mmmý4- Orono W .ly Times, Wednesday, Hovember P, 194 Score shows loss -but Novice Major Plumbling Novice- play good defensive ga me After a summer of "when does hockey start," the Novice,bouse league team ffmally it the ice for their home opener against Blessings Travel in Orono on October 19. Coaching the brood tbis year is head coach Barney Bangay, assistant Frank Maitland, and tramner and goalie coach Gerry Martin. The first peiod saw both tennis skating out their kinks and trying to remember offside and which was rigbt wing and wbich was left. Orono goalie #9 Kevin Martin made the first stop of the gaine as Blessings Travel came i on a breakaway. Blessings Travel bad a second break.away at 8:06 of the first. Martin made tbe initial save but the rebound shot bounced off the back of bis glove into the net. Orono bad several rusbes into the Bowmanvile end witb #1i Greg Dunbam having a good chance of putting one home but the Blessings Travel goal was up for the challenge. The first work for tramner Martin came as #30 Brian Pisani went into the boards beavily wbile trying to clear the puck and was carried off the ice temporarily. The second period was end to end action with forwards #4 Matt Barnes, #2 Carl Tordiff, #5 Derek Sellars, #7 Mike Teixeira, #16 Joey Konopka, #17 Steve Gregg and #10 Freeman Hutcbings passing and shooting their way around the ice. At 9:06 #3 Paul Richter, unassisted fmnally put one past the Blessings Travel goalie using fancy footwork, weaving bis way tbrough their defence and getting a good shot away. Shortly after #9 Kevin Martin stood bis ground as be faced a 2 on 0 and stopped the attack. The second period ended in a 1 -1 tie. In the third period Kevin Martin kept up bis stellar net minding stopping shot after shot using all parts and parcel of bis equipinent. It looked as if the gaine would end in a tie but with_ 1:06 left in the game a sleeper slipped througb and Blessings Travel went home 2-1 victors. The score also indicates good defensive play by our "stay home" guys #11i Andy Bangay, #8 Steve Webb, #6 Tyler Gregg, #12 Collin Maitland and #30 Brian Pisani. After the gaine the coach commended that they played a, good gaine and passed out hockey cards to theboys. Froin the Stands: The fans choice for #1 star for gaine 1 goes to #9 Kevin Martin for a great gaine in the net. Their next game will be in Orono on Saturday, October 29 at 6:30 a.m. Up and At'em Boys! win four in a row The Orono Novice teain having been busy littie beavers this last past week witb playing 3 league games and 1 practice time. But ail this ice seems to be paying off with their 4 in a row winning streak. It ail began with the Orono boys travelling to Sunderland Tuesday, October 25, 1994 directly after scbooL.Not giving the kids much of a chance to get settled in at borne they were off te see what type of competition they could find.* Well the long drive didn't seem te slow thein down as tbey caine home witb a 7-3 win. GAME SUMMARY Matt Caruana 4 goals 1 assist Bryan Bickell 1 goal 1 assist Curtis Robinson 1 goal Jordan Beacock 1 assist Kyle AllUn 1 assist Jeff Mercier i assist Nathan Adegeest i assist Jeff Mercier 2 minutes for body contact. Bench penalty 2 minutes for two many men. Friday, October 28 things still kept rolling. The boys hosted Millbrook who they had met prior in the season.- Confidence tbey seem to have after such a good gane, on Tuesday. But the first period was toucby witb Orono only scoring once. The second took off witb a confident 3 more goals te give thein a 4-0 iead. Ian Crasbiey to this point had done everytbing bie could to keep that puck out of the net, but in the third it was impossible Milbrook wouid not give up and figured sooner or later these defense would get tired and let tbem at 'u.That tbey did as tbey tightened the game to a 6-4 win for Orono. Excellent goaltending by Ian Crashley kept Milbrmok to only 4goals. GAME SUMMARY Curtis Robinson 2 goals 1 assist Justin Szymczak 2 goals Nathan Adegeest 1 goal 2 assist Matt Caruana 1 goal 2 assist Kevin Martin i assîst Jeff Mercier 2 minutes for an elbow. Offensive was good witb lots of bard shots on net one is Curtis Robinson wbo seems to be enjoying the extra ice, and is taking the centre position every other shift and boy is hie working bis butt off te be there, Jesse Price on defense has learned wbat they mean by "Take the man in front of the net," because wben bie is out there nobody is going to Leafs' Andrew Beacock -grounds Lightning Orono Bantams Triumph On Thursday, October 20, the Orono Bantains proceeded to trounce, their arch rivais fronu Newcastle 7-1 in their farst gaine of the season in front of 60 screaming fans. Rookie prodigy Dan Frew in bis first gaine ever led the way for the charging Bantams and a stellar performance by netininder Scott Sawyer secured the victory. The scoring started 27 seconda into the gaine wben Grant Ester pounced on a loose puck in front of the net after a blistering slap- shot by Ryan Dewulf. A minute later Scott "Moose" Logan ju mped on die rebound froin Dan Frew's shot scoring the second goal. BJ. Hackett scored the third goal for Orono and Sawyer's shutout was shattered at the end of the first by an open Newcastle player. Guy Tousignant ignited the sconing for the second period on a nice play assisted by Moose Logan and Shaun Hentîg. The highlight of the night' came wben Ester moved the puck to the point where Devon Witheridge's thundering shot was deflected by newcomer Frew into the corner of the net sending all spectators into bysterics. For the achievement of scoring his first career goal, Frew was awarded the gaine puck by coach Witheridge. The next goal was scored after a rebound froin Dewulf's sbot went to the side of the net where former Newcastle player Chris Druery buried the puck in the top sheif wbere the peanut butter's kept. The final goal of the nigbt was a tic-tac-toe effort by Jamie Richter and Brett Maartense wbicb Maartense finisbed off inte the mesh after a couple of beauty back and forth passes by the two. SUMMARY lst Period Orono 1, Grant Esier (Ryan DewujlO 14:33 Orono 2. Scott Logan (Dan Frew) 13:39 Orono, 3. BdJ. Hackett 9:04 Newcaste 4. Jarnie Metcalf (Chris Mecan) 4:04 Penalties Orono 1. Shaun Hentig 11:41i Newcastle 2. Jamie Metcaf 3:16 Orono 3. Ryan Dewulf 3:16 2nd Period Orono 1. Guy Tousignant (Scott Logan) 12:00 Orono 2. Dan Frew (Devon Witberidge) (Grant Esier) 5:19 Orono 3. Chris Drueiy (Ryan Dewult) 3:23 3rd Period Orono 1. Brett Maartense (Jamie Ricbter) 11:07 Penalties Orono 1. Brett Maartense 2:11 Rink Ramblings - "Get weli soon Josh and hope to see you next gaine" - Ail members of the teain. "Good work Frew, you're nuimber 1 " - Devon and Grant. "Congrat's on getting your trainer's card, Dr. Richter" - AU members. In OMHA Pee Wee play Friday, October 28, Orono's Family Auto Leafs hosted the Mariposa Ligbtning. The Leafs edged the Ligbtning 3-2 witb winger Andrew Beacock netting the eventuai winner on a nifty backhander eariy in the third period. Orono wereup 2-0 and held a commanding lead in shots. Wben Mariposa got onthe board with a shorthanded effort in the dying seconds of the middle frame. The Leafs were on cruise control witb a 3-1 differentiai when the Lightning struck on a power play for their onfly other marker late in the game. if not for the goaltending beroics of Mariposa's Jeff Smitbers, the Lightning wouid bave suffered a rnuch higber scoring deficit! During the contest, the diminutive netininder robbed Leaf forwards Greg Shetler, Randy Brennan, and Matt McGlynn -- ail on breakaways! Next league gaine for the Leafs is Thursday, November 4 as they visit Milbrook. See you there! LEAFLETS: . .. ailing Leafs defencemnan Neil Borutskie (separated shoulder) sbould be back in the lineup for Thursday's match in Miflbrook . . . bes been skating with the teain in practice . ..after a slow start, the Leafs are 3 and 2 in league play... however, 'with ail 3 wins coming on borne ice, the club's iooking for itfs first road win in Miilbrook Tbursday . .. winger Brandon Kettela notched bis first goal of the season on a nice solo effort in Friday's 3-2 victory over Mariposa ... if Leaf defencemnan Jamie Parry ever gets bis tining rigbt in the bi tting departinent he'll be a forced to be reckoned witb ... until then as TV's get smart's saying goes "Missed himi by that mucb!!!" . .. don't be surprised if you spot club manager Ray Bester sporting-a belmet and body arnour behînd the bench next tine . .. the result of "too many flying pucks and errant sticks" -- Ray says!... .jusr a reminder about the club's cookie mix funudraisers . . . we only get out of it wbat we put into ...with 100% participation, Terry Kettela ,feelsý we can achieve over a $ 1,000 profit .. let's p rove her rîght! . . . D.S. SUMMARY LEAFS 3 LIGHTNING 2 Fîrst Period bother his goalie. Sunday, October the 3Oth Omemee was the destination for a 5:00 gaine. Hleaing the Omemee had a good team didn't seem to scare thes.e guys beca use tbey went out there fuit guns. Ended the first period with a 3-1 lead. The second they lulled a littie with a 5-3 lead. But ended the gaine with a 8-4 defeat. A great penalty frec gaine was played this evening witb lots of entertaininent for the fans. Alil the boys worked bard to take this 4tb win in a row borne. GAME SUMMARY Matt Caruana 4 goals 2 assist Curtis Robinson 3 goals Justin Szymczak 1 goal 1 assist Bryan Bickell 3 assist Kevin Martin -i assist Nathan Adegeest i1 assist Matt Mitchell 1 assisi Congratulations boys on such a successful week. Keep up the good practices coaches and the boys wil keep up tbe good work, Next games are Friday, Novemnber the 4th at Bewdley gane timec 7:30. Saturday momning the team wili return to Orono iuce to play an exhibition gaine against a Whitby teain at 10:30. Good luck! 1. Leafs, Witheridge 2 (Kettela, K. Beacock) 4: 18 Penalties: Lightning - Kuiken TNT 6:53 Second Period 2. Leafs, Kettela 1 7:49 3. Lightning, Martin 1 sh- (Grahamn) 1:09 Penalties: Leafs - K. Beacock RO 7:49, Bester RTNT 6:29, Brennan HLD 4:14, K. Beacock HLD 1:39 Lightning - Barr RO 7:49, Gibbs TR 5:19, Barr HLD 2:15, McLinton RO 0:22 Third Period 4. Leafs, A. Beacock 2 ( Brennan, Caruana) 5:35 5. Ligbtning, Grabamn 1 pp 3:37 Penalties: Leafs - Brennan RO 10.03, Parry RO 4:11, Knox RO 3:57, K. Beacock USC 0:00 Lightning - Kerr CC 3:01, Butterworth TR 2:04, Kerr HKG 0:54, Kerr USC 0:00 Shots On Goal Leafs ilý 5 10 26 Lightning 3 4- 7 14' Goal: Leafs - Leddy W (2- 1-0) Ligbtning - Smitbers L (0-1-0) Att. at Orono: approx. 84 The Northumberland and Clarington, BOARD 0F EDIJOATION CLARKE'S PARENTS (PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION) is holding MEET THE TRUSTEE CANDIDATES on NOVEMBER 8, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. Clarke High Sehool Library R. (DICK) T. MALOWNEY DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION AND SECRETARY JUDI ARMSTRONG CHAIRPERSON OF THE BOARD