~-- -~ -~-~ 9 That Time Again it happons every ilirce years thie election of counilors, trustees and commissioners and this time around every position in the Municipality of Clariîigton is up for grabs. Not a single acclamation in eiher local council, regional counicil, Boards of Trustees nor Comrmissioners of the Hydro Electrie Commission. May we suggest that it is important that we know the calibre of candidate for which we will support and to be knowledgeable of issues that may arise, although at this time there sceets ta be few in any area of administration of public service. Unfortunately local govemnment election create the least interest of ah eclection including federal and provincia~l. A thirty-five percent tumnout of voters for municipal elections is always feit to be a good turnout. Not so when provincial and federal elections can register a turnout from sixty percent to over seventy percent. It is rather difficult to understand, the low turnout of eoctorate at local elections, especially considering that it is the local forms of govermment that make the deivery of services we enjay on a daily basis, and it is the local boards of education that are responsible for the education of our children. It is without a doubt we should spend more effort in understanding these local forms of govemning and make full use of the ballot came November 14th. Hsappené% "'ig s.. United Church Roast Beef Dinner The Orono United Church are holding their annual roast beef dinner this Saturday at the church with two sittings 5 p.m., and 6:30 .p.m. Adults $9, children 6 ta 12 $4, other children free.Tickets 983-5208 or 983-5169. Hospice Week, October l7th to 22nd With the themne "Caring Hands Across Ontario" the local Hospice- association has made plans ta reach the general public through a display at the Bowmanville MAIl on Friday< October 2lst fromn Il a.mýn. till 3 p.m. The public is invited ta shop at the display andi to learu more about the Hospice service in this community. Orono Town Hall Eucbre resuits With tweive tables in play at the euchr.e party held an Wednesday, October l2th the high scores were: Hilda Caswell 81; Berniece Moffat and June Wilson each with 80; Robin Alldred with 79; Marion Sears with 78 and low score Mamian Staples. Draw winners Berniece Moffat, Hazel Piggott, Edgar Milîson, Shirley Gardon, Elva Foster and June Wilson. Euchre is heid every Wednesday night at 8 p.m. Lunch provided. Apple festival big mvent BowmanvMle downtown Tnere wý formation in d Ville an Satu with the annu; Apple Festival The sun si event and the1 been expan( closing off ai Street in the downtown. NE suashine, but of everything s a great trans- owntown Bowman- rday of last week l promotion of the one brightly for the )romotion itself had led thraugh the a portion of King western sector of ýt anly was it more is weiI it was mare in crafts and apple fests. The street was packed with people for most of the day and line-ups for apple fritters and other goodies were part of the experience and fun of the promotion. The estimate of 10,000 plus would not ha an over estimate of those attending. The experience for many of the first-timers is assurance they will be back next year. Kendal Column by Phyllis Lowery What a beautiful fah we have been having, nice sunny days and the skies have been breathtaldng at sunset, such briliant red and orange cçlours. As 1 look out the win.dow. while writing this column the sky is sa blue and the horizon looks like it is an fire, hope this means that the good weather is gaing ta continue. Clad ta report that despite al the other Bazaars being held in and around this area, Kendal UCW once again had a very successful Bazaar. Lots of fresh veggies, baking and lots of bargains. The tea was served in the Sunday schaol room of the church and was delicious. The symipathy of the community goes aut ta Elinar Foster in the loss of her sister-in- law and ta thlo famiiy of former resident of Iïendal, Margaret Linton. Magoet grew up in Kendal whiere her parents, the Underwoods, ran a store and the Post office. 1 have many meoisof that store, going up thocrc ta pick up the mail or ta buy somecthing. A iovoly wedding took place in Kendal United Church an Saturday evening when Janine Foster and Stovon DeBoer were unitod in marriago. There woren't as many present at Chuivh this week, perhaps the nice woather is keeping them home cieaning up thecir gardens. Next week Sunday, October 23rd wiàhi ha the 124th Anniversary of Kendal Church, came out and help clebrate the continuing use of this iaveiy ittie church. The service opened with Rev. Black welcom ing all, the hymn "Am-oazing Grace" was sung. New words written by Clarke MacDonald wore used. The Invitation ta Worship, the Prayor of Appraach were said, the hymn, "God of Grace and God of Glory" were sung. The, Prayer of Self. Examination and the Words ot Assurance were given. Ian Savage called the childron forward, ho asked themn if they knew who the Pastor was? What docs he da? Doos he go to the moon, docs he drive a train, is hie a conductor of a bandi? Ian told themn that the pastar is like a conductor of a band, he keeps things organizotilhe finds the right poople for thec right jobs. A band without a conductor would mnake terrible music, the Pastor nat anly preaches the sermnons but he keeps things running smoothiy. The children's hymn. was, 'Jesus Loves Me". The scripture reading was fromi Genesis 3: 17-24; Thessalonians 3-12. The sermon, "The Quality of Life: Part 4, A Biblical Perspective On Work". Today we are looking at the nature and meaning of work. Wark is necessary, it is a basic human need ta retain dignity. At one time being a housewife was laoked down on, a saciety that believes thiere'is no Jlgnity ta being a housewife, a homnemaker a mother, is doomed ta failure. Meaningful work is necessary ta human well being, Many see work as something ta be avoided. Many spend tirne and energy trying ta find ways ta stay on social security, they feel that they deserve it, that they do not need ta work. If you really want ta hear something that should make you afraid, listen to the teenagers as they talc of how they can get on welfare. God said that alI people must work. The ancient people knew that they had ta work ta feed, clothe and provide shelter for themnselves and their people. There are always some, who shun labour, but God meant wark ta bring human dignity, ta bc active, healthy in spirit and body. Enforced idleness, ta have nathing moaningful ta do causes an unhealthy outlaok on life. In time off grief, the persn ta the heaîing process. Whien a persan is no longer able ta work, is no longer able ta hielp in providing for the family they begin ta feel useless, God says these people are ta be protected, not tumned out, What does God require of yau taday? Not what He required in the past or in the future. Our nursing homes are filled with people who feel they are useless because the cani no longer work as they did, they are just waiting ta die. God does not ask thiem ta do what they are not able ta do, but what they are able ta do. What is appropriate at this time. We set aside one day each year ta honour labour, this is calied Labour Day, Gad did better than this, He said, six days shail thou labour, the seventh day you shali rest. The burden of work is not taken away from us, but God gives us renewal sa we cani once again take up aur burdens. There are endless needs in this world, in aur community, where aur lime, aur help, aur labour is needed. Helping ta provide mecals for the shut-ins, tutaring a student, driving sorneone ta Doctor's appointments, visiting the elderly orsick. With the fulfihîment of aur ime-and labour, we will find peace. The hymn, "O Gad Our Help In Ages Past" was sung followed by the Prayer of Thankfulness and the Prayer of Concerni and Commitment. The closing hymn was, "We Rise To Respand". Date ta mark on your caiendar ..Saturday, Octaber 29th. "Ham Supper" Kendal United Church, serving fram 5 p.m. ta 7 p.m. aduits , . . $8.00, children S4,00, under 6 yrs. free. Footnote ..ý. ta the young"er" persan who said that 1 was spelling colour, honour and now you cani add labour, to the lis t, that is the way we were taught ta speîl these words when I went ta school, the Englii way not the American shiorten-ed version ending witli "or". Sign a pamphlet-foiding machine at a printing company; "Restricted area, Violators will bc, folded". St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Interim Minister:. Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUN',DAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHOOL Land YOUTHi GROUP 9:30 am ORONO PASTORL CHARGE Mervyn Russell k " Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23rd Kirby United Church 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church 11:00 a.m. Note: Following the service of ýQctbr23rd, there will be a Congregational Meeting following the wors-hip service at Orono United Church, ta discuss wheelchair accessibility proposaIs. EXPLORERS Will be cancelled for ùthis week and wil resumne October 26th. BIBLE STUDY Wednesday, October 19th 8 p.m. at Kirby United Church ROAST BEEF DINNER Saturday, October 22 Sittings 5 p.m. & 6:30 p.m. Orono United Church Aduits $9./children 6-12 $4.; children Linder 6 FREE. For tickets cail Patricia 983-5208 or June 983-5169. MUSICAL CONCERT Sunday, Oct. 23rd - 7:30 p.m. With Eric Lambier and Waynie Heinrichs to be held at Orono Town Hall. Tickets adults $8./children 12 & under $2. To order tickets please cati Margaret Henderson 983-9608. A.A. meets every Thurday 7:30 p.m. i ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009 I~J 'Umm" IIL