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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Oct 1994, p. 12

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12 - Orono Weekly TIm.e~ Wednesday, Ootober 19, 19~4 acquaintance with Kingsten and more particularly the Kingston General Hospital. 1 had every confidence it was going te lbe a good report se sat back te enjoy the trip and relax. Widb sen-in-law, Ken, at the wheel this wasn't bard te do. 1 could look up for birds and either side for the autuma colours that may appear. Half way te Kingston we did drive by some fine autuma colors on mid-size maples. No one tree was a mass of celour but it was as if someone had taken a big round sponge and splashed each tree with a bletch ef red, yellow, brown and in many cases with a stark green in contrastte Uthc other coleurs. In a way they leoked like clowns in the fields. Wby am 1 writing about KGH agaîn? I'm not really4for it is about human nature as 1 found it starting with the first uine-up te obtain clearance fer needed X- rays. The process was being held up by an elderly weman who was insisting that it was hier day te have an X-ray. On the other side of thie counter the secretary was insisting that she did net have an appeintmnent and as such did require a referral frem lher decter. There was ne give or take on either side. Finally the secretary agree-d te get the doctor's phone number and with a rapid tongue the seven digits were rattled out - "and den't forget te dial 9 first". 0f course it was a lest effort and one had te feel sôrry for the elIderly woman whe had ne chance te get the numbers and was finding it difficuit te get the secreta-ys attention back At least four minutes must have passed when a yeung man sitting aleng the side of the bal came over and said, 'Il cial the number for you', wbich lie did. How in the world could he have in the first place registered the numbers in bis mind and further te remeber it for at least four minutes befere çialing it. 1 had te just shake my head and was se thankful that semeone like that was in the group. "First deor te the left and they will cail you when ready'. Se off 1 went te enter the first door te the Ieft te. a small reom, twelve cbairs and eleven people waiting fer x-rays. 0f course I bad te make a comment, "It looks like a busy day for the X-ray department". Net a word i reply and in most cases flot a head raised from ivading or staing at the floor. Fer at least twenty minutes 1 waited with eleven others witbout a word being spoken. Finally it was my turn te move on for the x-ray and then up to the doctors' fleer and the waiting room. Tbree of tbe waiting people were three of those that 1 bad seen reminded me of a song, 've Grown Accustomed te Your Face". Possibly thîs was ail that was needed te bteak the freeze that existed at the door te the left. Aise thiniking about the young man with die memeory there is one that lives in Orono that can tell the licenseplate numbers of'a vehicle seme minutes later after passing. Gord Milis states it was his police training that developed thîs trait. THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS Oui Specialîty Family Style Roast Beet Dinner Weddings- Anniversaries - Business Functions Hockey - Basebail- Bowling Banquets HOT - COLD - BUFFETS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB IMO 983-9679 à NE VEr)?AQAIN a Wa r AMPs vileO series EXTERIOR ACRYLI< k" r Pd=Wood Fý..y n nS !A.*ta per'w~ CSBs 'unique as investment' FOR MIAN Y Canada Savings Bondholders ,CSBs, aiea great dealI more thani an ivsret "Orrserhshows ,that Canladians hIave a sremt cotional atahen oC'anada Savig Bonds, perhaps tone ha o ayohrfina-ncial prodfuctfin Caniada today.-,',said aspepr sonl for the CSB Ognzainin Ottawýa. -In fact, mlany people tie m1ajor iles C'tones ,iintheirliv \esto the purchase Of' Canada SvnsBonds a-;inew ýhome. aspca vacation1, a college euc(iation for- the1ir chldrn'or emlei.", They're ealso a very wiinvestrnent )lchoice, sysDave Butlir', a St. Cathlarin-es, stockbroker wh1o also acts as a repire- sentiative for thle CSBPyrlSang Plan. "On ofthereasons lfor their popularity "\I-fver tecyars is that they 're easy to buyl. epcilyon] the PayroillSavinigs Plan aàt work.", MalnyCanladianls find the Payrloll Sav ingýs Planl a simple, colîveilentwa to save. By, putting aside a bit out of' their payevery mon1101th. they are able to bulid a sizeable necsteg for- themiselves ý,after a few yecars. Anotherý reasonl is simlply thlat CanadaSaig Bonds, are one of' the saf'est inveýstn1ents mon-ey can buyv. "Thive'fully guaranteed hby*the Govemminent of, Canada- wvith the added advantage of, being, cashlable On any\ business day. without anly plty ýl"or- loss of capital. "Teeare no sales or- redemlption fees Of' any kinid and no adiniistrative charge's andyo canl alwýayýs be sure Ofgetiga comlpetitive rate Of, retum-l, year after year. Two changLes introduced is year uinderlinle tisù point vr clearly. niotes Butler. *First. this year's sales periiod haýs been extended by twýo week.s inresponise to requests from canadaSaig Bond in1vestorsý wýho 1idited they wNanlted 1mor1e time Cto buy theIFir ondsl". Second, wýith Ithe inltr-oductii)IOn1 Ulti-yearpricng.CSB holders wilI have three yearsý of, interest" rate pr1otectionl no miatter wýhat happens to interest rates fi ien antimei. -This new three-yecar pricing w\ýil1 be a tremlendous advanl ttage no0 matter how you'011look atitl... and that's w \y\cethink." says Butller, "a lot Of investors wi\l libe taking a second look at Canlada Savings Bonds t1hs ear. NOTICE SENIOR CITIZENS AND THE PHYSICALLY DISABLED SIDEWALK AND DRI VEWAY WINDROW SNOW CLEARING PROGRAM The Municipality of Clarington is offering senior citizens 65 years of age and over and the physically disabled a snow clearing service on municipal sidewalks and for driveway windrows adjacent to single family dwellings, which includes semi-detached, link housing and row housing in the urban areas of Bowmanville, Courtice, Orono, Newcastle Village and in the Hamilets of Newtonville, Tyrone, Leskard, Haydon, Kendal, Solina, Hampton, Burketon, Enniskillen, Maple Grove, Enfield, Mitchell Corners and Kirby. To be eligible for this service, applicants must be 65 years of age or older or b.e physically disabled, occupy a single family, dwelling which fronts onto a Town street in the specified urban areas or the urbanized areas of the specitied hamlets, and have no able bodied persons under the age of 65 years residing on the property. Senior citizens must provide a copy of a birth certificate or Senior Citizens Number; physically disabled applicants must provie a doctors certif icate. Application Forms can be obtained from ithe Public Works Department, Municipal Administrative Centre at 40 Temperat, Street in Bowmanville, or caîl 623-3379. If you wish to verify that you qualify for the service, please contact Jan O'Neill at extension 202. Ail applications must be cornpleted and returned te the Municipality of Clarington, Public Works Department on or before November 19, 1994. M UTIALIT Fl

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