Attend Rebekah Lodge installation Installation of Officers H-eather Rebekah Lodge Lodge openied accoirding to the Ritual with Sister Judy Hall, Noble Grand, presidinig assisted by Sister Lerna Atkins, Vice Grand. Sister Judy welconfied al members and ail the visitors, Sister Ann Joncs, District Deputy President of Oshawa District # 8 East, was escorted and intreduced by Sister Glad Gamsby. The flowers from Uic Guard of Honor were presented te Sister Ann, a special welcemne was alse given te Brother Art Youngman. Roll eall sbowed 20 efficers presenit. Sister Gloria asked the members te please bring items for the grab bags and also a new Christmas ornament for the Christmas tree te our next Lodge meeting, aise remnember the different tables for Uic Bazaar. An invitation was accepted from Cobourg Lodge and it was expected a car load would attend their meeting on October 18. Sister Violet R.S. read the Commersien of Sister Ann Jones and the new officers were installed in their respective chairs. Sister Lorna Atkins said she was honored to bc Noble Grand for our Lodge with Sister Viola Vanderveen as Vice Grand. Sister Ann Jones D.D.P. spoke a few words and brought greetings from our Assemb ' y President Sister Agnes Norris. Sister Ann was then escorted to centre of the floor and presented with a gift from the Lodge, also Sister Judy Hall, for her job well done. Lodge closed according te the Ritual, and a lovely lunch and social hour was enjoyed by ail. Som-e options to reognize during Reduction Week The Municipality of Clarington has setup a "corporate challenge" in recognition of thc annual Waste Reduction Week which hias been declared for October 17 te 23rd. Everyone is urged te take part especially industries, businesses and corporations as well as houscholds. It is being left up' te the individuals te arrange thieir own vý 4e reduction programs for the výteIk The miunicipality is te reward the most successful project that is undertaken in the municipality. The Three Rs may well be a cen)tre-piece of Most of the projects undertken. Each day cf the week bas beenl set aside for speCific programs. As an example Monday is set as Reduction Day while Tuesday is bijlled as Comnposting Day. Wednesday is Zero Garbage Day and Thursday is set as Conservation Day. Friday becomes Exchiange of R-e-use Day withi Saturday as Community Clcanup Day. Because of the Qpcoming municipal election, 1 bave been thinkingquite a lot about our community the past few weeks. For nearly a decade, this community bas faced a number of 'threats' to the place we cal 'home' or cemmunity, and we have succeeded in our efforts te ward them off. We have also learned more about ourselves, our neighbours, and about the deeper significance of the issues that bave lead us inte tbe battie ground with industry and varous levels of bureaucratic boondoggling. But, wby do people get so upset when a garbage dump or an incinerater or a subdivision is proposed in our backyards? Is it shallow NIMBYism which evokes our passionate responses? Or, are there ether things ~I on ini people's minds and souls? Those of us whe fight these issues are called NIMBY's (Not in My Backyard) . . . in contemptuous tones. Many, however, progress te the next level of community advocacy, that being the other kind of NIMBI . .. Now 1 Must Become Involved. Some attend local Council meetings or write letters expressing their views to politicians and coiporate Canada. Some get involved in public consultations. Some enter the political arena. Some take more note of the issues, and discuss themn with family, friends and neighbours. Ail of these kinds of 'involvement' make a différence. But, back to the original question. Why does it matter what happens in our community? A cynic might reduce the issue to that of ecenemics . . . garbage dumps tend te have very negative impacts upon property values. Or, the sane cynic mighit suggest that we are overly protectionist, and that thie issue is one of selfish'ly guarding agaînst a peýrceived assault of the rights of the indîvidual. This same cynic would believe that people only care about thiemselves. But 1 beieve that many people do care about their communities and have great difficulty coping with the intrusive, non- consultative nature of far off 'desk-top' decision-making which ignores the very real issue of 'people-IN-place'. So, why does all this matter today? There is no immediate threat to our community. But, there is a municipal election around the corner. This is the ONLY level of government which really matters to a cemnmunity. At the provincial and federal levels, community interests are lost to the intervsts of 'the whole'. We become lost in the space of large regional interests. The larger 'whole' issues, thus, smother small communities. But, at the local level, we CAN make a difference by bemng informied and involved in the decision-making processes, Number ta be Elected Municipality ef Clarington Mayor Regional Councillors Local Councillors Trustees for the Northumberland and Clarington Board of Education Trustoes for the Peterborough-Victoria- Northumberland and Clarinigton Roman Catholic Separate Sehool Board Clarington Hydro-Electric Commission ADVANCE POLLS - November 5 and November 9, 1994 LOCATIONS: -Ward 1 - Bowmnanville Recreation Cemplex Ward 2 - Municipal Administrative Centre -Ward 3 - Oddfellows and IRebekahs Hall, Church St., Orono REGULAR POLLS - NOVEMBER 14,1994 Ail Electors will be advised by mail of the location of their polling station. ALL POLLS WILL BE OPEN FROM 10:00 A.M TO 8:00 P.M. PROXY APPLICATIONS Forms for the appointment of a Voting Proxy are available at the office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. Proxy Forms must be certified by the Clerk ne later than 5:00 p.m. on November 14, 1994. MUNITAITY O Date of Publication: Wednesday, October 19, 1994 Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T. Cierk/'Returning Officer Municipality of Claringtoni 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 P.0. 50471 We 'l-e Iooking for- the A~ttcmuiypoet0 '.!#'o "kids ',or Ontario 'i)?ontat this community newspape fordetails. ediei Qotr3s 1 9941 ONTAR!0 JU NIOR CfiVIlEN OFTHE lýYE-AR AWARDS PROG'RAý Reftec mi cg