.' N. 8103 - OSH-AWA - TEL:(905)721-2112 oe NEW LISTING ... 4 - LEVELI4 BDRM. GAS-HEATED BACKSPLIT, $1 29,9001 CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" à ft's Affordable - ft's Fast - ft's Easy e One Bill Does It Ali - Norilierii Ontario $63 - Eastern Ontario $91 Western Onuirio -S 162 - Central Ontirio $168 - All Onbrio $380 National l'ackage,ý Available Call this papci for details!

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