W..k'yTIm..~ Wednnduy~ J *y1~1~5"¶t ).um.m. N.J'ewtonville Ladies ThoughsFrom The Top: What lies ahead in 1995 for Clarke? Only time will tel! Cover Story: I hope everyonc bad a good Christmas holiday. My holidays bad a swect beginning as was Uic case for ail Clarke students. Especially for Uic participants of Uic talent assembly on December 22. Out of the last five talent assembly shows, titis 'one surpassed them ail because of the acts involved. For example, one act'involvcd two students in a comical yet impressive drum duet. The most memorable moment at the asscmbly was probably the teachers dancing in dresses .. . yes, dresses. Most acts at tite assembly were comical thougit others were indeed very serious. The one tbing about al thc acta was that ail students enjoyed titemseives and presented their talents well. Flashback: 1 titougbt my performance at thte Christmas Talent Assembiy '93 was my bcst and I couid neyer top Uiat act. Tbougb Uanks te a certain someone at tite Talent Assembly '94, 1 was proven wrong. Wiseman's Advice: Clarke students, exams are September 1978 Kathie Lycett of Orono was crowned Miss Durbam. Central on Saturday afternoon. Heatiter Balard was first runner up and Nancy Reitmuller was Uic second runner up. Debbie Colvin of R.R. 1, Orono bas returned from Bark Lake after. successfully completing a two week residential course in camping skills and outdoor education at Uic Ontario Camp Leadership Centre operated by the Sports and Recreation Bureau, Ministry of Culture and Recreation, near Irondale, Ontario. The Orono Figure Skating Club is holding their annuai WaIk-a-Uion Saturday wiUi funds raised tbrougb Uic event going te Uic Club and witit a portion te bc donatcd te Uic Orono Mrena Fund. The WaIk-a-thon covering some thirteen miles will commence at the Orono Park and end at the same point. The walk commences at 8:00 a.m. The venerable old lady on Main Street, Orono, the Orono Town Hall, cari net be viewed as providing a free service for meetings and other events in Uic future. A scitedule set forth by council carlier titis summer are now being applied titrougi thie community services department of the Town, wbo operate the building for Uic Town. approaching fast. Se study bard 80 y0u can pass ail of Uiem. In thte Future: Clarke students are eagerly anticipating the Mucit Music dance Uis Friday. Ticket prices are $5.00. Tbis dance i s thc post- dated Christmas dance wbicb was cancelled as a resuit of bad weather conditions. Wbat makes Mucb Music dances better than ail oUier dances, is net just the Music, it's the fact it's a video dance. On Tbursday, Clarke is holding their semi-annual Career Fair. Ail are welcomc te corne and view Uic masterpieces of Uic co-op students. Yes, mine will titere too. Mine will consist of a portfolio of my past columns and a look into journalism. The Career Fair runs fromn 9:30 - 2:30. The last day of semester one classes is on January 20 and exams run fromn January 23 - January 30. Read the "Critique" w/tic/t is returning in thw next couple of weeks. Famous Last Words: Don't waste time on New Year's resolutions wben you could bc doing something about it right now . .. bottom lime We bave seen it on television, Uic Pepsi Challenge. t appeared titis year at thte Orono Fair and many were for taking up the challenge. Plates are still available with tite drawing of Uic new arena on Uiem. Titese plates are available from any member of the Great Pine Ridge Kinettes. Great for a souvenir and ail one bas te do is contact any memiter of ic club. %Sterling Mather, often seen in titis area wearing an apron at various eating functions, carricd on this work outside bis own community.* Recently be was citief cook at a cook eut at the Balsam Lake Trailer camp wbere his neigbbours at the camp presented him witit a sum of $50.00 for a job well donc. Sterling bas now passed this amnount of money along te, the Orono arena funti. A belping hand ail around. September 1988 There were eighteen fiddlers in competition at Uic Orono Fair Old Time Fiddler's contcst and a considerable number of step dancers strutted their stuff during Uic mass event. James Lowery of Orono placed third in Uic Senior division from amongst five competiters. Beginning on Tuesday, Ocober 4 and continuing for Uic following six Tuesdays, the Museum will be hosting a fal Fellowship' The Ladies Fdllowsbip Group of Uic Newtonville Pastoral Cbarge met at the home of Lorraine Black for their December meeting. The evening began witb a delicious pot luck dinner which was enjoyed by al. Pat Atkins provided an interesting Christmas devotional following wbicb we sang Christmas carois.. Joanne Cleveland taugbt us how te make "love gifts" and special doily angels. The January meeting will take place at Newtonville United Churcit Christian Education Room, on Tuesday, January 17th at 7:30 p.m. The speciai guest speaker will be "Mary Beth", Uic dietitian from Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Come out and determine bow wc can casily trim chair canning workshop. Enrolment in the six week course is limited te ten paticipants with a $30.00 fée covering ail supplies and instruction. The Orono Fish and Hunt club held a Turkey Shoot on Sunday. There were some 150 out for the shoot at the Club north of Orono and te win a turkey the requiremenit was to place more pellets in the target titan anyone cisc in the same competition. For those who enjoy puff bails, a giant measuring over a foot through was brought into the office by Carl White. The puff bail was found by Dan Hall around bis barn east of Highway 115 at Orono. On July 9, 1988 Colleen-Anne Moffat and James Whitncy Boyd wcre united in marriage at Orono United Churcb. Rev. Fred Milnes officiated. The bride is the daughter of Alcck and Normna Moffat of Orono. The groom is - thc son of Ross and Peggy Boyd, Newcastle. Employces of Curvply Wood Products, members of thc United Steel Workers of America, Local 49U, bit the picket line on Monday, the fîrst strike at the plant in Uic memory of long-time employees. Councillor Marie Hubbard announced at counicil on Monday that the officiai opening of the new Bowmanville Arena would bc held on November 6th. She said a gala nigbt was being armanged for thc opening and that more information would bc forthcoming., Meals On Wheels, operatcd by volunteers provides hot meals on Tuesdays and Tbursdays on a year round basis. The meals for Orono and Newcastle Village area are prepared at thte Newcastle Multi-Care Home in Newcastle. Lorna Atkins, president of the Orono Horticultural Society states titat a number of maple trees are to bc planted in Orono titis week at designated locations by the Town of Newcastle. She also states that thte Region is also te plant some maples along thc Regional Road that passes through thte Village. Lorna bas been succcssful in getting this, project underway by both the Town and Region. Dec. meet. off some of Uic excess calories we enjoyed during the wonderful Christmas Season. We invite ail ladies of the community te join wiUi us in our time of fellowsbip as we learn te share and grow together. Our usual meeting date is the first Tuesday cvcning of tbe montit, however, we bave cbanged the date of Uic January meeting only, te Uic second Tuesday. THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS Family Style Roast Beet Dinner Weddings Anniversaries - Business Functions Hockey Basebal - Bowling Banquets HOT - COLD - BUFFETSI FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB 1MO 983-9679 COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOBi1Mo ONHWY115&35 PHONE (905) 983-9151 NNorthcutt EIIiott J EFuneral Homne THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A. 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